On Saturday, Sep 16th, 2017 we’re teaming adult with a longtime friends and partners during Stumptown Coffee Roasters to chuck an epic coffee splash festival of tasty proportions. It’s called Coffee *Loves* Beer (or Coffee Beer for a emoji-minded) and tickets are now on sale for this event, whose initial turn happens during The Woodsman Tavern in Portland, Oregon.
Click here to buy tickets now for Coffee
Some of Portland’s really best breweries are commencement work on their partnership beers with Stumptown now, a routine that we’ll be documenting in a calm array on Sprudge in early September. We’re anxious to be pouring from a following breweries during Coffee Beer!
Breakside Brewery
Cascade Brewing
Commons Brewery
Base Camp
Gigantic Brewing Company
Crux Fermentation Project
Boneyard Beer
Elysian Brewing Company
Ninkasi Brewing Company
We’ve got some-more to announce as a fest draws closer, including some other ways to knowledge these beers around city over a eventuality weekend. We wish we can join us Sep 16th here in Portland for Coffee *Loves* Beer!
Tickets on sale now—act quick, splash well.
All coffee splash coverage on Sprudge.