‘Friends’ fan determines how many cups of coffee any impression consumed

Some people like TV sitcoms. Others suffer celebration coffee. And still others like to watch TV to find out accurately how many cups of coffee any sitcom impression drinks via a whole run of a series.

OK, so maybe only one chairman does that.

“Friends” fan Kit Lovelace recently took to Twitter with his commentary on a gang’s coffee consumption, finish with statistics on their coffee budgets and season-by-season habits.


In total, Lovelace dynamic that a “Friends” consumed 1,154 cups over a march of 10 seasons, with Phoebe celebration a many (227) cups of any one “Friend,” and Rachel immoderate a slightest (138). His information also showed that Chandler’s ambience for coffee discontinued as a seasons progressed, while Monica’s lust became omnivorous around a mid-point of a show, before eventually leveling off.

Lovelace also orderly this information into colorful graphs, presumably to erase any doubt that he was Twitter’s premiere “Friends” analyst:

In another spreadsheet, Lovelace distributed how many any impression spent on coffee via a series. And, many impressively, he did it all but contacting Gunther for their Central Perk receipts:

EW reports that Lovelace creatively published his investigate in 2015 post for a website called Popbitch, and that he was spurred on by an essay in Scientific American, in that a editors merely estimated a “Friends” characters’ coffee consumption.


That said, we’d be peaceful to gamble that Joey ate about 60 pounds of deli beef via a march of a show. Care to check that out for us, Lovelace?

With Uptown’s Reserve Bar, Starbucks Takes on Craft Coffee

It’s 5:50 a.m. and there are already a few people collected outward this new Starbucks store in a McKinney and Olive building in Uptown. It’s Texas’ initial Reserve Bar, finish with costly espresso machines and Chemex brews and $25 cold decoction growler refills. Ryan, who asked to not use his final name, pronounced he’d been watchful for a opening given 4:15 a.m.

“It’s on my travel to work so we stopped one day and asked when they were opening, figured this morning we would stop by,” he said.

It’s a Seattle conglomerate’s latest approach to eat into a coffee market, that is, generally in civic centers, fast being redefined by upscale internal chains. An outpost of Ascension Coffee, for instance, is reduction than a entertain mile divided during a Crescent. Coffee has a qualification moment. The 3,100 block feet store feels some-more industrial and open than a customary Starbucks, a dim woods of a opposite tops and a steel fixtures showering in comfortable lighting. When a object comes up, it will inundate in by a building’s sprawling windows.

A Starbucks Reserve barista gets a moody of coffees ready. (Photo: Nancy Hernandez)

The Uptown plcae is a latest further to a micro-chain of 25 other Reserve Bars via a country. They are variations of a Starbucks Reserve Roastery and Tasting Room, that non-stop a doors in Seattle in 2014. A Starbucks orator pronounced a immersive coffee bars are an try to emanate a some-more interactive and educational knowledge between a baristas and customers. But it’s also something of a show—take a siphon brew, a dual-chambered opening process of brewing coffee— that dates behind to a 1830s, mind you—which radically uses fog and sobriety to decoction a coffee. There is also a $11,000 Clover machine, designed by Stanford engineers, that acts as a arrange of French press-cum-vacuum pot. A moody of 3 eight-ounce eyeglasses of a Clover-brewed haven coffees will set we behind $10.

Customers can also opt for some-more candid coffee brewing methods like a pourover. Also available: The Seattle Roastery specialty coffees, usually accessible here, and, yes, even customary offerings like a caramel macchiato. Know your audience, after all.

A orator wouldn’t criticism about income projections, though Business Insider reports any Starbucks Reserve store creates about double a standard location. Usually, that translates to around $3 million in annual sales. The coffee chain skeleton to work 20 percent of their stores with a Reserve bar by 2021. A second Starbucks Reserve bar is approaching to open in a Plano Legacy West Urban Village developments, and another has been reliable in Austin. But Uptown’s initial plcae is open now, and we substantially don’t need to get there during 4 a.m. to get a cup, either.

