Pike House Coffee offers tasty coffee beverages in a warm, welcoming atmophere.
When Greg Schmid asked God what he should do with his life, he was stirred to open a coffee shop. “I didn’t even like coffee during a time,” pronounced Schmid, who non-stop Pike House Coffee in Nov 2015. “I had a few people come into my life who upheld it and combined a place where a village could come.”
Schmid chooses Fairtrade coffee beans that are creatively roasted by internal companies in Knoxville or Maryville to make his domestic beverages. “We like to know where a coffee beans come from and what is going on in their community,” pronounced Schmid. He also sells uninformed pastries, and a internal Hello There Little Bakery provides cupcakes.
But Pike House Coffee is much more than a coffee emporium with giveaway WiFi. “We have kids that will travel here and lay and speak to me for hours. we usually listen and let them know we’re here to help,” he said.
Schmid has a prolonged story of portion teenagers, initial as a girl priest for 27 years and afterwards in girl growth during a YMCA.
Pike House Coffee partners with Fairview Baptist Church in “the Refuel” module to fill 7,000 backpacks with food any year. Every Thursday, Schmid collects a groceries for students in need during Corryton, Gibbs, Ritta and Fair Garden elementary schools. He hopes to supplement Shannondale and Gresham Middle schools this year.