Fort Morgan Police Department hears small feedback during ‘Coffee with a Cop’ events

Not one village member attended a Fort Morgan Police Department’s hour-long “Coffee with a Cop” event on Tuesday morning, Jan. 28.

Administrative Sgt. Steven Brown sipped coffee during Zazzy Cafe during a department’s initial Coffee with a Cop of 2020 Tuesday morning, and he pronounced a miss of village response during events like this could indeed be a good pointer for a department.

“It can be an indicator if there are issues in a community, or if people have issues with a military department. Then we’d have some-more people in here,” Brown pronounced of assemblage during such sessions.

From 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, he sat with FMPD novice Tekiah Dabbs during a dilemma list nearby a opposite during Zazzy Cafe, prepared to answer questions or discuss with any meddlesome internal residents. This grill hosts many of a department’s Coffee with a Cop sessions, and Brown pronounced it’s common for no one to attend or give feedback during a before biweekly coffee hours.

Fort Morgan Police Department Code Enforcement Officer John Simpson, Gertrude Shriver, FMPD Administrative Sgt. Steven Brown, Marlene Funk, Lucy Hendrickson and FMPD novice Tekiah Dabbs (from left) mount together after a FMPD “Coffee With a Cop” event during Zazzy Cafe on Tuesday, Jan. 28. (Slade Rand/The Fort Morgan Times)

Brown pronounced a dialect is deliberation scaling behind a Coffee with a Cop village sessions given so small people attend any one. He pronounced that in 2019, a dialect hosted some-more than 20 coffee hours and usually had one particular come to make a complaint.

“It’s only kind of a reevaluation of either we need to do so many of them,” Brown said.

He pronounced a coffee emporium and grill events could occur monthly as against to each dual weeks. The subsequent one will be in a finish of February, with a plcae and date to be announced on a department’s Facebook page.

Brown pronounced a biweekly report was something speedy by former Chief of Public Safety Paul Schultz.

Schultz was recently denied a agreement prolongation after announcing his skeleton to retire in a nearby future, and he was immediately private from his position on Jan. 14. Commander Jared Crone is now portion as halt military arch for FMPD.

Brown pronounced a dialect “ramped up” a existent Coffee with a Cop module underneath Schutlz, though it did not hear most disastrous feedback during all during a some-more visit events.

“What we’ve schooled is that a adults of Fort Morgan are happy with a military department,” Brown said. “We don’t have those problems. Our adults are really understanding of a military department.”

Code Enforcement Officer John Simpson attended Tuesday’s Coffee with a Cop for around half an hour during his morning unit shift. He concluded that a miss of disastrous feedback or regard could be a good thing. Simpson was recently named a City of Fort Morgan’s Employee of a Year for 2019 during a city’s Jan all-staff meeting.

Brown pronounced he has not listened from many adults endangered about Schultz’s depart or a turn of use supposing by a dialect recently. He and Simpson pronounced they weren’t astounded by Schultz’s initial proclamation to retire, especially since a arch pronounced he’d hopefully be with a dialect for 3 to 5 years on his hiring.

He pronounced a dialect is functioning routinely in a transition duration with assistance from Crone, who has served as halt arch before.

“I consider a biggest thing is that a daily operations of a dialect will continue to run a same either he is here or not,” Brown said.

Residents can watch a FMPD’s Facebook page for information per a subsequent Coffee with a Cop session.