Coffee Talk – unhappiness during Compass Coffee, Some Delivery options during Bluestone Lane and wondering what those operative from home are brewing up?

Photo by PoPville flickr user Mr.TinDC

Thanks to all who sent a unhappy word. Many who reached out to me are dissapoint about a approach a news was delivered: “Compass Coffee, a DC formed association only laid off 180 of their 200 employees abruptly with no remuneration or support. Here’s a deficient minute from a owner. It was distressing for employees carrying worked there for years.”

Sadly identical lay offs have and will continue to start via a industry. Please see a virtual tip jar for use attention workers. Hopefully baristas can be enclosed too. And hopefully a District Council will yield support to a workers laid off as well.

How are we removing your coffee repair these days? For those creation during home, what are we brewing up?