Does Cold Brew Coffee Contain More Caffeine Than Hot Coffee?

There’s a common myth about coffee and a caffeine content. Folks seem to consider it exists in aloft quantities in places where it doesn’t.Espresso, for example, is mostly touted as being a strongest coffee splash to sequence (but it isn’t, if you’re judging by portion size). Dark fry gets credit for carrying some-more caffeine than lighter roasts, when it doesn’t ― all roasts generally have a same volume of caffeine. And cold decoction coffee gets a lot of adore for delivering a vital jar of caffeine. But is that repute deserved?

Gluten issues? Try peanut, almond, coconut — or even coffee flour.

As a coffee lover, my ears perked adult when we listened of coffee flour. This product is considerable for both sustainability and nutrition.

Coffee beans grow inside a protecting coffee fruit, that had formerly been discarded. Innovators are now holding a coffee fruit and estimate it into a product called coffee flour. This is providing increasing income for farmers, and reduction rubbish given it is not being rejected into rivers.

The ambience of coffee flour is described as that of a roasted fruit. Nutritionally, it is impressive. One tablespoon of coffee powder has 5.2 grams of fiber and 301 mg of potassium. One tiny banana has 362 mg of potassium. For squeeze information and recipes go to

Three other engaging flours to cruise are peanut, almond and coconut flour. All are reduce in carbohydrates than wheat flour, abounding in nutrients and gluten free.

Peanut flour is done from dejected and full or partly defatted peanuts. Peanut flour is high in protein and 2 tablespoons is an glorious source of fiber, magnesium, phosphorus and niacin. All these nutrients minister to heart health. For recipes go to

Not surprisingly, almond flour, that is only dejected almonds, adds a smashing season to muffins, breads and cookies. It can even be used as a cloaking for fish. Almond flour is a really good source of vitamin E and also contains iron, manganese, magnesium and copper. And of all a tree nuts, almonds are a top in calcium. Visit for tantalizing almond powder recipes.

The final bulb flour to cruise is coconut flour. Inulin, that is a gut-promoting prebiotic, is in coconut flour. In fact, coconut flour has 5 grams of fiber per tablespoon. With this high fiber content, coconut fiber has a reduce glycemic index than wheat fiber, that is a care for people with diabetes. Great recipes can be found during

Sheah Rarback is a purebred dietitian on a expertise of a University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. Follow her on Twitter @sheahrarback.

Alt-Milks Brew Up Interest At Coffee Retailers

Alternative milks have found a home divided from home: your internal coffee shop.

While soy milk, coconut milk, almond divert and other non-dairy alternatives have already determined a participation on sell shelves, a difficulty still has copiousness of room to grow. And in sell coffee shops both large and small, brands have found a profitable event to get some-more of their product into consumers hands, or cups.

Califia Farms has prolonged hold an seductiveness in both coffee and almond divert products; a Barista Blend Almondmilk and Better Half creamers, a multiple of coconut cream and almond milk, find to overpass that gap. But in an talk with BevNET, Califia Farms’ coffee ubiquitous manager Brian Lovejoy pronounced that a direct for special nut-based milks from coffee professionals was primarily delayed to build.

“Nobody was knocking on a doorway observant ‘please do this for us,’” he said. “We beheld that some-more and some-more consumers were seeking for non-dairy alternatives. For a prolonged time, it was soy. In some coffee shops, they refused to even do a specialty milk. But a consumers unequivocally spoke adult and some of these coffee shops, even a large ones, pronounced we’ve got to keep adult with what a consumer wants, that is non-dairy alternatives.”

Outside of consumers, baristas have also played an critical purpose in bringing nut-based alt-milks into coffee shops around a country. As such, Lovejoy pronounced that Califia’s sales group is focused on pitching to coffee professionals during eccentric stores directly.

“It’s unequivocally opposite than offered to Kroger or Whole Foods,” he said. “The baristas are unequivocally successful in a improved coffee shops; in many cases, it’s a barista that is going to a buyer. We started off being old-school, going adult and down a travel and articulate to baristas and giving them samples so they can see how most improved it performs and how a coffee is means to gleam by a almondmilk.”

Lovejoy pronounced Califia was also looking to strengthen a attribute with baristas by including them in a product growth process.

“We’ve collaborated informally with some of a tip coffee shops in a Bay Area to give us feedback on what’s operative and what’s not working,” he said. “We have a flourishing partnership with [restaurant] Tartine Manufactory and Tartine Bakery and Cafe in a Bay Area. One of their tip baristas and we are operative together on a series of spontaneous projects, though I’m looking to make that some-more formalized.”

Healdsburg, Calif.-based New Barn has also been fervent to answer a call. The brand’s latest innovation, unsweetened organic Barista Almondmilk, was grown privately for and with a assistance of coffee professionals to be a versatile apparatus behind a bar, ideal for formulating latte art and for complementing opposite roasts though powerful them.

Last September, New Barn sealed on as a exclusively retailer of almond divert for Allegro Coffee bars, a inhabitant sequence owned and operated by Whole Foods Market inside a stores. In an talk with BevNET, CEO Billie Thien pronounced that a clever certain response to Barista Almondmilk has stretched over use in lattes and other espresso-based drinks.

