Canned coffee is not something we customarily find on supermarket shelves, though in Japan it’s a renouned splash with a prolonged story – prolonged adequate for a Guinness World Records title.
Longest-selling ready-to-drink canned coffee brand– current has been set by UCC Milk Coffee, that is constructed by UCC Ueshima Coffee Co. Ltd carrying been on sale for an strange 49 years.
It is also a world’s initial canned coffee to be sold.
The story of canned coffee began when Tadao Ueshima, a owner of UCC Ueshima Coffee, had a sour knowledge during a railway station.
After shopping a crater of coffee during a hire kiosk to splash before he boarded his train, Ueshima had to leave many of his splash when a sight was signalled to leave after he’d usually taken a sip.
From that grown canned coffee – a splash that can be stored during room heat and be taken on a train.
Although UCC Milk Coffee was not an evident success, it has grown to turn a prolonged seller, with approximately 15 billion cans sole given a launch.
Over a past 49 years, Ueshima Coffee has been adjusting a essence somewhat to best fit a ambience buds of a time.
Upon receiving a Official Certificate, Tatsushi Ueshima, a Chairman of Ueshima Coffee (and a son of Tadao Ueshima), pronounced that a code survived a exam of time since of all a staff.