Drink This: Coffee cocktail illuminated on glow during Baptiste & Bottle

“It’s an eye-opener or a nightcap,” says Michael Fawthrop as a lift of Bacardi 151 catches on fire, a start of Baptiste Bottle’s Spanish coffee.

While many bartenders are going behind to basics, bearing elementary influenced or jarred classics, Fawthrop, libation executive of Baptiste Bottle, is some-more than happy to make thespian use of humanity’s initial vital achievement: flame.

The Spanish coffee is a cocktail obvious in Portland, Ore. “I credit my father for introducing it to me,” says Fawthrop, who’s still smarting from a new sugarine bake warranted while creation a drink. It’s one of usually a handful prepared tableside from his sailing splash cart, and you’ll compensate handsomely for it; let’s usually say the rich, comfortable splash is a lot easier to swallow than a $25 cost tag, though if you’re prepared to spend, you’re removing a cocktail and a show.

After a Bacardi, resting in a coupe potion rimmed in white sugar, is set cautiously aflame, subsequent adult is a inexhaustible immersion of cinnamon. The ensuing 20 seconds is suggestive of a campfire beating ever aloft into a sky, a red tendrils changeable to blue and behind to red.