Hey Good Cookin’ is behind with Ozark Natural Food’s Heather Artripe. She has a best of both worlds for this week’s recipe mixing a summer time favorite with a morning necessity!
Iced Coffee Lemonade
3 tools Cold Brew Concentrate
2 tools lemon liking elementary syrup (recipe below)
2 tools Lemon juice
2 tools water
1 partial uninformed lemon juice
Combine all mixture in a glass, stir to combine.
Pour over ice (coffee ice cubes if we have them!)
Lemon Zest Simple Syrup
1 C sugar
1 C water
Zest from 1 lemon, and juice
In a saucepan, mix a sugarine and water, move to a boil. Add in a lemon liking and juice, boil for another 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat, let mount for 10 minutes, strain.
How to Make Concentrated Cold Brew Coffee
1 1/3 C coffee drift of choice
4 C water
Add your coffee drift to a French Press or Quart distance Mason jar.
Add in water, stir.
If regulating French Press, place a tip of a press on it, if we are regulating a Mason jar, place a lid on it.
Let mount during room heat for during slightest 8 hours or overnight.
Strain a subsequent morning and place in fridge to use.
**Use a ratio of 1:2, coffee combine to water
Tip of a week: Freeze your left over coffee in a tray to flog this splash adult a notch!
Segment Sponsored By: Ozark Natural Foods