West Fargo male went on hundreds of coffee dates final year, though it’s not what we think

You try to demeanour your best, use your best manners so it doesn’t seem like we were lifted in a stable and strike adult review so a other chairman doesn’t consider you’re boring.

It’s something millions of Americans do each singular day. And it’s something West Fargo proprietor Mark Berntson did over 275 times in 2019 alone.

But it’s not what we think.

“Well, I’m a Facebook guy,” a guitar clergyman during West Fargo and Sheyenne high schools says. “I unequivocally like Facebook. we didn’t during first, though for veteran reasons, we started removing on Facebook to widespread some things about what we were doing in a organisation that we was in. we had a suspicion in Dec of 2017 that some of my former students would substantially be in city over this holiday mangle and we would adore to see them.”

He posted an invitation on Facebook, seeking his former students out for coffee. Seven or 8 people responded — including some who weren’t even his students. They only knew who he was and jumped on an event to suffer a crater of joe with him.

“So we got together with them that month and we thought, ‘Man, this is awesome! This is great,'” he says.

Those 7 or 8 coffee “dates” sparked a trend for Berntson that would concede him to accommodate new and engaging people roughly daily over a subsequent dual years.

To Berntson, a coffee date isn’t a date-date.

“I conclude a coffee date, for me, as me and one or dual other people get together somewhere, devour something, we compensate for it and we speak about you,” he says.

It isn’t anything crazy, only dual friends — or even acquaintances — removing together and pity a libation along with a ups and downs of life.

“So if someone says, ‘Yeah, we got time for you,’ and it’s noon on Saturday, we say, ‘Well, would we rather have lunch?'” he says. “Sometimes it’s lunch, infrequently it’s pizza, infrequently it’s ice cream in a summer. But about 60 percent of a time it’s coffee.”

Still, Berntson says it’s not “confined” to coffee if people don’t like it, like with a propagandize friend.

“We motionless a best time for us to have coffee dates was during a prep time during school,” he says. “So she would come to my bureau when we both have prep and splash a LaCroix. That was what she was into, so we would splash that and speak for an hour.”

Berntson truly enjoys a time he spends on his coffee dates — he gets to learn what creates people parasite and maybe even assistance them along a way.

“I fundamentally only let people speak about themselves,” he says. “Almost all of us wish people would listen to us, and I’ve got time, we don’t have a family or anything, my pursuit is sincerely easy, we have some-more income than we need, so we take people out for what they wish and we compensate for it roughly always and we only keep seeking them questions about themselves.”

And it’s no “waste of time,” he says.

“I don’t mind that investment of time,” he says. “I feel that we am investing in them, and it’s creation me know people improved and hopefully creation them happier and improved and it’s turn my thing.”

Sometimes, he doesn’t even know his coffee date — they’re only friends of friends on Facebook.

“Some of those people finished adult being unequivocally good friends of cave that we didn’t know we would have a good tie with,” he says. “I don’t wish to be resourceful about it. That’s since we put it out there as, ‘Who’s got time for me?’ we don’t caring who it is. It could be my favorite chairman or someone who is unequivocally needy or irritating or whatever, it doesn’t matter. we wish to make time for them.”

Mark Berntson's Jan coffee date collage. Mark Berntson / Special to The Forum

Like any semi-decent publisher (I am a Minnesotan, even essay “semi-decent” felt like bragging), anticipating out there is someone in city who went on roughly 300 coffee dates in one year sparked my interest.

My editor told me about Berntson on a Thursday, and a subsequent day we went on a “date.”

Forum contributor Emma Vatnsdal took Mark Berntson on a coffee date to Atomic Coffee. Mark Berntson / Special to The Forum

We met during Atomic Coffee in downtown Fargo, systematic a drinks and sat during a list nearby a windows. we asked my normal interview-y questions and we chatted for 15 or so mins about those questions — while Forum Photo Editor Michael Vosburg snapped photos in a background.

But this wasn’t your standard interview, so we indispensable some not-so-typical questions. Here’s how he responded.

Oh, and we bought a coffee.

I have 4 questions that we suspicion adult that are not a standard talk questions. Ready?


What is something people would never theory about you?

Well, one of my dim though not super-dark secrets is that we am approach into pro wrestling.


Like WWE. But some-more so like people who combat upstairs during Dempsey’s or a Harwood Civic Center. People who have normal jobs and once a month or once a weekend they go and combat for $100 and hardly cover their expenses. Those are some of my favorite people since we am preoccupied with a business.

One of a people I’ve had several coffee dates with is one of those guys. That’s how we got to know him. we sent him a summary on Facebook and said, “Can we take we out to coffee some time and ask we how wrestling works?” And he pronounced yeah. I’ve finished that a dozen times with him and it’s fascinating.

What is one breakthrough we wish would only die?

Well, by being a coffee date guy, I’ve turn passive of a lot. If somebody is into this thing or that thing, we only wish to know about it and try not to decider it and say, “Ew, we wish we wouldn’t do that.” So, we don’t know. I’m not certain we can consider of any. Coffee dates have indeed done me some-more passive of roughly everything.

Everything that anybody does, there’s some kind of reason for it. It competence be a unequivocally good reason or a unequivocally bad reason or a unequivocally distressing reason, though if we kind of know what it is, we can know them improved and try not to be judgy about it. As a teacher, my students mostly perplex or provoke me. But we can customarily tell since they’re doing a thing they’re doing. we don’t indispensably wish them to do a thing they’re doing during a time they’re doing it, though we can customarily know it and try not to feel like, “OK, can we stop that forever?”

Sometimes, we wish them to stop it temporarily so we can learn them, though many of a faddy or bizarre things they’re doing doesn’t matter. But like, vaping. we would like vaping to stop. Self-destructive fads, things that hurt your life, absolutely. But if it doesn’t hurt your life, we am OK with it.

What is a funniest name we can consider of for a pet?

Well, I’ve listened of people fixing their pet only Cat or Dog or whatever. When we was a kid, there was a puppy subsequent doorway that they only called Puppy. I’m not unequivocally a pet person, though we try to know pet people. we know that it’s healing and useful and umbrella love. But we don’t know, Puppy.

What is a many invalid product that we can consider of?

I was only articulate to someone final night in Grand Forks. There’s a golf march in Grand Forks now that will broach food to we on a golf march with a drone. Like, drones are good and engaging and so forth, though we was revelation them that we wish we were regulating a imagination on things that mattered more. It’s unequivocally cool, though what if these people who don’t have a place to live could have a place to live since we weren’t wasting a income on something like that?

I mostly feel like we displace a aspiration and a work and a imagination for oppulance when we could be spending some of those resources on things that matter more.