You Need More Than Just Coffee for a Perfect Coffee Shop Vibe

The coffee emporium playlist. The aroma of creatively brewed coffee. The soothing clinking of ceramic mugs. There’s a unequivocally specific vibe we get when we consider of a coffee shop. There’s also a amicable member to a coffee emporium that fandom has used time and time again to try a relations between their favorite characters. What if a characters from Dragon Age: Inquisition worked during a coffee shop? Who would be a barista, who’s a regular, what play and intrigue competence spark? We plead this and some-more on this week’s Waypoint Radio. You can examination an mention and listen to a full partial below.

Austin: we wish a dual of we are with me on this. You know coffee emporium [Alternate Univers?

Gita: Yes.

Austin: Do we know Cado, we know what we mean?

Cado: In theory.

Austin: Okay, what is a coffee emporium AU about for you? What is a ideal? Because we have a unequivocally sold prophesy of this. For people who don’t know what we’re articulate about, in fanfiction there is like a unequivocally renouned kind of unfolding that that gets used opposite fandom in that we pierce your core characters from a work, we take your Dragon Age characters, and we pierce them into a coffee shop. What if instead of fighting demons and vital in a castle, they were in a coffee emporium together?

Gita: I’m so happy that we get to speak about this right now. In a coffee emporium AU apparently what I’m looking for is a barista and a patron to tumble for any other.

Austin: So barista-customer descending for any other good, solid. we like mixed people operative during a coffee shop.

Gita: Yeah, we wish a whole organisation from Dragon Age–

Austin: That’s it

Gita: –behind a bar.

Austin: For me, a approach we pitched this to Janine who usually came adult in examination a small while ago, final night we was like “what we wish from coffee emporium AU: owners who’s like absent though puzzling and kind of shows adult now and afterwards and like what’s what’s their motives? Then 3 employees, manager, youth employee, new employee, right? New worker is like your viewpoint character, new worker is like a actor impression in a way, right?

They uncover up, they don’t know everybody around, though like they are they make friends with a junior, that’s a good regretful possibility. The manager is there, who is a many comparison and kind of gruff, though like maybe [has a] Heart of Gold, though know things about a world, whatever. Then a integrate of pivotal customers, your regulars who come through. Then a small bit around a edges, we get a song emporium subsequent door, or a apartments upstairs, or someone’s siblings.

Gita: Oh no they’re carrying franchise problems!

Austin: Exactly, exactly. Oh, no! Or there’s a retard celebration or there’s, we know what we mean?

Gita: Bernadette Peters Slaves of New York Rent party.

Austin: Right, since [Coffee Talk] is usually we a barista, articulate usually to customers. That’s usually a bartender. That’s usually a barkeeper though a alcohol, and that’s not a coffee emporium anticipation that we have!

Gita: As a indicate of comparison, there is a unequivocally good visible novel short, unequivocally good visible novel called Hustle Cat and it takes place in a cat cafeteria where a offshoot is that we work in a cafeteria by day, though during night we spin into a cat and they all spin into cats and it’s unequivocally unequivocally cute. See, that diversion doesn’t have any coffee creation things in it, though it hits all of those buttons for coffee emporium AU for me. Where we they’ve got a garland of workplace drama. It feels like Empire Records in a way.

Austin: You wish Empire records, though coffee, and coffee has a good smell. It brings out lots of good, we know, savoury vibes. Cado we had something where you’re gonna say?

Cado: I was usually gonna say, we don’t know, maybe this is usually a coffee shops I’m in, though l feel like we frequency even see a bar that we can lay during anymore, right?

Austin: No, they don’t. That’s not a coffee emporium I’ve ever been to, or not ever though not often.

Cado: It’s some-more expected that if you’re a barista you’re articulate to co-workers, if you’re in a coffee emporium we competence be articulate to other people there.

Austin: Right, and a thing that’s indeed unequivocally engaging about it is, we consider in a coffee emporium AU we want, where a barista and and a patron finish adult hooking adult or like there’s any arrange of [relationship] there, a stretch is important.

Cado: Right!

Austin: You’re ostensible to have a patron who comes in–

Cado: You have such a brief moment. That we have to make a–

Austin: Right, there’s this small window, how do we hint something? How does this vanquish rise when all we can do is sequence a drink.

Gita: See, that’s what we adore so most about a coffee emporium au is like people perplexing to send tip messages by coffee orders and things like that.

Austin: Exactly!

Gita: And carrying that kind of communication for a coffee creation things is fine, though like what we need is that heart of that hint of excitement.

Austin: Right! Well, and we can’t leave that doorway open. It can’t be like “Well, I’ll have my usua”l and afterwards we lay down opposite from [them], that’s not a barista relationship.

Gita: No, it needs to be rush hour and we see your crush, and we know we usually have 2.2 seconds to speak to them.

Austin: Right! And afterwards go “Oh, hi, how we doing? How’s your week been?” And [then think] “Oh, was that a small too close?”

Gita: Like remembering a thing they pronounced final time.

Austin: They contend your name and you’re like “Oh shit. Okay cool, they remembered my name!”

Gita: Yeah, exactly.

Austin: That doesn’t work when you’re sitting opposite from them and they go “What is your name?” You don’t wish them to know your name since we introduced yourself. You wish them to know your name since we come in mostly adequate that they remember your order. “Are we removing your usual?” Boom!

Gita: Right now I’m removing so enlivened by meditative of a ways to gamify this thing.

Austin: It would be great!

Gita: You know, like, usually even carrying to remember a person’s name.

Austin: Yes!

Gita: And remember what their splash sequence is before they sequence it.

Austin: This is what I’m saying.

Gita: Very easy to make this into a video game, and we don’t have to change it from a unchanging mechanics really.

Austin: And we wish a other side of it. we wish a co-worker who’s like “we need to put out some-more cheese danishes” and we gotta to be like “No, we have to put out some-more cherry danishes.” we wish that. we wish that frisson, we know what we mean?

Gita: Slap slap lick a small bit? Yeah.

Austin: Yeah, we wish that energy!

Discussed: Coffee Talk 6:25, Cook, Serve, Delicious 3 28:53, Tales From Off Peak City 44:29, Darkest Dungeon 52:31, Daemon X Machina 1:02:36, Final Fantasy XIV 1:04:01, Roadwardens 1:15:13, No Man’s Sky 1:18:00

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