Olympia Coffee Roasting: Coming Soon To Tacoma’s Proctor District

If it feels like we *just* announced a new cafeteria opening for a partners during Olympia Coffee Roasting Company, well, that’s since we did. On May 5th of 2017 Sprudge brought we news of a brand’s enlargement to West Seattle, and today, only 5 weeks later, Olympia Coffee are announcing a opening a stirring 1400 block feet coffee bar in a heart of Tacoma’s ancestral Proctor District.

The new cafeteria will be locate during 2601 N Proctor Street, and is function in partnership with a group during Lapis Tacoma, whose projects embody a much-loved Compass Rose artisan present emporium and Captain Little children’s store. For T-Locs informed with a area (such as a founders of this website), Oly’s new emporium will go into a former Radio Shack space on a dilemma of Proctor and 26th, occupying roughly half of a 3000 block feet building. It’s slated to open in a 4th entertain of 2017.

Puget Sound pacifist pattern leaders Artisans Group will conduct pattern during a new space, stability their prolonged operative attribute with Olympia Coffee. The space differs from Oly’s imminent West Seattle plcae in terms of footprint and scope—the Tacoma cafeteria will be a “flagship” for a brand, with on-site roasting and a low judgment menu including milkshakes, nitro floats, espresso drinks, flow over and more.

The million dollar question—perhaps literally—is, what with dual cafes opening in a same year, has Olympia Coffee been acquired or differently cashed adult in sequence to account this growth? We are vital in a merger age of coffee, after all, so it doesn’t seem over a area of possibility. we asked Olympia Coffee co-owner Oliver Stormshak this doubt directly, and he pronounced no. “We are flourishing totally organically, and we are 100% independent,” says Stormshak, himself a child of a Tacoma area. “Opening on Proctor is unequivocally large understanding to me. Growing adult in Tacoma, we mostly went to see cinema during a Blue Mouse Theater, and while in high propagandize it was mocking / hip to hang out and splash coffee during Knapp’s, that is frequently busy by an “older” crowd.”

Oliver Stormshak (right) with Olympia Coffee co-owner Sam Schroeder.

Because it tugs on a strings of my 253 area formula phone series progressing heart, let’s concede Stormshak to continue on with his many reasons to adore a Proctor District:

“My initial specialty coffee knowledge took place during this really intersection during a Starbucks opposite a travel from where we will be opening. It’s my personal favorite area in Tacoma, if we was to ever pierce behind to Tacoma it certainly would be in this neighborhood. Proctor has always been a sweet, walkable, colourful neighborhood, it has a good grocery store with Metropolitan Market, gifts with Compass Rose, a good Farmers Market on Saturdays, Peaks and Pints for juicy Brews and a motion of new businesses opening like Top Pot Doughnuts and Alegre Bakery. Hell, only carrying a Chalet Bowl bowling alley creates it an overwhelming neighborhood. It’s always had classical NW coffee with Starbucks, though also other second call shops have non-stop in a area in a final twenty or so years, though zero succeeded (for a series of reasons). I’ve always famous that if we could build a truly dynamic, beautiful, Third Wave / New Wave cafeteria with a turn of peculiarity sourcing, roasting, brewing that we do during Olympia Coffee, it could and should work. It feels ideally developed for us.

I used to go bowling during Chalet Bowl for gym category credits in high school. Just typing this sentence, we can smell that place again in all a selected bowling alley glory. And in a feel where I’m actively sceptical of Everett—freaking Everett—for removing a universe category coffee shop, I’m anxious to be typing out news of a same for Tacoma, my much-loved, oft-maligned City of Destiny. Somebody was going to open a truly good coffee emporium in a Proctor District during some point, and I’m blissful it’s going to be a Olympia Coffee Roasting Company.

Jordan Michelman is a co-founder and editor during Sprudge Media Network. Yes, his phone series still starts 253. Read some-more Jordan Michelman on Sprudge.

All photos pleasantness of a Olympia Coffee Roasting Company. 

Spros Disclose: Olympia Coffee Roasting Company is an promotion partner on Sprudge Media Network.