A Brief History of a Coffee Shop as a Symbol for Gentrification

hipster coffee

(Photo: Pixabay)

It’s a undying adage that once a high-end coffee emporium arrives in a low-income neighborhood, residents can lick goodbye docile rents and a durability internal culture, not to discuss a deficiency of man-buns. There’s positively a magnitude of law to that sentiment: Coffee shops have accompanied area change in places as far-flung as Williamsburg, New York; Oak Park, Sacramento; and Delano, Wichita. But a coffee emporium madness has reached new heights in new weeks, following a opening of a café in a Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles final month. Weird Wave Coffee Brewers has turn a core of anti-gentrification protests, and, final week, a vandal shattered a potion front doorway in what several reporters have interpreted as a gesticulate in support of these “White Wave” protests.