Contrast Coffee celebrates one year during their Iron Mountain location

IRON MOUNTAIN, Mich. (WLUC) – A coffee emporium in Iron Mountain is distinguished an critical miracle on Saturday.

Contrast Coffee hold a initial birthday celebration for their Iron Mountain location. For a event, discounts and giveaways were offering to business who came to celebrate.

Also during a event, staff denounced a “Salty Sugar Shack,” that is a signature splash for a Iron Mountain location. It’s a latte flavored with maple syrup and pinkish Himalayan salt.

So far, a Iron Mountain emporium has been successful, and staff is vehement for a future.

“We’ve always been unapproachable to be UP owned and operated, and a large observant is ‘coffee is community,’ and this is only another prolongation of that here in Iron Mountain. I’m super happy with a approach we’ve been perceived over a final year from a Iron Mountain community, it feels like home when we’re here,” pronounced Adam Holroyd, Owner of Contrast Coffee.

Contrast Coffee has additional Upper Peninsula locations in Marquette, Ironwood and Iron River.