Before we take another sip of that iced coffee, be warned: There might be germ from feces in it.
The BBC’s Watchdog team conducted an review into U.K. coffee bondage and found that samples of ice from Starbucks
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Costa Coffee and Caffe Nero drinks contained “varying levels of a bacteria.”
And it’s not a good kind of germ — it’s a germ found in feces. During a BBC’s investigation, 7 out of 10 samples of Costa iced coffee were infested with bacteria, while 3 out of 10 samples from Starbucks and Caffe Nero had a bacteria.
Tony Lewis, conduct of process during a Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, told a BBC that a turn of germ found during these bondage was “concerning” and could turn a “source of tellurian disease.”
“It is intensely critical to us that all a stores work to high standards of hygiene during all times, and we take it really severely when any store fails to accommodate these standards,” a orator for Costa pronounced in a matter to MarketWatch. “We adopt attention customary cleaning processes opposite all a stores, in line with a Food Standard Agency’s advice. Following these formula we have taken evident movement to refurbish a ice doing procedures.”
Caffe Nero and Starbucks, during press time, had not responded to MarketWatch requests for comment, though both companies reportedly told a BBC they were conducting their possess investigations into a claims.
To be fair, fecal germ sneaking in places we wouldn’t design is surprisingly common. As many as half of all bureau coffee cups have fecal germ on them, scientists say. Many coffee cups get fecal matter on them when people rinse them with unwashed sponges.
And we substantially don’t wish to sequence ice with your in-flight drinks, either.
“The ice is put in a tray with a scoop, and a trays don’t get spotless really often,” one airline moody attendant pronounced in a new MarketWatch report. “Every aspect on a craft is overwhelmed by hundreds of people daily and not mostly disinfected. We don’t have a event to rinse a hands during all during a libation service.”