Honest Coffee Roasters
Honest Coffee Roasters
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – Something new is brewing in downtown Huntsville. Honest Coffee Roasters non-stop a doors during UG White on Wednesday morning. This is a proxy plcae until a store opposite a travel is finished.
John Kvach with UG White didn’t get a initial crater of joe during a new Honest Coffee Roasters emporium though a okay.
“I wish a thousand business kick me each morning,” Kvach said.
He and business of UG White Mercentile will have copiousness of opportunities to squeeze a cup, generally while a new coffee emporium is inside of a store.
“To be means to have Pints and Pixels upstairs and now to have Honest Coffee on a passageway rug is huge, a place to sit, a place to suffer a crater of coffee downtown,” Kvach pronounced about a flourishing businesses inside a building.
Honest Coffee Roasters is a newest business to make a approach to an area that’s flourishing quickly. Huntsville is Honest Coffee’s second full use shop.
The association also has cocktail adult shops in Nashville. But, this new store is designed to feel local.
“Our staff will be local, we’re bringing in a lot of elements of Huntsville into a design,” Company Founder and Co-Owner Brett Henry said.
Henry said he’s respected to make a second home in Huntsville.
“It’s a bequest city for me,” Henry said. “My grandfather worked for NASA so we take good in being down here.”
Honest Coffee is open Monday by Saturday from 7:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Those with a business are anticipating to start offered coffee and baked products in their permanent plcae by May 1st.