Mayor Lane Curlee and Coffee County Mary Gary Cordell both reliable a initial certain box of COVID-19 in Coffee County late Saturday evening.
At this time, it is not famous if a studious is a proprietor of Tullahoma, Manchester or farming Coffee County. The News has reached out to city officials on a matter.
The studious was tested during Unity Medical Center in an outward contrast structure, according to a matter from a Manchester hospital.
UMC settled a studious had been self-isolating and reports feeling “well.”
Unity Medical Center posted on a Facebook page Saturday dusk that a studious tested outward a trickery had tested certain for COVID-19.
Both mayors released a matter on a subject, that can be review in full below:
We have been told by a Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) that a proprietor of Coffee County has tested certain for a novel coronavirus. The studious has been placed in quarantine and is recuperating during home.
This is not unexpected. Your internal officials have been scheming for and awaiting this for weeks. We are coordinating with a TDH and a medical village to make certain all Coffee County residents are protected.
The misfortune thing we can do during perplexing times like this is panic. It is critical to remember that a immeasurable infancy of patients that agreement this pathogen have a amiable march of illness and redeem quickly. If we are ill with respiratory symptoms, it is really critical that we call your alloy first. Do not go to a Emergency Department or any doctor’s bureau though job first. We all have to work together to make certain a health caring village is not impressed with disturbed well.
We will continue to closely guard this elaborating conditions and will adjust a response as appropriate. Over a subsequent several weeks we competence all humour some inconveniences. You competence see things like, “you have to go by a drive-thru” during a bank or a restaurant. There competence be some other proxy closures of businesses in a community, though this will finish and we will be stronger as a community.
Here are some things we can do to help:
As we mentioned, do not go to a alloy or a puncture room though job first. Keep your hands purify and continue to use amicable distancing. If we are feeling bad, stay during home. Keep an eye on a elders. They need to be staying during home as many as probable and we need to support them and keep them safe. People over a age of 65 and those with before illness are during biggest risk so we need to come together and support them.
Again, we wish to emphasize, this was not unexpected. We are prepared and are operative closely with a TDH and all agencies of supervision during all levels to minimize a impact on a residents of Coffee County. That has been and continues to be a primary concern. We will get by this together.
Individuals with specific questions can call the TDH Information line during 877-857-2945 or 731-421-6782.
Individuals can support us in practicing bland impediment measures, in correspondence with a CDC recommendations for minimizing probable bearing to COVID-19:
- Wash hands mostly with soap and H2O for during slightest 20 seconds. If not available, use palm sanitizer.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unsanitary hands.
- Avoid hit with people who are sick.
- Stay home while we are ill and equivocate tighten hit with others.
- Cover your mouth/nose with a hankie or sleeve when coughing or sneezing.
- Clean ordinarily overwhelmed surfaces regularly.
- Select a room in your residence to implement if we contingency self-quarantine and brand someone who can move we reserve to equivocate carrying to make trips.
- Social distance.
- Stay sensitive on a latest updates.
For a many present information on COVID-19 in Tennessee, greatfully revisit a state health dialect at
Erin McCullough might be reached during