PJ’s Coffee skeleton vital enlargement in Houston

  • PJ's Coffee was founded in New Orleans in 1978 and now has some-more than 65 locations in Greater New Orleans and Louisiana. (Photo: PJ's Coffee)

    PJ’s Coffee was founded in New Orleans in 1978 and now has some-more than 65 locations in Greater New Orleans and Louisiana. (Photo: PJ’s Coffee)

    PJ’s Coffee was founded in New Orleans in 1978 and now has some-more than 65 locations in Greater New Orleans and Louisiana. (Photo: PJ’s Coffee)

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PJ’s Coffee was founded in New Orleans in 1978 and now has some-more than 65 locations in Greater New Orleans and Louisiana. (Photo: PJ’s Coffee)

PJ’s Coffee was founded in New Orleans in 1978 and now has some-more than 65 locations in Greater New Orleans and Louisiana. (Photo: PJ’s Coffee)

PJ’s Coffee skeleton to open 180 shops opposite Texas over a subsequent decade, including 60 locations in a Houston area.

The New Orleans-based coffeehouse, that already has shops in Cypress, downtown Houston and Pearland, is eyeing Texas for enlargement since of a identical culture, pronounced David Mesa, PJ’s Coffee’s arch growth officer. The company, that has some-more than 90 locations worldwide, also skeleton to open 55 shops in Dallas, 40 in San Antonio and 25 in Austin.

“As we sought serve expansion, Texas became an apparent choice as an area with identical values and upbeat vibe,” Mesa pronounced in a statement.

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PJ’s Coffee is looking for impending franchisees in Houston and Texas. Franchisees should design to deposit between $185,000 to some-more than $560,000, depending on a scale of a business, that can operation from a tiny kiosk to a 2,200-square-foot free-standing plcae with a drive-thru.

PJ’s Coffee, founded in 1978 by Phillis Jordan and acquired by Ballard Brands in 2008, sells a accumulation of iced, frozen, hot, cold decoction and nitro-infused coffees as good as organic tea and breakfast pastries. The association is famous for a iced coffees, that are brewed daily regulating a cold-drip routine pronounced to furnish a less-acidic coffee taste.