“It’s also regulating it to mix signature drinks [at Allegro], such as with their cold decoction during a Summer deteriorate since it blends beautifully prohibited and cold, introducing thousands of coffee lovers who select non-dairy to best-in-class quality,” he wrote. In further to partnering with Allegro, New Barn also recently collaborated with Brooklyn-based Matchabar during this year’s Coachella Music Festival in April, during that Barista Almondmilk was used in over 6,000 Iced Matcha Lattes served inside a show’s VIP area.

Last year high vigour processed bulb divert code MALK partnered with Blue Bottle Coffee to rise a barista mix for use in a cafes. The association described it as a “stripped down” version of a unsweetened almond divert accumulation that is served exclusively in Blue Bottle locations along a coasts. MALK is also formulation to launch a barista mix as partial of a bland lineup.

Retail coffee shops, however, benefaction a wily awaiting in terms of communicating to consumers about a tangible products used behind a opposite by baristas to ready their drinks. While some are means to confederate a grade of in-store branding, it’s left mostly adult to consumers to scrutinise that company’s alt-milks are finale adult in their coffee.

“Messaging—such as menu play and countertop signage—is used though varies widely,” wrote Thien. He remarkable that a association recently launched a Barista Almondmilk in a Whole Foods dairy set nationwide, so there’s a nominal accessibility for consumers between a take-home and on-premise occasions. “What is some-more engaging is a unchanging consumer remarks that something is opposite [and] improved about their coffee. That speaks louder than any signage.”

Lovejoy agreed. “Unfortunately, identical to any divert product in a cafe, [the store] is highlighting a coffee so they will tell we all about a coffee, though unless we ask, they won’t tell we what divert they are using,” he said, observant that some stores do use Califia-branded signage in-store. “It would be overwhelming if we could change that since that would positively assistance a code and if they are regulating a super reward product, it would be good if they let people know.”

Additionally, entering an disdainful partnership with a sell coffee sequence as New Barn did with Allegro might not make clarity for brands depending on their situation.

“I consider that we’re large adequate and widely adequate famous that exclusivity is not in a best interest,” pronounced Lovejoy. “We’ve got good partnerships with Intelligentsia and other obvious coffee shops, though we consider charity a vital coffee sequence and disdainful is unequivocally to a wreckage of what we are perplexing to do that is yield easy entrance to a product everywhere consumers get coffee.”

For brands like Califia and New Barn, a ultimate value in coffee shops is a event to bond with consumers and baristas that are open and enlivening of new innovations in coffee.

“We make certain that we have an ear to what a immature people are seeking for during coffee shops,” pronounced Lovejoy. “There’s increasing seductiveness in coconut milks and some-more specialty milks, so we are profitable tighten courtesy to that and we have a series of things in RD now to make certain that we keep adult with what these consumers are demanding.”

Make a Best Iced Coffee during Home

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Sente coffee emporium with house diversion concentration to open downtown

UPDATED – As some-more people continue to pierce downtown in ubiquitous and a Douglas apartments in particular, there shortly will be another downtown coffee emporium to offer them.

Sente, that is going to open during a northwest dilemma of Douglas and Market where a sales bureau for a Douglas now is, will have a twist.

“We’d unequivocally like to yield a space for people to come and play house games and only relax,” says Caitlin Doolittle, who is opening a business with her boyfriend, Thomas Koch. “The devise is to open with 200 or some-more games.”

The games will be accessible for business to play, not to buy.

Sente is named for a pierce in a diversion Go.

“Sente is a pierce when we arrange of force a other player’s hand,” Doolittle says. “It’s kind of like check in chess.”

The coffee emporium will take a whole dilemma suite, that is 2,610 block feet.

“It has these huge, pleasing windows,” Doolittle says.

The building is opposite from a pop-up park, that she says she quite likes.

“I unequivocally am a outrageous believer of all of … downtown,” says Doolittle, who now works in a cafeteria during Barnes Noble.

She’s also a new Wichita State University graduate and has been an educator. Koch spent 6 years in a Air Force.

“We were kind of prepared for a subsequent adventure,” Doolittle says.

Along with epicurean coffee, she says they’ll offer Italian sodas. Doolittle says flavors such as lemon lavender soda are only a small some-more special than a normal soothing drink.

Sente will partner with internal businesses for coffee and baked goods.

Craig Simon of Landmark Commercial Real Estate rubbed a deal.

Sente expected will open around 7 a.m. to be accessible for people withdrawal their apartments and others going to work. It’ll be open until about 10 p.m. on weeknights and a small after on weekends.

There will be tables and chairs along with some some-more gentle seating, such as sofas.

“We wish it to be flattering infrequent and relaxing,” Doolittle says.

“The devise – fingers crossed – is to open around Aug. 1.”

Sente, a coffee emporium with a house diversion focus, to open downtown

As some-more people continue to pierce downtown in ubiquitous and a Douglas apartments in particular, there shortly will be another downtown coffee emporium to offer them.