Luke from Gilmore Girls Is Starting His Own Coffee Brand

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Reports of fecal germ in iced coffee during bondage like Starbucks are a red dwindle for bigger problems, a scientist …


To a question, “Would we like anything else with that?” no one
answers “fecal bacteria.”

Unfortunately, it might be concomitant orders of iced coffee
drinks during 3 coffee bondage in a UK anyways, according to a
recent BBC

The BBC reports that it found “varying levels” of a germ in
samples of iced drinks from Starbucks, Costa Coffee, and Caffe

Penny Mairoudhiou, a orator for Costa Coffee, told Business
Insider, “We were unhappy with a findings, generally as
these stores are all rated ‘Very Good’ with a tip hygiene
rating of 5.”

The participation of fecal germ — that
can means diarrhea
if ingested — could be a pointer that there
are nastier germs also present, pronounced Philip Tierno,
a microbiologist during New York University.

“Where there are fecal germ benefaction it is an indicator that
there could be other germs that are pathogenic [or
illness-causing] like Norovirus or
hepatitis A or Salmonella that can make we sick,” Tierno told
Business Insider.

It also suggests that workers during a bondage are not keeping
themselves purify and that they “have unwashed unclothed hands,” he said.

iced coffee

In further to sampling a ice during 30 of a chains, British
researchers also complicated their tables, trays, and high chairs.
London sequence Costa Coffee ranked misfortune out of a 3 cafes,
with 7 out of 10 samples “found to be infested with
germ found in feces.”

“It is intensely critical to us that all a stores work to
high standards of hygiene during all times and we take it very
severely when any store fails to accommodate these standards,” said
Mairoudhiou. “Following these formula we have taken immediate
movement to refurbish a ice doing procedures.”

Starbucks and Caffe Nero, on a other hand, tested certain for
a bacteria in 3 out of 10 samples.

Starbucks told Business Insider they had begun their own
review into a findings, and Caffe Nero told a BBC it
had also “taken action.”

The Birth of America’s Obsession With a Perfect Cup of Coffee

Wanted: someone to set a record true on coffee’s health effects and work out a recipe for a perfect cup.

This was a National Coffee Roasters Association’s tender to Massachusetts Institute of Technology highbrow Samuel Prescott in 1920, in sell for $40,000 value of appropriation (half a million today). The open was fed adult with snake-oil-style health ads and were newly stable from fake pseudo-medical wrapping by legislation. So coffee peddlers indispensable some-more precise, systematic promotion — and zero embodied pointing like MIT.

Prescott coffee web

Professor Samuel Cate Prescott in his new laboratory clinging to perfecting coffee in 1920.

Source MIT Museum

Prescott supposed a gig and was shortly monitoring coffee’s effects on rabbits. He distant decades of misrepresentation from legitimate literature, sipping pornographic quantities of brownish-red bullion for 3 years before delivering a ideal cuppa: “One tablespoon of coffee per 8 ounces of water, only brief of boiling, in potion or ceramic containers, never boiled, reheated or reused.” Prescott didn’t wish his sincerely simple investigate bandied about, though that didn’t stop a coffee roasters from plastering his quotes for 36 million journal readers to see. Just 20 years earlier, coffee was famous for being cut with sawdust, though brewing had now turn an practice in perfection.

To entirely know coffee brewing’s experimental affair, we need to rewind to a magnates, Mad group and bad scholarship involved. Rising direct via a 19th century gathering large enlargement of Brazilian plantations. Coffee group gamble and bought like stockbrokers, on wisps of rumors of boom or bust in Brazil, until, by a 1890s, healthy preference had honed an oligopoly of coffee-industry early birds like Folgers, Chase and Sanborn.

The late 19th century was a bang time for claims from obvious medicines and psychological misinformation.

Mark Pendergrast, coffee historian

Of a magnates, John Arbuckle wrote a book on coffee salesmanship. His decoction was conveniently prepacked with prize-redeemable coupons in any bag, finished in beautifully crafted collectible crates. When Hermann Sielcken, Arbuckle’s biggest competitor, targeted Native American buyers by observant his coffee done group as clever as a lion on a wrapper, Arbuckle retorted that his insignia’s angel was stronger than 10,000 lions. If “Lion wants to kick my angel, they’ll have to put on their tag a design of God himself,” he mused.

