Barrie Larvin became a Master Sommelier in 1970 and was lerned and prepared in all things wine: booze service, booze selections and booze and food pairings. Sommeliers were hired in high finish hotels and restaurants to offer a clients. Those were a days of suits and ties and good dresses for imagination dinners.
Fast brazen to today’s universe in that trends and tastes are many some-more casual. we am intrigued with a growth of other forms of “sommeliers” who warn us of a food combinations with coffee and tea. There are tea sommeliers, coffee sommeliers and even cheese sommeliers! Really?
The arise in recognition for coffee of all kinds, begs a doubt – is it value spending as many income on a coffee as a potion of wine, and what is a satisfactory marketplace value? Some of us will splash a million cups of coffee in a lifetime. The investment in a palates is tremendous.
I have to acknowledge we have been bitten by a coffee bug. Over a past dual years of traveling in both Italy and France, we have schooled that coffee is meant to be enjoyed in a resting manner. In Paris, where celebration coffee is roughly an art form, we like to suffer a coffee while sitting during a outside cafes and examination a people socializing with their friends.
With coffee there is a visual, a taste, a aroma and a scold time to splash it. All are important. In France, a good lunch can final 2-3 hours and a good grill and server wants we to suffer desserts, cheeses and coffees served in their correct order! Don’t design coffee with your dessert in France! They consider we Americans “hurry” by a meals. . .and we do.
Se détendre (relax)! Have your cheese. Enjoy that smashing dessert. Then finish it all with a good café and maybe a crimson port, that is an any day pier – we don’t need to go fancy! You won’t be brisk by your dish to make approach for another party.
Our home exchanges in Nice and Paris both had Nespresso machines and we got hooked. My coffee of choice is now Nespresso.
The initial recover of Nespresso to a marketplace was 16 Grande Cru varieties. Sound familiar? Wine terms are now channel over to coffee terminology.
Over a final 3 months Karen and we have tasted many styles of coffee and we am assured that a good crater of coffee is usually as beguiling as a excellent potion of booze in a right circumstances.

While in Paris, Karen pronounced she was looking brazen to regulating a french press when we got home. She attempted it with dual pots of American coffee when we returned home and has put divided a french press. We now possess a Nespresso machine. I’m a believer!
Karen – maybe?
Trying to buy Nespresso in France means a outing to a VERY upscale store. If we have ever left into an Apple store to squeeze something or get tech assistance, we will be informed with a knowledge in a Nespresso store! You are greeted immediately on entering a store by a young, proud and appealing chairman and given a bag with a trademark to do your shopping.

I had researched before we went to a store so we suspicion we knew what we wanted to purchase. Once we give your sequence to a good salesperson, we afterwards reserve adult to compensate and wait for them to come from some puzzling supply room with what we have ordered. To a surprise, what we systematic was 150 Euros value of Nespresso. This is one of a dangers of not vocalization a internal language! We now have adequate Nespresso to keep us going clever and jumpy for many months to come!
I could NOT protest on a approach home about a additional weight in a suitcases! At slightest not but removing unwashed looks from my wife.
At a moment, we am an pledge coffee man and find a fascinating couple between a query for a best of both booze and coffee but violation a bank.
Starting tiny – I’m operative on a tasting of 3 forms of Nespresso coffees – all really different. All are Grand Crus.
- Kazaar is a mix of beans from Brazil and Guatemala. The mix consists of separately roasted Arabica from South America. It has a high peculiarity sourness and tawny power texture. High power Grand Cru blend.
- Volluto is a obtuse heated mix from Brazil and Columbia only. It has a many lighter roasting and a flavors of a fruity honeyed dessert. Low power Grand Cru.
- Fortissio Lungo is a abounding full bodied heated coffee, from a mix of West Indian and Latin American beans. Experienced tasters should be means to detect toasty cereal notes. Medium intensity.
“Grande Cru”, “intense balanced” and “fruity” are all common booze terms, that have now been adopted to report some coffees. As we splash a few cups of this dim nectar per day, we motionless it was time to research.
At a bottom of this blog are my comparison records on simple tasting comparisons between coffee and wine, as good as a brief tasting draft for coffee and wine.
As we start your day we am certain we have suspicion about, designed for or partially prepared your coffee a night before. we wish we consider about your coffee and take time to suffer it. The aroma is a many critical part. Savor a aroma, afterwards let a ambience slip opposite your tongue. What are we tasting? How would we report a ambience compared to your favorite wine?
Below are tasting records we grown for both booze and coffee. – Interesting similiarities. See if we can brand any of these in your subsequent crater of coffee. Click to enlarge
You can review other stories by Master Sommelier Barrie Larvin HERE