Couple quits finance, wins Brazil’s tip coffee prize

SAO PAULO It could be a Hollywood screenplay. Juliana Armelin and her father Paulo Siqueira motionless to radically change their lives in 2010, quitting jobs in Sao Paulo’s financial zone and relocating to a plantation 7 hours divided to start flourishing coffee.

Seven years later, they clinched for a second uninterrupted year Brazil’s many prestigious coffee award, violence hundreds of determined producers in a nation that has exported coffee for some-more than 200 years.

“I would never suppose we could strech this standing in such a brief period,” Siqueira told Reuters on Friday after a integrate perceived a annual endowment from Italian spit Illy.

“I used to contend that we don’t have a story on coffee, though usually some chapters so far,” pronounced Armelin.

The integrate met during college, graduating in engineering from Brazil’s tip ranked university, USP. They spent some years together in a United States removing Master of Business Administration degrees during a University of Chicago before starting careers in Sao Paulo.

Armelin is a former Mckinsey Company consultant, while Siqueira hold positions as a account manager during Credit Suisse and boutique investment organisation Vector Investimentos.

They finished adult in a coffee business due to Armelin’s father, who motionless to start producing a beans.

“I helped him in a investigate and started to like a idea. We already had thoughts during using something together,” Armelin said.

After study a possibility, they bought a 210-hectare (518 acres) plantation in a municipality of IbiĆ” in a coffee producing segment famous as a Cerrado Mineiro, in Minas Gerais state.

“It was an aged cattle ranch, usually pasture,” Siqueira recalled. They planted a initial trees in 2011, collected a initial beans dual years after and had their initial full collect in 2015. Within a year, they perceived a initial award.

The couple’s plantation is a state-of-the-art facility. The fields are 100 percent irrigated, with a entirely mechanized harvest. The cleared arabicas are put to dry in lifted beds to equivocate hit with a soil, that could impact a flavor.

“We complicated a lot, talked to a lot of people who knew how to furnish high peculiarity coffee and we did all they pronounced we should,” pronounced Armelin. “Some people used to contend that we were nerds that went to coffee production. And we used to say, ‘yes, we are'”.

The Terra Alta plantation was selected for aspects like a abundant accessibility of H2O and a prosaic turf to concede for mechanization.

The integrate used as most government-backed credit as they could to buy all a equipment. “We have debt for a rest of a lives,” pronounced Armelin, smiling.

The plantation currently exports 80 percent of a production, that varies from 10,000 to 13,000 60-kg bags per year. Many deals are finished directly with epicurean coffee sellers in a United States.

Siquiera pronounced a coffee village in a Cerrado segment has always been unequivocally receptive, notwithstanding their surprising background.

But a integrate stops brief of recommending their knowledge to others.

“Even if we have a money, it unequivocally is not easy. Growing coffee requires impassioned dedication,” Armelin said, adding that she takes caring of a financial sum while her father likes to be out in a fields.

But they have no regrets. “We like this a lot. We will substantially be coffee growers for a rest of a lives,” she said.

(Reporting by Marcelo Teixeira; Editing by Toni Reinhold)