Coffee Co. opening Monday in New Holland following renovations to former SquireSide Cafe

A new Coffee Co. will open Monday in New Holland Borough after cosmetic renovations to a former SquireSide Cafe.

John and Heidi Smucker bought a cafeteria during 504 E. Main St. in December. They also possess Coffee Co. locations in Lancaster Shopping Center in Manheim Township and Mill Creek Square in East Lampeter Township.

With seating for 94 — including 40 in a sunroom — a New Holland plcae will have a same menu as a other Coffee Co. locations. The menu facilities soups, salads and sandwiches, including some named for internal roads. It has an endless breakfast menu.

The new plcae will keep SquireSide’s 30 employees, according to John Smucker, who pronounced they wish to build on a success of a grill that had been operated by Jerry and Sharon Leaman given 1996. The Leamans sole since they wanted to retire.

Smucker declined to divulge a cost of a renovations to a restaurant, that has new furniture, a new opposite and some new flooring in further to new colors.

The $1 million sale enclosed a adjacent 31-room Country Squire Motor Inn. Smucker pronounced a motel, that has 7 employees, would continue to work as usual, nonetheless upgrades are expected soon.

The initial Coffee Co. non-stop in 1983 in Lancaster Shopping Center. The Smuckers bought it in 2015, apropos a fourth owners.

The New Holland plcae is a apart business from New Holland Coffee Co., that has a flagship store on a west finish of a precinct in Brookshire Plaza.

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