Life but coffee is … good … well, it’s bad

Bach credited God.

Raymond Chandler refused to assist a screenplay for “The Blue Dahlia” unless he was available to splash ethanol and to splash heavily.

I count on hot, black coffee — lots of it —to write. Without hot, black coffee, we am during a detriment for, uh, something.

Recent periodontal medicine means no hot, black coffee for dual weeks.

The impact of this will positively have an impact on my impact.

There are no prohibited dishes for dual weeks either.

That’s manageable, though we have schooled that dishes that are generally served prohibited should not be served cold.

Cold macaroni and cheese is not really comforting. Neither are scrambled eggs or crushed potatoes.

There are no Peanut MMs for dual weeks and that’s another hardship. we fake they are vitamins and take a fistful daily.

I have to eat on a left side of my mouth. When a right side of my mouth has healed, Dr. Kim will repeat a procession on a left side of my mouth.

That will meant dual some-more weeks of abstinence.

I have schooled something else that’s really important: namely, that time goes by.

No: It gallops by.

It’s another Olympics year. It’s another presidential choosing year.

Two weeks will come and go, afterwards another post-operation duration though coffee will come and go, and it will be summer, afterwards fall, afterwards 2021 before we know it.

And we will be behind on a sweltering nectar done from coffee beans, though that my similes are as prosaic as a house and lifeless as dullness.

The story about Chandler and a screenplay sounds like someone done it up, though it’s true.

Chandler was a complicated drinker. How he was means to splash and write is incomprehensible. I’ve tried.

He was offering some-more income to finish a script, though insisted on alcohol. Chandler explained a celebration wouldn’t be a problem, though a issue would be. A alloy and nurses were nearby.

The irony is he had to put difference in a mouth of Veronica Lake, whom he referred to as “Moronica.”

A serve irony is that Lake’s genocide during a age of 50 was, in part, attributed to ethanol abuse.

Innumerable composers, artists, writers, and actors have depended on a piece for impulse or presence as creators.

William Holden, Jackson Pollock, Ernest Hemingway, Stephen King.

King pronounced he “barely remembers” essay “Cujo” in 1981.

Right now, we am depending on something called ibuprofen to get by this. we wish we were not. But deadlines are deadlines, and my editor, well, remember that plain-spoken Perry White during The Daily Planet?

Triple that.

If this mainstay isn’t on his table tomorrow morning I’ll be in for it.

For someone who writes a approach we do, his punishments are severe. Once he done me hang to one theme and not wander or move in film or references to problematic songs or singers.

I recently watched a brief documentary about Roy Rogers lookalike Spade Cooley, an immensely renouned 1940s and 50s American Western pitch rope musician and rope leader.

Cooley, who mostly doubled for Rogers in films, indicted his mother of carrying an event with Rogers.

He was arrested and convicted of his wife’s murder.

What good is it to have minutia in my conduct if we can’t brief it to mainstay adult a mainstay about my teeth?

I’m counting a days.

Craig Marshall Smith is an artist, teacher and Highlands Ranch resident. He can be reached during