Napa cafeteria Molinari sells wine-infused coffee | – KGO

There are times when we unequivocally need a crater of coffee and there are times when we unequivocally need a potion of wine. Deciding that libation will repair your day can be tough, though now it doesn’t have to be. Behold a consternation of wine-infused coffee.

Your new go-to splash comes from a cafeteria in Napa, California, called Molinari Caffe. Roaster John Weaver reserve a beans for a drink, that Molinari’s website says is full-bodied coffee that “relaxes in a pleasing wine, interesting a wine’s nose and history.” The coffee is afterwards delicately dusty and hand-roasted in tiny batches.

Professional tasters contend a coffee tastes “rich” and “full-bodied” and of “small dim fruit” such as blueberries.

Distribution is now local, though we can buy a wine-infused coffee online for $19.95 for a half-pound bag. Sadly, they are now out of stock.

Click here to buy a bag when it becomes accessible again.