Oxo’s Coffee Grinder and Brewer Make a Damn Good Cup

Not even booze snobs are as hardcore as coffee snobs. To flow a good potion of wine, we need a encircle and some money. To flow a good crater of coffee, we need beans, gear, time and patience. There is a process, we see. It is formidable and requires study. Any gray areas contingency be noted off as personal domain and argued over. Nothing unleashes moral indignation in differently pleasing people some-more than coffee.

Recently, a princely kitchen-and-housewares code Oxo stepped into a bean brewer fray. For a few decades, Oxo usually done products yet energy switches. But a association recently began creation things that block in. These little appliances are sole underneath a sub-brand Oxo On. Among a several coffee gadgets in a On line are a Conical Burr Coffee Grinder With Integrated Scale ($199) and a Barista Brain Nine Cup Coffee Maker (also $199). Neither of these products are new (both have been out for a year) yet with many readers and acquaintances vehemence about them, we’d be lingering if we didn’t give them a correct review. Besides, who doesn’t adore celebration a garland of coffee and job it work?


Both products are touted by Oxo as scientifically precise, with a harsh and brewing processes relating a discipline of a Specialty Coffee Association of America, a trade organisation widely deliberate to be coffee culture’s standards-bearer. we tested them with solidified name-brand beans as good as creatively roasted beans that went into a millstone usually a integrate days after roasting.

The millstone is excellent. Fill a hopper with beans and a integrated scale usually releases precisely adequate coffee beans for a series of cups we wish to make. It measures out a whole beans during roughly 8 grams per cup. If we find that ratio too clever or diseased for your taste, there’s a dial on a millstone that we can set to automatically supplement a bit some-more beans per totalled cup, or a bit less. OXO claims that a millstone has also been designed to keep a beans from heating adult during grinding, and grinds in a uniform coherence to keep all smooth. In my testing, these claims check out.

The coffee builder works a same approach electric coffee makers have worked for decades: we put a paper filter in a decoction basket, we put coffee in a filter, we flow a H2O in a reservoir, and we press a button. In a few minutes, we have a erotic pot. But OXO does all some-more precisely than grandma’s aged Mr Coffee.

Even yet you’ve already totalled a a volume of drift and H2O we wish to use, we have to let a coffee builder know a volume we wish to brew; between 2 and 4 cups, or between 5 and 9 cups. Why? Because OXO has designed this coffee builder to impersonate a pour-over routine used by baristas during imagination coffee shops. The prohibited H2O (heated to about 200 degrees Fahrenheit, per a SCA) travels out of a fountainhead and rains on a drift in scheduled intervals, including an initial flow privately designed to emanate a bloom. If you’re creation some-more than 4 cups, a intervals are dosed out over a longer timeframe to improved remove a optimal volume of season from a grounds. When OXO claims a coffee builder is scientifically designed to furnish a good crater of coffee, this is a routine a articulate about. We’ve seen other imagination machines that supplement a freshness stage, like Technivorm’s Moccamaster and a programmable brewers from Behmor. In Oxo’s case, a pointing pays off, with pots of coffee of varying volumes that regularly ambience good.


With both a millstone and a brewer, a combined complexity means combined bloat. The millstone looks like a mini pellet silo parked in front of a somewhat incomparable pellet silo. The coffee builder is some-more like a double-wide pellet silo. They take adult a lot of space in my kitchen—too most really. My kitchen isn’t tiny, yet opposite space is always precious, so a oversized footprint is a pain.

While a millstone and brewer can sip out a volume of beans and H2O indispensable for a preferred series of cups, a distance of a crater in a Oxo universe is frustratingly small. One “cup” of coffee, as totalled by a maker, was adequate to fill usually half a mug. For a prolonged time, we suspicion we was doing something wrong, until Oxo explained a dimensions for a crater of coffee is 4.5 ounces. For a customary mug, dual totalled cups equals roughly one customary mop (almost always 8 ounces). Sure, usually do some elementary math and adjust your volume as needed, no problem. But we indicate it out since a appurtenance claims to decoction 9 cups per carafe, that could be dubious if you’re shopping this meditative it’s a high-output square of machinery. Brewing a full pot will usually produce around 4 and a half mugs of coffee. This emanate is not singular to usually Oxo brewers, yet a association competence have deliberate a some-more picturesque dimensions complement in a name of user-friendliness.

Grinder Rating

8/10—A really plain millstone that’s usually somewhat too big.

Coffee Maker Rating

7/10 —Makes a really good crater of coffee, yet it’s utterly large. The totalled crater distance is misleadingly small.