The Universe in a Cup of Coffee

When we flow a crater of prohibited coffee, there’s a startling amount of chemistry and production brewing in your mug.

That abounding coffee aroma rises from a steam since roasting coffee beans translates sour chlorogenic poison into a different set of compounds. Some smells you’d expect-fruity, spicy, earthy, vanilla-but there are a few surprises (cabbage??). And adding a dash of divert or shower of sugarine sets off a sequence of earthy reactions. Convection creates a cold divert penetrate while a interactions between divert and coffee molecules create the chalky swirls. Brownian suit also will casually brew a coffee over time, no need for a stirrer. 

Watch Reaction’s newest video next to learn some-more about what happens inside your morning pick-me-up, and how it relates to a disharmony of a universe.