Nobody wants watered-down java. Ick. But a coffee-flavored splash that looks like H2O might be another story.
Clear Coffee, a passed ringer for bottled H2O, is out in England and being hawked as a world’s first pure java in a world.
Necessity was a hermit of invention. Two Slovakian sibs, David and Adam Nagy, came adult with a thought while vital in London. Both bros adore java, they told a Evening Standard. But they hatred discolored choppers.

Is that water? Or a transparent Morning Joe-flavored drink? Only a sipper knows.
(elenaleonova/Getty Images)
Promotional materials note that a product has “the particular ambience and sensitive effects of coffee though does not negatively impact a whiteness of your teeth.”
Please stop with a Franken-coffee
Making transparent coffee so that you’ll be sipping flattering usually requires dual mixture — coffee beans and transparent water. While they pronounced they use Arabica beans, a routine to make their splash is tip secret.
A post common by Clear Coffee (@clrcff) on Feb 15, 2017 during 7:14am PST
“When a coffee beans are processed we always knowledge a detriment in caffeine,” a makers note. “We recompense it by adding high-quality healthy caffeine.” The perk-me-up boasts that it has no preservatives, synthetic flavor, stabilizers, sugarine or any other sweeteners. Six 7-ounce bottles for for about $12.75.
Pearly whites are one thing, though a see-through splash doesn’t forestall something each Starbucks addict has to — or during slightest should — understanding with: coffee breath.
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