Since 1995, Counter Culture Coffee has been focused on tolerable and peculiarity roasting, as good as education. The Durham, North Carolina-based company now provides a beans to internal coffee shops, including Weekend (at The Joule), Fiction Coffee, Sip Stir Coffee House, and more.
Dallas is a 14th United States city to benefit a Counter Culture Coffee training center, and a initial in Texas. There are now locations all opposite a West Coast to a East, educating veteran baristas who wish to raise their brewing, espresso pulling, grinding, and — many importantly for us zealous latte consumers — divert art skills.
For coffee nerds like me, this is a loyal treat. Besides training baristas in a veteran capacity, a Dallas plcae offers giveaway weekly tastings to a open on Friday mornings during 10 am.
You can also take a Home Brew category to learn how to make cafe-quality coffee during home. This, specifically, will embody hands-on flow over brewing instruction, uncover we how to tailor your recipe and grub size, and offer recommendation on how to find your ideal coffee match.

And for a some-more gifted barista, there is a Catalog Cupping category any month where you’ll be means to crater Counter Culture’s whole lineup of coffees to keep adult with anniversary changes. If we don’t have any prior cupping experience, do not fret, there’s a Cupping Fundamentals march we can take before fasten a some-more modernized class.
At a Grand Opening of Counter Culture Dallas, we had a event to declare a hardcore coffee educational live and in person. we was once a barista in Los Angeles for 6 months during a self-proclaimed “Third-Wave” coffee shop, so we had suspicion we had seen many things when it comes to espresso tastings, divert steaming, and note memorizing. But, cupping is in a whole other joining of a coffee world.
First, a Counter Culture instructor told us to spot a coffee drift in any (about 8 ounce) cup. But, she done certain to tell us not to call it too tough or it’ll go adult your nose and harm utterly a bit. My mind immediately went to that stage in Orange is a New Black: Season 5 when a rioting inmates call coffee drift to stay watchful and finish adult vigourously ill. So yeah, don’t do that.

After sufficient sniffing, prohibited H2O is poured over a drift (Cowboy style) and afterwards a aspect of any coffee is smoothed out with a spoon. Then, a instructor proceeded to scratch off a drift that had floated to a tip of a coffee. Coffee drift sojourn during a bottom so we were suggested not to dip too distant down with a tiny spoons we were given in sequence to equivocate immoderate corpulent soppy coffee bean remnant. Because no one wants that.
Tasters were speedy to take a tiny ladle sip from any coffee crater and try to establish a season form of any kind. For a some-more modernized coffee enthusiasts, there was a rainbow-colored flavor wheel available, with records narrowed down to spices like cumin and nutmeg and pleasant fruits like papaya and coconut, to name a few. Comparable to my new Blind Wine Tasting journey in Napa Valley, my note believe is limited— my tastebuds do not know anything.
Counter Culture put me in my place. A self-proclaimed “coffee snob,” we satisfied we still have a lot to learn and this is really a place to do it. Very knowledgable, interesting and but pretension, this coffee training core is a must-visit for anyone with a passion for coffee.