Political opposites inverse during Make Shift Coffee House in Hallowell

HALLOWELL — Arnold Stinson approaching that he would be one of a usually regressive voices during Tuesday’s Make Shift Coffee House eventuality in a traditionally magnanimous city of Hallowell. The Richmond male sat during a front of a room containing about 80 people, wearing a pin on his vest display his support of President Donald Trump.

Stinson spoke about how he returned to Maine in 2015 after vital in South Dakota. He pronounced a administration of former Republican Gov. Paul LePage, maybe unpopular in a room, softened a state by “making people go to work.” He pronounced any domestic jubilee that supports giving incentives to those who are robust yet not operative is perpetuating a series of amicable problems.

Stinson’s comments triggered a response from Sam Shain, an teacher and musician from Hallowell. Shain pronounced he believed many people wanted to work and those on stagnation were not “living a dream.”

During a exchange, Craig Freshley, judge and module creator, asked about Shain’s and Stinson’s background. Stinson pronounced grew adult on a Richmond dairy farm, where he schooled work ethic. When he changed to South Dakota, he saw people earning some-more income from stagnation advantages than operative a job. Shain pronounced he became wakeful of issues inspiring people with disabilities and low-income families after operative during a Spurwink School.

The entertainment was a latest Make Shift Coffee House, that was combined by Freshley since he felt a need for improved bargain after a choosing of Trump. He pronounced open sermon after a choosing had turn “downright disrespectful.”

Tuesday’s eventuality was a 40th Make Shift Coffee House event, that took place accurately 3 years after a initial one in Brunswick. Freshley began a eventuality by reminding attendees that a purpose of a eventuality was “not to convince any other,” yet instead to know since people consider a approach they do.

“Everyone has a really good reason for since they trust what they believe,” he said. “You competence feel like you’re a minority in this room; you’re a chairman we wish to hear from.”

Craig Freshley speaks during a Make Shift Coffee House eventuality Tuesday night during Hallowell City Hall. Kennebec Journal print by Sam Shepherd

The sell between Stinson and Shain was an instance of a grounds during work; those conflicting vocalization frankly in an sourroundings that isn’t charged.

Stinson, vocalization to a Kennebec Journal during a mangle in a event, pronounced a sermon during Tuesday’s assembly was “one-sided,” disposition some-more magnanimous than conservative. But he was primarily meddlesome in a events to to improved know a Democratic points of view, even if during times he thinks they are “loony.”

“One of a reasons we started to horde these events is to assistance myself know how people on a other side of a aisle are thinking,” he said. “I’m perplexing to figure out since (they) consider this way.”

Stinson helped horde dual Make Shift Coffee House events, both of that brought comparatively frigid parties — students of Bowdoin College and residents of Richmond, together to pronounce about their opinions. Stinson pronounced he was formulation to turn a monitor for Make Shift Coffee House events.

Attendees identified meridian change, drug use, and inequality as a many dire stream domestic issues during a Make Shift Coffee House eventuality during a Hallowell City Hall. Before a event, people swarming around 8 tables, enjoying refreshments and live music.

During a initial partial of a event, Freshley handed a microphone off to volunteers who gave their take on a “most vicious issues that we face.” Examples enclosed from addressing meridian change, shortening drug-related crime, equity among all groups and instituting a inhabitant use requirement.

One attendee pronounced a approach we communicate, mostly by a screens of televisions, phones and computers, is contributing to a polarized domestic sourroundings where parties are regulating that flourishing order to rile adult supporters. That attendee pronounced a Republican jubilee was some-more effective in a widespread of inflammatory information, yet when Freshley pronounced it could be both parties, he pronounced it was an emanate of all people.

After about an hour of discussion, Freshley labeled tables with themes from a discussion, permitting people to mangle into smaller, some-more specialized organisation conversations. During this time, Freshley sat divided from a attendees and authorised a organisation to naturally “plant seeds” for destiny conversations with any other.

Mike Waters, of Hallowell, spent a apportionment of this duration vocalization with Stinson, notwithstanding being on a other side of a domestic spectrum. He pronounced they spoke about practice they both had operative with Native American populations in a midwest and while Waters might not have concluded with Stinson’s viewpoints, he left a review bargain since Stinson believed what he did.

Moderator Craig Freshley, standing, addresses a 80 attendees during a Make Shift Coffee House on Tuesday during a Hallowell City Hall. Photo pleasantness of Judy Feinstein

Waters pronounced Make Shift Coffee House events could be effective in bringing a viewpoints together, yet it would count on a brew of people during a event. He pronounced it was conspicuous that Stinson showed adult to Tuesday’s talk, saying that Hallowell wasn’t “exactly Trump country.”

“The fact that he came in and had a Trump (pin) on him and was peaceful to contend what he wanted to contend and listen to people, that shows a lot for him,” Waters said.

Waters pronounced it would be engaging to reason Make Shift Coffee Houses in other Maine towns, like Wilton, that he pronounced reason generally-opposite beliefs to those ordinarily hold in Hallowell.

Freshley pronounced he hoped people walked out of Tuesday’s eventuality with “courage to speak to people that have opposite views.” He pronounced Make Shift Coffee House can be a matter for improved open policy, yet it is usually only a beginning.

“I consider there’s a whole routine of routine development; us creation good decisions together as a society,” he said. “There are all kinds of things that minister to good organisation preference making. Make Shift Coffee House (is during a beginning) of that spectrum. My wish is that it influences things downstream.”

Organizer Mary Kane pronounced a audience was aloft than expected, and conclude that some members of other communities assimilated a informed faces in Hallowell. In greeting to Stinson’s criticism about there being some-more magnanimous viewpoints, Kane pronounced that Hallowell is a magnanimous community, so that was expected. She pronounced it was good to have people like Stinson there to demonstrate other domestic opinions.

“The ubiquitous mood was that people with clever magnanimous views were holding behind (because) we wanted other people to be comfortable, not only a liberals in a room,” she said. “We could have started out with people angry about Republicans and Trump yet that wouldn’t have gotten us where we wanted to go.”

Organizer Judy Feinstein pronounced a organizing organisation will expected devise another eventuality to foster polite discourse, that could be another Make Shift Coffee House or another identical event.

“We don’t have anything specific designed and would be happy to hear from a village what they’d be meddlesome in,” she said.

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