Do Right Coffee founders Mike Silliman, right, and his daughter, Casey, poise during a roasting appurtenance during The Electric Brew in Goshen. Do Right Coffee contracts with The Electric Brew for roasting. Other founders of a missions fundraising try embody a rest of a Silliman family, Mike’s mother Naomi, son, Michael, and a dual youngest children, Abbey and Caleb.
GOSHEN — Brew together one man’s passion for coffee and his family’s adore of church missions, and those are a drift for Do Right Coffee.
New Paris proprietor Mike Silliman, a caring and connectors priest during Grace Community Church, pronounced a thought for Do Right Coffee began percolating in his mind for about a year before he broached a judgment with his family early this year.
“I adore coffee,” Mike said. “A integrate of years ago we started roasting my possess coffee. Also, we adore missions and going on idea trips.”
The Sillimans, Mike, his mother Naomi and their children, Casey, Michael, Abbey and Caleb went on a idea outing to Guatemala. “It was outrageous for a family,” Mike said. “I have a large heart for missions and new cultures.”
It cost a Sillimans $1,500 per chairman to travel. “Nine thousand dollars for a family was huge,” he said.
That got Mike to meditative about how he and his family could assistance other missionaries account their trips. “How can we help?” Mike asked himself. “We can precedence what we adore and emanate and entrance for people to go out on idea trips.”
Naomi pronounced that after training about Mike’s idea, she responded as usual. “I customarily contend OK, and he comes out of it a integrate of weeks after and moves on. But it stuck.”
And afterwards Naomi saw how this coffee-for-missions judgment could move her family together.
Daughter Casey is in her third year study facile preparation during Grace College during Winona Lake. She plays a large purpose in a business and acts as a idea rendezvous side. She interacts with people who are going on short-term idea trips. When someone relates to sell coffee to lift income for their mission, Casey will write a blogspot on that missionary’s Do Right Coffee website. It’s many like a judgment of GoFundMe, yet with some-more communication from a company.
Michael, a comparison during Fairfield High School, handles a website development. He creates a videos that foster a business on Facebook.
The younger children assistance with some of a packaging.
Mike, a large grin swelling opposite his face, said, “I direct.” He’s concerned a small in all and he admits “a lot of he amicable media things is kind of me.”
However, a roasting has been engaged out to The Electric Brew, where a family met for a interview.
Currently, Do Right Coffee, that launched about a month ago, offers 6 opposite products — several blends from around a universe — Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopa, Guatamala, Sumatra and Nicaragua. The deteriorate of coffee might change with a season, Mike said. Do Right’s residence mix is a business’ many popular.
Mike pronounced eventually he would adore to see Do Right fry a possess beans “if a Lord provides in that way.”
But for right now, a Sillimans will continue to widespread a word about their coffee and a good work it could fund.
Word of mouth and Facebook have been assisting widespread a word. Do Right has a subscriber-based blog as well.
“We have contacts opposite a country,” Mike said. “Right now we have dual missionaries lifting money.” One is for missions work in New York City and a other in Honduras.
Casey explained, “They are going to be pity posts with their friends” about a fundraiser and wish that it spreads from there.
People can go to a website, where there is a store. “What creates us a small singular … is a mechanism,” Mike said. Most places will take orders and he patron waits until a chairman they purchased we from delivers a product.
“That’s not how we operate,” Mike said.
Each chairman who is lifting income for missions receives a singular couple that they can share. The companion receives 25 percent of a sales. A 1 bruise bag of coffee costs $14.99. The chairman lifting income will accept $3.75 of that. “We boat approach to a patron or a patron can collect it up. So a weight is off a person,” he said.
And a Sillimans will assistance foster a missionary’s fundraiser. “We’re pity a story on a amicable media,” Mike said.
SHEILA SELMAN | THE GOSHEN NEWSMike Silliman shows some of a immature coffee beans in a roasting room during The Electric Brew in Goshen Monday, May 22, 2107.
The idea volume is shown on a dashboard of a fundraising page. It also shows who purchased a coffee and how many income has been raised.
The companion has a 60-day time support to lift a money. That time can be extended, though.
Casey pronounced it’s a flattering easy routine to start. The chairman who wants to lift income only needs to fill out an focus that can be found on a website,