Brooklyn’s ‘Coffee with a Mayor’ scheduled for Feb. 21 during comparison center

BROOKLYN, Ohio — Mayor Katie Gallagher has scheduled a initial of 3 “Coffee with a Mayor” events for 2020. The initial event — that includes doughnuts, coffee and copiousness of review — will take place during 9 a.m. Feb. 21 during a Brooklyn Senior Center, 7727 Memphis Ave.

“It’s a unequivocally good event for me to lay down and speak to a lot of seniors,” Gallagher said. “I can give them updates on what’s going on, squish rumors that might be going around and let them ask me questions.

“‘Coffee with a Mayor’ is unequivocally a good approach to get their feedback on what programs are operative and maybe suggestions of what could work.”

Gallagher remarkable that prior events have not usually supposing feedback to city gymnasium officials, though also led to a origination of comparison programming.

For instance, a arriving Senior Resource Fair, that is scheduled for Mar 27 during a comparison center, came directly from a “Coffee with a Mayor” discussion.

“That was a comparison suggestion,” Gallagher said. “They felt like it would be useful to get these vendors in a room to assistance with certain questions about all from application bills to genuine estate taxes.”

Initially, Gallagher scheduled dual such events annually, though eventually staid on 3 –with winter, summer and tumble dates.

While routinely a initial “Coffee with a Mayor” acts as a summation of her State of a City address, this year it will be some-more of a preview due to a calendar.

“A lot of a information we finish adult regulating for a State of a City is from annual reports from a prior years; however, a directors don’t get started on those annual reports until apparently a commencement of a year,” Gallagher said.

“That’s because we asked for State of a City this year to get pushed behind to give me time to demeanour during data.”

The mayor remarkable that a other advantage of a “Coffee with a Mayor” events is that they concede for one-on-one interactions between city leaders and seniors.

“Some people who might not like vocalization in a large throng thereafter are means to residence private concerns with directors,” Gallagher said. “This helps build trust with us and a village as well.”

Read some-more news from a Parma Sun Post.