Arbuckle modernized coffee promotion with dual Don Draper-ish tricks: undermining self-worth and earnest health. People had argued about coffee’s healthiness for hundreds of years, though it was Arbuckle’s ads that alike learned coffee brewing with wifeliness, exploiting housewives’ insecurities, and healthy living.

The attention shortly adopted his suggestive, insecurity-targeting promotion style, though they weren’t alone. A peep inundate of snake-oil-like entrepreneurs had also noticed, and as coffee historian Mark Pendergrast tells OZY, “the late 19th century was a bang time for claims from obvious medicines and psychological misinformation.”

Arbuckle's Coffee

Among them was roving salesman C.W. Post, whose judgment of a “coffee substitute” of burned-and-ground cereal called Postum seemed cursed to destroy in 1895. But he pushed it with a extreme campaign, with headlines like “Lost Eyesight Through Coffee Drinking,” citing impostor physicians and equating caffeine to “cocaine, morphine, nicotine and strychnine.” Post claimed that business could “recover from any typical illness by discontinuing coffee … and regulating Postum.” Within a decade he was a millionaire, his $1.5 million promotion bill rivaling a whole coffee industry’s.

The boldness that done him abounding also valid his downfall. After Collier’s Weekly — a periodical that was muckraking fake promotion during a time — lambasted Postum, he slandered it and got sued, with a coffee peddlers energetically examination as a prosecutor assured a jury to “make this male honest again,” according to The New York Times. Coffee trade magazines called out a father of a Food and Drug Administration, Harvey Wiley, for ignoring Post in his food-industry investigations. Wiley was no crony of a coffee industry; he believed, as Pendergrast records in his book Uncommon Grounds, that “coffee immoderation is a commoner unwell than a whiskey habit.” But Post’s ads were an annoying pain, and he finally forced Post to stop promotion Postum as coffee.

Postum announcement 1910

Source Public Domain/Wikipedia

While a coffee attention successfully capitalized on open direct for transparency, holding down substitutes’ snake-oil-style advertising, it also managed to fire itself in a foot. Not everybody drank coffee, though entrance to a inexpensive cuppa by afterwards had turn an American birthright. So in 1906, when Arbuckle’s aged aspirant Sielcken bankrolled a Brazilian government’s intrigue to seclude over-abundance beans, Americans were outraged. Substitutes charity a “healthier,” cheaper choice gained steam. Under a successive fusillade of pseudo-scientific conflict ads, coffee brands motionless a wisest movement was swiping during any other’s throats. If one ad claimed that coffee’s tannins or acids caused a health problem, any other code countered with pseudo-medical longhorn claiming that that was what happened when we drank any other brand.

Unsurprisingly, this undermined people’s faith in a health advantages of coffee. So, after Postum was dispatched, heads of a attention and editors of tip trade publications shaped a National Coffee Roasters Association. In 1912, to urge a industry’s brewing standards, they charged inventor/researcher/entrepreneur and destiny authority Edward Aborn with conducting a initial investigate of coffee’s chemical composition. They quiescent a dainty ad campaigns in preference of some-more systematic ones — contracting moment teams of Mad group who used psychological investigate to figure out how best to aim customers, says Pendergrast.

Brands that resisted a new systematic character of advertising, including a once-dominant Arbuckle, fast crumbled. And on a eve of a Jazz Age, a NCRA approached Prescott for help, lifting their potion on a new coffee era.

There might be fecal germ in your Starbucks iced coffee, review finds

Before we take another sip of that iced coffee, be warned: There might be germ from feces in it.

The BBC’s Watchdog team conducted an review into U.K. coffee bondage and found that samples of ice from Starbucks

SBUX, +0.37%

Costa Coffee and Caffe Nero drinks contained “varying levels of a bacteria.”

And it’s not a good kind of germ — it’s a germ found in feces. During a BBC’s investigation, 7 out of 10 samples of Costa iced coffee were infested with bacteria, while 3 out of 10 samples from Starbucks and Caffe Nero had a bacteria.

