Being aboard a International Space Station gives wanderer Jack Fischer an forgive to play with his food — creation paltry drinks like coffee most some-more fun.
“I adore coffee on Earth,” he pronounced on NASA TV in a QA event with elementary-school students. “But in space, we get to make balls out of it…and afterwards siphon a balls. Very cool.” In this clip, he squeezes a bag, and unappetizing brownish balls of glass eruption from a straw. Fischer guides a hovering spheres to his face and slurps them up.
Basically, glass coffee coalesces into gooey-looking balls in microgravity since H2O molecules are happiest when they’re surrounded by other H2O molecules. That’s their lowest appetite state, that is because H2O molecules organisation together into droplets here on Earth, and into spheres when sobriety isn’t pulling them downward.
The unfortunate H2O molecules on a aspect of a drop or a globe hold generally tough to one another, combining a arrange of skin that keeps a globe from drifting apart. This materialisation is called surface tension, and we can watch it during play when Astronaut Don Pettit pops this H2O balloon in space. The H2O that sprays giveaway eventually undulates into spheres.
“As we can see, it’s flattering fun to play with your food here in space, so we do. And that flattering most creates all my favorite dish,” Fischer said, floating divided from a camera.