Coffee Infused with Collagen? Pour Me A Cup of Bulletproof Coffee!

Hey Friends! You guys know that we are large time coffee lovers over here during The Curvy Fashionista. Like BIIIIIG time lovers of coffee. When we listened about collagen infused coffee by Bulletproof coffee, we had to investigate. we mean, who doesn’t wish to demeanour younger while we sip your favorite blend, amiright?

Don’t decider me, though I’ve finished a collagen in my coffee and let me tell you, it’s random, weird, and surprisingly good. Add to a fact that it is hella nutritious? Girl… mindblown.

In fact, a recent study found that coffee can indeed assistance we live longer! Y’all, I’ll be vital with my adore for this comfortable crater of deliciousness. Ok, I’m lying. we have kids, so my coffee isn’t routinely comfortable by a time we get to it, though we know what we mean!

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What’s The Deal With Coffee Infused with Collagen?

Let’s discuss a small about since this is even a thing. Did we know that collagen is good for some-more than only wrinkles? Yep! It is! Collagen is unequivocally good for corner health as well. If we or family members have issues with arthritis, I’m certain this is something you’re already informed with. But collagen is also unequivocally useful with digestive issues like a leaky gut!

Clearly collagen wanted to adult it’s turn of advantages by being combined to coffee. We’re here for it!

Over during Bulletproof Coffee, they share a few of their possess advantages of Coffee Infused with Collagen!

Bulletproof Coffee with collagen protein is tasty coffee and grass-fed butter and Bulletproof Brain Octane oil — extracted from a many manly partial of a coconut–to energy your mind and body, with grass-fed collagen protein combined for clever muscles and healthy skin.

Collagen is supercharging a morning cups of coffee with hella health benefits! Have we attempted collagen infused coffee yet? What are we watchful for?

Collagen is supercharging a morning cups of coffee with hella health benefits! Have we attempted collagen infused coffee yet? What are we watchful for?

So how does this work exactly?

Excellent question! You can buy a powdered chronicle of collagen (my favorite code is Vital Protein) and only put a dip into your coffee. It’s uninspired so we don’t have to worry about your dear crater of Joe being sinister in anyway. It has a coherence of a powdered creamer. Once we supplement your scoop, make your coffee per normal and suffer a benefits!

Orrrrrrr, we can only measure a cold decoction during! 



I found my coffee to be creamier than normal so this is something to keep in mind when creation your cup. we take my coffee honeyed and tawny so this only took my coffee to a subsequent turn of happiness, to be honest.

What is collagen?

It’s ok if this is one of a questions swimming around your head. In theory, we knew what it was, though it someone were to ask me to report it in fact before to essay this, we would have come adult flattering dull handed! But since Google is my friend, I’ve got we lonesome with a deets *wink wink*.

Collagen is an animal byproduct. If you’re vegan or vegetarian, this is something critical to note. There are some plant-based powders that are available. But ultimately, collagen is a protein.

So let’s speak about it friends! Are we prepared to try a bit of collagen in your coffee?

Don’t forget: Pinning is sexy!

Collagen is supercharging a morning cups of coffee with hella health benefits! Have we attempted collagen infused coffee yet? What are we watchful for?

Collagen is supercharging a morning cups of coffee with hella health benefits! Have we attempted collagen infused coffee yet? What are we watchful for?