​Coffee Can Boost Your Workouts—Even If You Already Drink a Lot Of It

So scientists tested it out. They pennyless adult a organisation of lerned cyclists into 3 groups: The low-caffeine organisation routinely drank a homogeneous of one crater of coffee or reduction a day, a moderate-caffeine organisation about dual cups a day, and a high-caffeine organisation 3 or some-more cups a day.

Then, they achieved cycling rides on 3 opposite dates that were dictated to final about 30 minutes. An hour before a first, they took a addition containing about 400 milligrams of caffeine, a New York Times reports. Before a second, they took a remedy tablet an hour before their ride. They didn’t take anything before their third ride.

The result? The riders achieved significantly improved on a float driven by caffeine—nearly 1.5 mins faster than when they took no tablet during all.

Perhaps many surprising, though, is that there was no change in opening boost formed on caffeine groups, definition that those who were used to celebration a many caffeine still saw a boost from holding it. (This curtain started holding caffeine before her runs for 30 days—here’s what happened.)

Caffeine can boost your continuation during exercise, creation we means to perform longer before depletion kicks in, a apart study on caffeine found.

Still, we don’t wish to splash too most of it. The maximum endorsed daily sip of caffeine is 400 mg a day, as we recently reported. That’s about 4 customary cups of coffee. (These 5 startling sources of caffeine competence container in a bunch, too.)

Take in too most caffeine and we lift your risk of side effects, like headache, nausea, tremors, hyperventilation, and agitation.