At this Southwest Portland coffee shop, a drudge works a opposite (video)

Patrons of Joe Yang’s coffee emporium in Southwest Portland will find a opposite kind of barista behind a counter.

Yang recently got a drudge and automatic it to ready and offer coffee as a approach to extent a widespread of coronavirus.

Now a drudge operates a espresso appurtenance during In J Coffee on Southwest Park Avenue.

Want steamed milk? A latte? A mocha?

No worries. Yang’s robot’s got we covered.

Still, he pronounced a drudge can’t do everything.

A barista is still on palm to offer adult specialty drinks like a cold decoction mojito.

“A drudge can't do that,” he said. “That’s a gifted barista who creates those drinks.”

— Noelle Crombie;; 503-276-7184; @noellecrombie

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