Growth, Kubernetes, rocket launches, gender in tech, and some-more Luckin Coffee

Housekeeping Extra Crunch 20% eventuality bonus reminder

    • Extra Crunch will not be edition on Monday due to a Memorial Day holiday in a United States. Publishing will resume as normal on Tuesday.
    • Reminder: if we are an annual member of Extra Crunch, your membership includes a 20% bonus on eventuality tickets and exhibitor packages. If we wish to explain a bonus for one of a arriving events, such as Sessions: Mobility, Sessions: Enterprise or TechCrunch Disrupt SF, only send an email to and a patron use group will get we all setup.
    • We have pushed out a product refurbish to a Extra Crunch alighting page. Now, we can see a featured list of a member-exclusive tip stories, only as we can on TechCrunch’s categorical page.
    • Finally, if we ever have any hurdles with your comment — login issues, paywall issues, etc., greatfully do email us during a patron support line during Adblock plugins have a bent to mangle some of a login functionality (it happens to me too, given we am an adblock plugin user myself), and we can assistance lessen any issues we competence be facing.

How to see another company’s expansion tactics, and try them yourself

Growth marketer and owner of Julian Shapiro published his third essay on Extra Crunch, exploring how to investigate your startup’s competitors to figure out their expansion tactics. He explores how to see a company’s A/B tests, ad spend, keyword optimization and other areas for rival analysis.