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A pharmacy associate during Concordia University is researching a special anti-anxiety diagnosis that is something many everybody enjoys any morning.
He combined a coffee creamer and prohibited chocolate to assistance those with anxiety.
“What was wanted to do was pattern a healing that’s privately for stress and goes over a pill,” Dr. Kwadwo Owusu-Ofori said.
Dr. Owusu-Ofori combined Satori coffee creamer and prohibited chocolate. The name comes from a Buddhist tenure definition awakening. He says it refers to a Zen Buddhist tradition of kensho, or “seeing into one’s loyal nature.”
He says a side effects from normal stress drugs mostly transcend a benefits. So carrying a vitamin-enriched coffee creamer and prohibited chocolate affords patients a event for diagnosis though a heedfulness from medication drugs like Xanax and Valium.
“Most of a drugs we get like Xanax or Valium are prescribed off-label,” Dr. Owusu-Ofori said. “Is there a approach to get absolved of side effects regulating coffee creamer or is there a approach to make a efficiency or efficacy of a drug improved by a vitamin-enriched coffee creamer?”
So far, Dr. Owusu-Ofori says a product has been successful. He sells it now by Etsy and has several returning customers.
“One of a many distinguished pieces of feedback was, we don’t know if this works or not though we know when we splash Satori, we generally have a good day,” Dr. Owusu-Ofori said. “It feels good. We consider we’re on a right track.”
On tip of effectiveness, Dr. Owusu-Ofori says they need to concentration on a amicable tarnish trustworthy to mental illness like anxiety. He says, with other illnesses, people have consolation for what you’re going through. But he says it’s not a box with stress or other mental illness.
“If my child had an ear infection, there is care towards that to understand,” Dr. Owusu-Ofori said. “Anxiety is someday that’s interesting. It’s flattering widespread though we don’t know how most care and consolation there is for a disease. There is a disproportion between carrying a Satori Coffee Creamer on your table and carrying that review and carrying that yellow medication bottle of Zoloft or Xanax on your desk. The conversation, along with carrying a awareness conversation, a aware minute, is a improved review around a healing solution. It’s some-more social.”
In further to a coffee creamer and prohibited chocolate, Dr. Owusu-Ofori says people should take a notation out of any day to think, relax and discuss any day to assistance diminution anxiety. But he hopes this helps people open adult with others about their issues with stress to assistance everybody improved understand.
“Anxiety can be a amicable issue,” Dr. Owusu-Ofori said. “It can be a psychological emanate and can also be nutritional. Using this mechanism engineering process, we’re bringing all a aspects of a illness together in one product that happened to be a coffee creamer.”
Dr. Owusu-Ofori will be study a effects of his creamer and prohibited chocolate in a Zebrafish lab on Concordia’s campus. He hopes to have FDA capitulation for a products in 3 years.