Tony Lewis, conduct of process during a Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, told a BBC that a turn of germ found during these bondage was “concerning” and could turn a “source of tellurian disease.”

“It is intensely critical to us that all a stores work to high standards of hygiene during all times, and we take it really severely when any store fails to accommodate these standards,” a orator for Costa pronounced in a matter to MarketWatch. “We adopt attention customary cleaning processes opposite all a stores, in line with a Food Standard Agency’s advice. Following these formula we have taken evident movement to refurbish a ice doing procedures.”

Caffe Nero and Starbucks, during press time, had not responded to MarketWatch requests for comment, though both companies reportedly told a BBC they were conducting their possess investigations into a claims.

To be fair, fecal germ sneaking in places we wouldn’t design is surprisingly common. As many as half of all bureau coffee cups have fecal germ on them, scientists say. Many coffee cups get fecal matter on them when people rinse them with unwashed sponges.

And we substantially don’t wish to sequence ice with your in-flight drinks, either.

“The ice is put in a tray with a scoop, and a trays don’t get spotless really often,” one airline moody attendant pronounced in a new MarketWatch report. “Every aspect on a craft is overwhelmed by hundreds of people daily and not mostly disinfected. We don’t have a event to rinse a hands during all during a libation service.”

Friends: How most coffee did they drink?

London author Kit Lovelace did a really critical open use yesterday: He tweeted out a draft he combined that shows how most coffee any impression on Friends consumed over 236 episodes. Some fans might consider Chandler to be a caffeine guzzler of a group, though according to Lovelace, it’s indeed Phoebe.

Here’s a draft Lovelace created, orderly by character.

But he didn’t stop there. The people need to know how a characters’ coffee celebration habits waned and waxed via a 10 seasons. As we can see from a draft below, Rachel started low in a initial 4 seasons, substantially since she spent so most time waitressing, and afterwards appearance in deteriorate 5. By a final few seasons, as evidenced by a downward trend on a graph below, a whole expel had cooled it on a java.

These fans are hungry for content, though, and they also need to know a characters particular coffee budgets. Lovelace doesn’t disappoint.

Lovelace pronounced on his Twitter that this was indeed a plan he did in 2015 for a blog PopBitch after saying an essay in Scientific American that merely assumed how many cups a characters drank per episode. Challenge accepted, it seems.

Kit, please, please, for a adore of a early 2000s, mangle down Gilmore Girls next — the bet’s on Lorelai.

Does Coffee Have Terroir?

Us wine attention folks pronounce about terroir a lot. A core judgment in how we perspective booze in a 21st century, terroir is a thought that soil, climate, and topography all give a booze a sold evil that it wouldn’t have if a grapes were grown elsewhere. It’s an thought that posits a locality where grapes are grown as one of a some-more critical elements in a wine, and what sets it detached from others.

Not everybody believes in a concept, though. There have been some important skeptics, like Joseph Bohling, an partner highbrow during Portland State University, who told Portland Monthly that terroir is zero some-more than a successful selling debate by French booze producers endangered about New World wines encroaching on their territory.

Still, it’s a judgment so essential to a approach we consider about booze that one day, while celebration my morning coffee and tasting a motionless blueberry note, we began to consternation possibly coffee, too, has terroir. After all, coffee beans are a lot like grapes, grown in a sold segment and theme to a meridian and dirt conditions. Is it probable that coffee, like wine, expresses terroir?

“Absolutely,” says Greg Zamfotis, renter of Gregorys Coffee, a New York tack for artisanal brew with 20 Manhattan locations, twin New Jersey spots, and a recently non-stop Brooklyn Heights joint. “It substantially mirrors what we would pronounce about when it comes to terroir in wine.”

Coffee grows on trees, Zamfotis explains, and trees take attributes from a dirt they grown on, that translates to a fruit they produce. The fruit of coffee-producing trees is referred to as cherries, and coffee beans are the seed of a cherries. Beans — famous as “green coffee” — are private from cherries by dry estimate in object or shower in water.

