CHP holding ‘Coffee with a Cop’ eventuality in Clarksburg

On Wednesday, officers from a California Highway Patrol Woodland bureau will accommodate with members of a open for Coffee with a Cop in Clarksburg.

Attendees will have a eventuality to come together with law enforcement “in an informal, neutral space to plead village issues, have coffee, and build relationships,” according to a recover from a CHP.

The eventuality will take place between 10 a.m. and noon during La Amitstad Cafe, located during 36046 Jefferson Blvd.

Coffee with a Cop provides a singular eventuality for village members to ask questions and learn some-more about a department’s work in Yolo County neighborhoods.

The infancy of contacts law coercion has with a open occur during emergencies or romantic situations. Those situations are not always a many effective times for attribute building with a community, and some village members might feel officers are haughty on a street. Coffee with a Cop breaks down barriers and allows for a relaxed, one-on-one interaction.

Coffee with a Cop is a inhabitant beginning upheld by a United States Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. Similar events are being hold opposite a nation as internal military departments essay to make durability connectors with a communities they serve.

The module aims to allege a use of village policing by improving relations between military officers and village members one crater of coffee during a time.