The Founder of Stumptown Is Launching an Independent Coffee …

Duane Sorenson, a owner of Stumptown Coffee Roasters, is returning to a third-wave coffee universe with Puff, an eccentric coffee company with a roasting trickery in Portland, a Oregonian reports. “I skip roasting coffee,” Sorenson told a paper. “I wish to fry coffee. we skip branch on a coffee roasters and smelling a coffee all day prolonged and operative directly with a farms, and we pushed and pushed and went nuts with Stumptown.”

Sorenson sole Stumptown to Peet’s Coffee primogenitor association JAB Holding in 2015, and sealed a non-compete agreement during a time. He tells a Oregonian that both Peet’s and Stumptown have given Puff their blessing.

When it opens in November, Puff will turn partial of a strong third-wave coffee transformation that Stumptown helped lead when it launched in Portland in 1999. Sorenson says he skeleton to stay rival and is open to flourishing Puff to mixed locations, as he did Stumptown.

The Puff roastery is now underneath construction in a building behind Sorenson’s boiled duck and scotch grill a Woodsman Tavern, one of several he’s opened in Portland given 2011. In further to roasting coffee, Sorenson says Puff might horde all-ages concerts and dance parties.

With Puff, Stumptown owner Duane Sorenson earnings to coffee universe he helped create [The Oregonian]