Friends: How most coffee did they drink?

London author Kit Lovelace did a really critical open use yesterday: He tweeted out a draft he combined that shows how most coffee any impression on Friends consumed over 236 episodes. Some fans might consider Chandler to be a caffeine guzzler of a group, though according to Lovelace, it’s indeed Phoebe.

Here’s a draft Lovelace created, orderly by character.

But he didn’t stop there. The people need to know how a characters’ coffee celebration habits waned and waxed via a 10 seasons. As we can see from a draft below, Rachel started low in a initial 4 seasons, substantially since she spent so most time waitressing, and afterwards appearance in deteriorate 5. By a final few seasons, as evidenced by a downward trend on a graph below, a whole expel had cooled it on a java.

These fans are hungry for content, though, and they also need to know a characters particular coffee budgets. Lovelace doesn’t disappoint.

Lovelace pronounced on his Twitter that this was indeed a plan he did in 2015 for a blog PopBitch after saying an essay in Scientific American that merely assumed how many cups a characters drank per episode. Challenge accepted, it seems.

Kit, please, please, for a adore of a early 2000s, mangle down Gilmore Girls next — the bet’s on Lorelai.