Coffee with a Curators

Every intent has a story to tell, and some of them can tell us about family history. Each month, a curators during a Sanford Museum underline a favorite artifact from a collection to enthuse a tabletop contention of history, archaeology, and culture. However, this month were mouth-watering people to move one special intent from home that tells a story of their possess story or their family history. Each attendee of a module will have a few mins to report their intent and tell us because a intent is critical to them or their family. Some examples of an intent we could move include: a diary from your childhood, a square of wardrobe from an ancestor, a handmade coverlet from a family member, a troops badge of honor, or anything else that carries a story special to your heart.

Coffee with a Curators will be hold on Jan. 31 during 10 a.m. This reoccurring module is hold on a final Tuesday of each month during 10 a.m.; giveaway coffee and refreshments will be available. Come suffer a crater of coffee and share your possess stories!