Just like terroir is manifested in grapes, a fruit of vines, that afterwards perturbation and turn a terroir-driven booze in your glass, coffee beans — also a tree-fruit, that are picked and roasted and turn a decoction in your morning transport mop – also simulate a place they come from. “Terroir is a genuine thing, generally in coffee,” Zamfotis tells me.

It’s not only coffee sellers who trust that coffee has terroir, either. In May 2015, Luis Alvarez Welchez, a twin consultant on dirt government and coffee production, told Daily Coffee News that coffee’s peculiarity is really contingent on a dirt in that it is grown. “Coffee peculiarity depends on a multiple of a right change of nutrients found in a dirt and a plant’s altitude,” Welchez said. “The plant’s health, dynamic by how good it is nourished by a soil, has a approach outcome on a coffee’s body, flavor, and aroma. Higher altitudes (and cooler temperatures) lead to slower photosynthesis that allows plants to metabolize nutrients some-more gradually and hence furnish bigger and improved beans.”

When Welchez speaks of coffee flourishing conditions and how they impact a ambience of a beverage, it sounds a lot like winemakers articulate about ideal grape-growing conditions. And Welchez is not alone. In his book Coffee: Growing, Processing Sustainable Production, agronomist Jean N. Wintgens writes that several factors change a season of brewed coffee, including temperature, elevation, latitude, rainfall, a nutritious calm of a dirt (nitrogen, calcium, and potassium), a stand load, a genetics, and a cherry theatre of maturity, only for starters. There’s also a volume and peculiarity of a H2O that a tree has been unprotected to. These are all factors that impact a terroir of grapes, too.

And only like with grapes, coffee beans have stereotypical flavors compared with a opposite flourishing locales. “With Brazil, there’s a peanut-chocolate stereotype, though you’ll also find copiousness of coffee that comes out Brazil that has really opposite profiles,” Zamfotis explains. This immediately reminds me of Argentinian Malbec and a clever violet flavors we roughly always associate with a grape.

“Eastern Africa, really Kenya, is famous for citrus, lime, and splendid acidic flavors,” Zamfotis continues. “Ethiopia, for really blueberry, strawberry, bright, vibrant, and fruity notes.”

This is a denunciation I know from wine. The acidic coffee flavors from Kenya are identical to what you’d design to be reflected in a Sauvignon Blanc grown in New Zealand terroir, while a fruit-forward Ethiopian flavors sound a lot like those of a Merlot expressing California terroir.

Dr. H.C. “Skip” Bittenbender, a highbrow and Extension Specialist for Coffee, Kava, and Cacao during a University of Hawaii, also believes really solidly in a terroir of coffee. Bittenbender ran a five-year hearing of 15 Arabica varieties in locations from comfortable to cold opposite a Hawaiian Islands. What he found was surprising: Terroir had a stronger outcome on a coffee than genetics. In other words, where a coffee was grown shabby a ambience some-more than a variety of coffee. Cooler, wetter locations produced more poison than warmer, drier locations, since warmer locations constructed some-more “cup body.”

In other words, meridian conditions were some-more strongly reflected in a final crater of coffee than a simple accumulation of bean used to make it. This means that, according to Bittenbender’s research, terroir in coffee is only as strongly voiced in a cup as it is with wine, validating my Wednesday morning blueberry-noted coffee experience.

For wine drinkers doubtful of terroir, I’d suggest celebration a crater of coffee. What you’re tasting in your mug is a thing we repudiate exists in your glass.

Want a cybersecurity job? Hack a coffee appurtenance for Trustwave.

When employing engineers, Chicago-based cybersecurity organisation Trustwave creates them infer forward of time that they’re adult to a task.

One tactic it uses is buzzworthy: Candidates contingency denote their skills by coding a functions of an hypothetical coffee appurtenance before they can interview, pronounced Mike Smart, Trustwave’s executive of talent merger and development.

“These are people who will spend adult to 4 or 5 hours indeed coding a coffee machine,” Smart said. “It has zero to do with security, though what we indeed do is we demeanour during their formula — substantially some-more so than their resume.”

For this assignment, all a field are told is that a coffee appurtenance is damaged and they contingency formula a proceed to repair it, a mouthpiece said. They can proceed a charge as creatively as they want.