Aging Matters: Veterans coffee to be hold this week – Winston

Veterans coffee to be reason this week

A veterans coffee will be reason from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. Thursday during a PDQ Restaurant, 285 Harvey St., in a Hanes Towne Village Shopping Center.

The veterans coffee events yield an event for veterans, both group and women, to relax, bond with other veterans, and suffer giveaway coffee, breakfast, doughnuts and conversation.

Gold Star Mothers and family members are invited.

The veterans coffees are hosted by Trellis Supportive Care, before Hospice Palliative CareCenter.

For some-more information, call Don Timmons during 336-331-1309 or email

‘Medicare 101’ seminars Thursday

McCall Insurance Services will reason dual giveaway “Medicare 101” seminars Sept. 20 during a Clemmons office, 2511 Neudorf Road, Suite G. The initial will be during 10 a.m. and a second during 2 p.m.

The seminars are for anyone branch 65 or already on Medicare. Topics embody a basis of Medicare such as when and where to pointer adult for Medicare Parts A and B and also cover Parts C and D.

Light refreshments will be served. Registration is compulsory and can be done by job 336-766-1885 or email

Respite-care module has openings

DAYBreak Respite Care, an overdo method of Centenary United Methodist Church, has openings for adults with amiable to assuage Alzheimer’s illness or associated dementia.

DAYBreak is during a church, 633 W. 4½ St., and operates from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

For some-more information, call 336-724-6311 ext. 1345 or email

Veterans Day march participants sought

The Triad Vietnam Veterans Association will reason a annual march during 10 a.m. Nov. 10 along Fourth Street and Liberty Street in downtown Winston-Salem.

For some-more information or to take partial in a parade, call Walt Emery during 336-766-8087 or email

Tools for Caregivers march to be held

Registration is being supposed for Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes. These are six-week classes for people caring for a desired one who is thin or ill.

The classes will be reason from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursdays, from Sept. 20 to Oct. 25 during Trinity Elms, 7449 Fair Oaks Drive, Clemmons.

The classes will be sponsored by a Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem and Kernersville, Family Caregiver Support Program, Senior Services Inc., Hospice Palliative CareCenter, SECU Family House and Daybreak Respite Program.

The classes are free, though donations will be accepted.

Registration is compulsory and classes fill quickly.

For some-more information or to register, call Linda Lewis during 336-748-0217.

Center hosts Medicare workshop

The Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem and a Forsyth County Library is charity a seminar for people branch 65, and also those who already have Medicare, to learn about a opposite word options available, including “Original Medicare,” Medicare medication drug programs, Medicare supplements and Medicare Advantage plans.

The giveaway event is from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Sept. 24 during a Kernersville Senior Enrichment Center, 130 E. Mountain St.

Because space is limited, reservations are required. Call a Shepherd’s Center during 336-748-0217.

Lunch and Learn seminar on Medicare

Compass Financial Services will reason dual Lunch and Learn workshops about Medicare on Oct. 1 during Bleu Restaurant, 3425 Frontis St.

Participants might select that seminar they wish to attend. The workshops will start during 11:15 a.m. and 1:15 p.m., though participants are asked to arrive 15 mins early.

Topics will embody a advantages and enrollment manners of Medicare Parts A and B; Medicare Advantage skeleton contra Medicare addition plans; and how Part D and a “doughnut hole” work.

The seminar is endorsed for people who will spin 65 soon. It is educational only, and no solicitations will be made.

The workshops and lunch are free, though registration is recommended. For some-more information or to register, call 336-768-5111.

Shepherd’s Center Volunteer Orientation

The Shepherd’s Center of Greater Winston-Salem will reason proffer course from 9:30 a.m. to noon Oct. 3 during a core during 1700 Ebert St.

Older adults in a village need assistance with understanding services such as transportation, teenager home repairs, visits or caregiver respite.

There is a sold need of visitation volunteers to yield fraternisation to homebound comparison adults for a few hours per month. Mileage payment is offered.

For a list of all proffer opportunities, go to For some-more information or to register for a session, call The Shepherd’s Center during 336-748-0217 or email

Tutor training set

for January

READWS (Read Write Spell) needs volunteers to offer as tutors to students and to assistance with Reading Parties.

There will be a seven-day mentor training category commencement Jan. 24.

For some-more information or to register, email or call 336-723-4391 ext. 1509.