Taking a phased-in approach: Proposal to strengthen coffee labeling mandate amended

A check strengthening labeling mandate for Hawaiian-grown coffee blends stays alive carrying met a vicious deadline final week, yet lawmakers are now deliberation a phased-in approach.

House Bill 1886, as now written, would gradually boost a smallest commission of Hawaii-grown coffee from 10% to 51% over a three-year period, rather than an evident doing to a aloft smallest as primarily proposed.


“We’re happy with that,” pronounced Suzanne Shriner, boss of a Kona Coffee Farmers Association.

The organization, that represents over 200 members in a Kona coffee region, submitted a amendment after consulting with a Hawaii Coffee Association, she said. Concerns were lifted about a incomparable consistent attention wanting time to transition and either a boost to 51% would revoke a value and marketplace bottom of Kona coffee, that Shriner pronounced “doesn’t make sense.”

“The three-year denunciation was combined to make it some-more gentle for a incomparable consistent attention to make a transition,” Shriner pronounced Monday afternoon, observant that a stepping-up proceed would assistance reduce worries over value by permitting time for supply and direct to balance.

The bill, introduced by Oahu and Big Island representatives, including Richard Creagan, D-Kona, Ka‘u, Nicole Lowen, D-North Kona, and David Tarnas D-North Kona, North and South Kohala, stays alive this week, with a above amendment and others, after makings a approach by dual of 3 compulsory House cabinet hearings.

The initial cabinet reserved to hear a bill, a Committee on Agriculture, took adult a magnitude Jan. 29, adding a phased-in implementation. As amended, a smallest of 20% coffee by weight would be compulsory starting Jul 1 by Jun 30, 2021. From Jul 1, 2021, to Jun 30, 2020, a smallest would boost to 30% followed by a smallest of 51% effective Jul 1, 2022.

The row also nice a magnitude to concede wordage like “foreign-grown coffee” instead of apart listings of start of coffee not grown in Hawaii, followed by a percent by weight. The check offer still calls for prohibiting use of a tenure “All Hawaiian” in labeling or promotion for coffee not constructed wholly from immature coffee beans grown and processed in Hawaii.

“Your cabinet finds that existent labeling mandate for coffee means consumers to secretly trust that a package of coffee mix contains coffee exclusively from Kona or other regions in Hawaii,” a Committee on Agriculture wrote a in news after flitting a check with amendments in late January. “In reality, ninety percent of a package could be from other regions of a world. Therefore, evident legislative movement is required to strengthen a repute of Hawaii-grown coffees as premier, specialty coffees from serve degradation.”

Following unanimous thoroughfare by a cultivation committee, a Committee on Consumer Protection and Commerce took adult a magnitude on Thursday.

The row nice a check by adding a several stages during that coffee can be sold, including roasted, instant, green, cherry and vellum to a bill, as good as a territory for appropriation for a program, yet a specified volume was not included.

HB 1886 subsequent needs thoroughfare by a Committee on Judiciary by Feb. 28 to sojourn alive. By Mar 5, a magnitude needs to have upheld a full House building opinion to crossover to a Senate for serve consideration.


Statewide immature coffee prolongation in 2018 was 5.48 million pounds, according to a many new information accessible from a U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. The use valued a attention during $50.1 million.

The 2017 Census of Agriculture, that is conducted each 5 years, showed a infancy of coffee farms were located on a Big Island, yet abounding industries have grown on Maui, Kauai and Oahu. Of a estimated 9,300 acres of coffee planted in Hawaii, including temperament and non-bearing acreage, 5,491 acres were located on Hawaii Island. Further, approximately 1,343 of a state’s 1,577 coffee farms were located on a Orchid Isle.