Every pot we make and each crater of coffee we splash during home is done with seared coffee beans. That’s a unhappy avowal from Michael Mayer, a coffee partner and businessman who believes he’s grown a softened approach — in coffee-crazy Seattle — to make certain there unequivocally is mutation in my cup.
Mayer is a owner of Bottomless, a startup that combines strange hardware, an online marketplace, appurtenance training and some-more to establish when you’re regulating low on coffee, envision when we competence need some-more and get uninformed beans to we before we run out.
In a city that’s home to a world’s biggest coffee hulk as good as an secure classify about how most of a things a residents consume, environment out to urge on people’s coffee knowledge in Seattle is both a predicted and flattering intelligent move.

“I’m not a world’s biggest consultant on coffee freshness, we usually … we know a difference,” Mayer said, after conference how we keep a enclosure of store-bought, belligerent coffee on my kitchen opposite for during slightest a integrate weeks during a time. “I’m not an management on this though from what we know, coffee is best between 3 days after roasting to 14 days. we did a debate of a all a grocery stores in a Seattle area and we looked during all of their internal fry offerings, and customarily a beans were 14 days old, typically.”
Mayer and his mother Liana Herrera started Bottomless about dual years ago after relocating to Seattle from Portland, trade one coffee city for a bigger one. The integrate met during Portland State University. Mayer got a grade in economics and worked during Nike as a developer on Nike.com. He quit that pursuit to start his possess association and now calls himself a “self-taught developer/technologist.” Herrera is still a comparison consultant during Workday.
“It’s a flattering elementary story,” Mayer said. “My mother and I, we unequivocally adore uninformed coffee beans, arrange of like a stereotypical Seattle resident. We adore to get it uninformed from a roaster.”
But like others of their era who have turn accustomed to clicking a symbol for what they want, Mayer pronounced it’s not always accessible to revisit a internal roaster, and regulating to a grocery store in a coffee puncture is usually going to get we seared beans.
“I don’t consider people’s lives are softened by carrying to run errands,” he said. “I consider people’s lives are softened by doing things like removing out with friends and going hiking and things like that. … We attempted doing subscriptions from roasters and it didn’t unequivocally work — a timing never seemed right. We usually wanted to build a resolution to have super uninformed coffee on palm during all times.”
The solution, in part, is a rechargeable scale on that users set a bag of uninformed beans that they’re regulating to make their daily coffee. The scale is connected to WiFi (and to Bottomless) and as a bag becomes lighter, it triggers an sequence for some-more beans. Users name from one of about a dozen Seattle-area roasters — Caffe Vita, Ladro Roasting and some-more — who are partnering with Bottomless.
Users compensate a cost for coffee that is allied to what grocery stores assign as good as a $2.99 per-month assign to cover giveaway shipping. Bottomless never touches a coffee, it’s all sent approach from spit to consumer.

“I consider there’s something enchanting about unequivocally uninformed coffee beans,” Mayer said. “And we consider it’s usually an implausible knowledge to be means to indeed have uninformed beans accessible to we during home when you’re creation your morning coffee. And we wanted it for myself. we was flattering sleepy of usually carrying to squeeze last-minute coffee that wasn’t ideal. And we suspicion other people would also suffer it.”
Other people are enjoying it so distant — Bottomless has some-more than 100 beta testers regulating beam in Seattle. Investors are also holding notice of a idea, too, as a formerly bootstrapped association lifted $245,000 final month.
“[Coffee roasters] wish to benefaction their products in a best probable light,” Mayer said. “When they consider about offered by grocery stores or offered by subscriptions and carrying people have their coffee raise adult or whatever, they don’t like a suspicion of a coffee being seared by a time people splash it. They put so most work and bid and adore into creation a best probable product that they can.”

While it might seem like coffee routines are flattering customary and people would use a same volume over a unchanging duration of time, Mayer pronounced his information indicates user expenditure does vacillate adequate that a appurtenance training adds value. Predictions have proven to be most softened than usually a linear extrapolation, he said.
Mayer and Herrera have incited their one-bedroom unit into half vital space and half mini production facility. Mayer is not a hardware designer, though he bought a 3D printer and taught himself how to make a antecedent scale case. Then they bought a garland of components and they spend their time soldering things together.
It’s like a stage etched in a Seattle startup handbook: Ambitious tech-focused couple, a smell of soldering manacles blending with a aroma from a uninformed coffee pour-over.
“I consider that’s flattering most accurate,” Mayer said, laughing.