Coffee with a Cop aims to hint village conversations in Richmond

RICHMOND — Nothing beats a good review over a crater of coffee — and internal military are regulating that sign in an bid to raise village family and open a stronger line of communication with a public.

The Richmond Police Department rigourously hold their initial Coffee with a Cop eventuality during a McDonald’s on Kingstown Road in Wyoming Monday morning, a initial of what a group hopes will be a unchanging eventuality during several locations via a community. The initial throng enclosed a brew of those who knew a officers, unchanging business of a grill and a few new faces including a few relatives who had come with immature children to accommodate an officer.

Police Chief Elwood M. Johnson Jr. pronounced a thought of a module is to assistance officers emanate new and encourage determined connectors with internal business owners and residents, and in spin to yield an spontaneous and accessible atmosphere for those in a village to ask questions of police.

“This is a module that a Department of Justice has promoted national to assistance agencies urge village connections,” Johnson said. “The officers came to me with a judgment and pronounced ‘I wish to get some-more involved,’ and once they had my blessing, they unequivocally ran with it to make it come together.”

The judgment isn’t new and is one that has been embraced in a final few years by area agencies. In fact it was a success of identical internal and informal events over a past dual years that desirous Richmond Patrolman Michael Ellis to step brazen and classify a event.

Ellis, 28, a Hopkinton proprietor and two-year member of a Richmond Police Department, pronounced a thought was discussed about dual years ago when he initial assimilated a group though for a accumulation of reasons, it usually never came to fruition.

When he approached Sgt. William Litterio about a judgment again recently, he pronounced a 16-year maestro was open to a thought and upheld Ellis’ preference to move it to a chief.

“When we had started reading about a Coffee with a Cop recently, we schooled usually how effective it can be as a apparatus in village policing,” he said.

Sitting in a center of a room as a eventuality was sketch to a close, Ellis was means to indicate to several areas where adults were interacting in a contented demeanour with law enforcement.

In one dilemma of a room, some unchanging business had bought their morning coffee and were pity stories about officers they knew. In another, there were conversations about a continue and a latest construction projects in town. In nonetheless a third area, Johnson was enjoying some jabber about all things police, including a origins of a word “cop.”

“If we demeanour around … if we take divided a uniforms, these are genuine tellurian interactions,” Ellis said. “The officers live and work here as well, and we wish to be partners in formulating and progressing a protected community.”

The eventuality came together good with a assistance of Christine Ziegler, store manager of a Westerly McDonald’s on Granite Street, as she asked military to set a time and helped coordinate a sum of a initial event.

Ziegler pronounced a module has been an implausible success in Westerly. So most so in fact that a Westerly Police Department will again partner with McDonald’s this Wednesday during 10 a.m. 

“That was because we helped here. Since we’ve started, it’s usually turn some-more popular,” she said. The business suffer it. we am always removing questions about when a subsequent one is or when they’ll be back. we would gamble they’ll shortly see a same thing function (in Richmond).”

The efforts held to a courtesy of several visitors, including Dave and Carla Simons, who took a few of a younger children they babysit as day caring specialists to accommodate a officers and suffer a socialization.

The dual have had a series of connectors to a military dialect over a years — they pronounced a youngest child in their care, Paxton, is a grandson of a late Richmond officer — and praised a efforts of those on a force. Both pronounced they trust this will assistance mislay barriers and give residents a possibility to learn what it is they do and contend appreciate you.

And if we have a doubt about something going on in city from a construction plan to highway work to probably any other internal changes, Dave Simons pronounced with a grin that these are usually a guys to ask.

“This is unequivocally a good event for someone to get to know them in a accessible environment and learn about all they do,” Carla Simons said.

Ellis and Johnson both pronounced a dialect hopes to make a Coffee with a Cop module some-more of a regular occurrence. Each pronounced they’ve already oral with other business owners as well, including High Grounds in Wyoming, and wish to offer a accumulation of locations and times.

As a dialect works to report these in a future, Ellis pronounced internal residents with ideas on a best locations or times or those who might have other ideas for interactive village programs are acquire to call him during 401-539-8289 or email him during

“We don’t usually wish to horde something,” Ellis said. “We wish to make certain what we are doing is suggestive and that everybody who wants to can have an event to come discuss with us. That is the thought as we report these destiny events.”