Calling all competitors and coffee foe lovers: a Coffee Masters Tournament is returning to a New York Coffee Festival this fall. This fast-paced multidisciplinary exam of coffee skills is behind to New York for a third true season, and competitor entries are now open.
The contest takes place Oct 13th-15th in Manhattan, during the Metropolitan Pavilion (125 West 18th Street) in unison with a 2017 New York Coffee Festival.
The focus deadline to contest during a Coffee Masters contest is Aug 20th. Competitors enter by submitting an strange video, 1-2 mins in length, documenting a origination of a new and hopefully tasty coffee drink. Complete sum and entrance information is accessible here. This year’s money esteem is $5000.
We’ll know some-more shortly about this season’s judges, hosts, and expel of competitors as summer 2017 steams on. For now, here’s some of a favorite videos from past events. Good luck, all we entrants out there, and we wish to see we in New York.
Sprudge is a central media partner of a Coffee Masters Tournament. All past Coffee Masters coverage here. Much some-more during