In Sep 2013, Roast Rider Coffee + Tea, a store located in Hilltop East Shopping Center, became a late-in-life baby for Wayne and Lisa Richmon.
The Brighton on a Bay residents had no children or sell experience. Wayne, a CPA and CFO, took a sabbatical and spent time exploring a specialty coffee on a Oregon Coast, Boston, New York and Washington State.
During a seven-year journey, Wayne detected his knack for branch people on to his personal coffee picks. The integrate started to prognosticate a essential business idea. They hermetic a understanding when they purchased their initial square of apparatus during a annual Specialty Coffee Association of America eventuality in Boston.
“I affectionately impute to a preference to open Roast Rider as a hitch of midlife reinvention psychosis we gifted together,” pronounced Lisa. “I was totally behind Wayne formulating something of his own.”
When a integrate chose a name Roast Rider, it was meant to simulate a intersection of Virginia Beach roller note and a Third Wave Coffee movement, a tenure that refers to a closer attribute between coffee and consumer. To emanate that experience, specialty coffee focuses on clarity via a whole supply chain: producers, importers, roasters, barista and consumer.
“My roasters are both resplendent examples of attention leaders, sustainability champions and pioneers of a approach trade model,” pronounced Wayne.
Lisa pronounced no coffee is grown locally; however, they name roasters who are tangible partners with producers around a world, so their coffee is as “local” as it gets.
“What we adore about a roasting partners is that they deposit in a farmers, a attention and in spin yield a higher product that people appreciate,” pronounced Lisa. “My favorite partial is a story behind a coffee and revelation business since they can feel good about what they’re drinking.”
Roast Rider complements their coffee and teas with locally sourced pastries, quiche and wraps. They like to yield a height for chefs, bakers and artisans who might or might not already have a section and mortar. House-crafted anniversary syrups such as orange blossom, rose and Irish almond creme are renouned among a customers, as good as house-made cold decoction sole by a potion or as a combine in a bottle.
A featured object for a summer is “Peach Out,” a date-sweetened fruit and bulb smoothie.
Wayne pronounced a menagerie of people use a emporium as an eating and celebration place for each kind of meeting. He estimated that during slightest 50 percent of his business is teenagers, and a rest is a brew of creatives and everybody else. Bonne Chere, a teen band, hold their initial manuscript recover celebration during Roast Rider.
Most of Roast Rider’s coffees are in a light to middle fry difficulty since of specifying season records from Southeast Asia to Africa and to Central and South America. Wayne pronounced it’s a coffee that we wish to uncover off and mostly asks business to ambience it before adding cream or sugar.
“We don’t have sour beans that need to be camouflaged by complicated sweeteners and syrups,” pronounced Wayne. “Once many people ambience a coffee but anything added, they opt not to supplement anything, and give me a large thumbs adult on their approach out.”
Gregg Rozeboom, owners of Fruitive, visits a emporium mostly and pronounced some of his best coffee practice have been during Roast Rider. He pronounced he goes for a high peculiarity coffee and mouth-watering space.
“Wayne continues to file a qualification of creation a ideal cup,” pronounced Rozeboom. “He’s so critical about each sip that tasting coffee with him gives me a clarity of note that can usually be felt with when enjoying a crater with a loyal coffee connoisseur.”