What to Make With That Coffee You Failed to Finish

Photo: Claire Lower

I adore coffee, yet my mind and physique are both simply impressed by caffeine, so we mostly find myself with a crater or so of leftover java (do people still call it that?) by a time noon rolls around. It’s customarily too seared for celebration by then, yet it still has a uses.

  • Coffee syrup: Heat dual cups of white sugarine in one crater of coffee, stirring until it dissolves. Use a syrup to season cocktails (obviously), whirl it into vanilla ice cream, or drizzle it into chocolate milk.
  • Coffee ice cubes: Diluting your iced coffee with somewhat seared coffee is distant improved than diluting it with water. Pour a coffee into an ice brick tray and solidify like we would typical ice cubes.
  • Coffee popsicles: Mix however most coffee we have with honeyed precipitated divert to taste, afterwards flow into popsicle molds or (again) ice brick trays.

See? Sometimes it pays to be a ethereal flower who can’t finish a whole pot of coffee, even yet it brings contrition to your family of caffeine junkies. It all works out, as we can confuse them from my diseased structure with coffee syrup; everybody loves coffee syrup.