Success of internal coffee continues expansion opposite a Valley

BOARDMAN, Ohio (WKBN) – A cigar emporium in Boardman has a new and flourishing product: tiny collection coffee roasting. 

For workers during a cigar boutique Havana House, their adore event with coffee has grown solemnly over a past 12 years.

“Just being on a counter, portion a coffee, not meaningful a start , not meaningful a fry process, what brought it to fruition, to indeed holding it from immature bean all a approach adult in a routine to where we are pulling shots of espresso,” pronounced spit Garrett Czarnecki. 

They use sacks filled with coffee beans from around a world, weighing about 150 pounds. Coffee beans from Africa, South America and Asia all breeze adult in Boardman to be roasted, belligerent and brewed into uninformed coffee.

“When a event came adult to indeed take over and start roasting a possess coffee, we jumped on a opportunity,” Czarnecki said. 

Czarnecki and Luke Foster fry many of a coffee sole by a Youngstown Coffee Company.

“Most people demeanour during coffee beans and can’t heed between one start from another. we can demeanour during a bean and if I’ve seen it a few times, we roughly know where it comes from. They all have their possess particular looks,” Foster said.

Roasting dries out a oils in a beans and gives them their particular coffee flavors and aromas. 

“We fry substantially 2,300 pounds a week,” pronounced Youngstown Coffee Company owners Geno Bellatto. “Hopefully it grows and some-more people come into my 3 stores and buy some-more coffee from us.”

You can find Youngstown Coffee in a Havana House and other internal shops. It is also for sale during a Giant Eagle in Liberty.