Sente, that is going to open during a northwest dilemma of Douglas and Market where a sales bureau for a Douglas now is, will have a twist.

“We’d unequivocally like to yield a space for people to come and play house games and only relax,” says Caitlin Doolittle, who is opening a business with her boyfriend, Thomas Koch. “The devise is to to open with 200 or some-more games.”

Sente is named for a pierce in a diversion Go.

“Sente is a pierce when we arrange of force a other player’s hand,” Doolittle says. “It’s kind of like check in chess.”

The coffee emporium will take a whole dilemma suite, that is 2,610 block feet.

“It has these huge, pleasing windows,” Doolittle says.

The building is opposite from a pop-up park, that she says she quite likes.

“I unequivocally am a outrageous believer of all of … downtown,” says Doolittle, who now works in a cafeteria during Barnes Noble.

She’s also a new Wichita State University graduate and has been an educator. Koch spent 6 years in a Air Force.

“We were kind of prepared for a subsequent adventure,” Doolittle says.

Along with epicurean coffee, she says they’ll offer Italian sodas. Doolittle says flavors such as lemon lavender soda are only a small some-more special than a normal soothing drink.

Sente will partner with internal businesses for coffee and baked goods.

Craig Simon of Landmark Commercial Real Estate rubbed a deal.

Sente expected will open around 7 a.m. to be accessible for people withdrawal their apartments and others going to work. It’ll be open until about 10 p.m. on weeknights and a small after on weekends.

There will be tables and chairs along with some some-more gentle seating, such as sofas.

“We wish it to be flattering infrequent and relaxing,” Doolittle says.

“The devise – fingers crossed – is to open around Aug. 1.”

Botanica: A Dreamy New Coffee Kitchen Comes To Silver Lake

Walking into Botanica Restaurant is a bit like walking onto a cover of a stylish interiors magazine—which usually creates clarity once we accommodate a group behind it.

Owners Emily Fiffer and Heather Sperling changed to Los Angeles from Chicago and New York dual years ago to open Botanica after descending in adore with a city’s artistic waves, different produce, and accessible internal vibes. Silver Lake Boulevard’s sleepy, hip streets and pacific fountainhead circuitously gave impulse to their dream. Botanica’s grill space includes a marketplace, both of that fuel and element a associated food lifestyle website. The marketplace sells a same mixture that a grill uses, and a website is a food lifestyle platform/online emporium with facilities on city food guides, technique tutorials, and name recipes from Botanica’s possess grill menu, staying loyal to a owners’ editorial backgrounds.

Fiffer and Sperling

Think Better Silver Lake Homes and Gardens, perhaps, though this residence exists as if assigned by welcoming neighbors that have invited a universe inside for creatively baked meals, coffee, and cocktails. Bright blue-framed potion doors open to exhibit cream, beige, and pinkish walls and tall, high-beam timber ceilings, suggestive of a cozy, naturally illuminated stable home. Succulents and plants dot a tables and counters and extend a feeling of a balmy outdoor inside from a lonesome behind patio. Opened in May, a space already is bustling with people. While couples and friends dump in to locate adult over meals, many guest also come by alone, some who lay with a coffee and journal or taste on breakfast. The staff animatedly chats with a quickly-becoming-regular customers, training names as they come by to refill H2O and brews. And no, this space isn’t actually a converted home—it was before a wine store from a ’40s, ripped down and now portion as a market, restaurant, and lifestyle concept.

Botanica is a “vegetable-inspired” restaurant, in both a food and cocktail menus. They work with internal producers from all over a city to move in uninformed vegetables for their breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and market. Examples embody colorful, bright, and beautifully plated dishes like “Our Favorite Romesco”—grilled broccolini, charred leeks, crushed potatoes, and cilantro flowers; and “Asparagus Tortilla Espanola”—potato and onion confit, plantation eggs, and pimento aioli with a elementary immature salad. Cocktails are bedecked and mixed with mixture like arugula, basil, and beet juice. They also offer hot, gaunt meats like smoked aristocrat salmon and cast-iron pimento clams. Drawing impulse from cuisines all over a world, from a Mediterranean to a Middle East, Fiffer and Sperling see Botanica as a “global pantry” for a visitors.

In further to a fresh, healthy food menu, a coffee and tea menu also follows a likewise elementary and uninformed structure. Botanica uses Leaves and Flowers Tea and San Francisco’s Coffee Manufactory coffees—a blend, a decaf, and a rotating single-origin coffee. The bar is corroborated by apparatus like a Nuova Simonelli Mythos One Clima Pro millstone and a Mahlkönig EK 43. They offer classical espresso drinks around La Marzocco Linea PB, and have prohibited and iced season coffee interjection to Curtis ThermoPro G4 brewers. The coffee is presented beautifully in a accumulation of beautiful ceramics—including those poetic Kinto cups in a print above—and cold drinks consumed in-house come with posh steel cocktail straws. Signature drinks embody an almost-guilt-free cacao mocha done with housemade cashew-date milk, and a slow-drip iced coffee is done from a sweet, romantic combine brewed deftly overnight by a ThermaPro’s timed decoction cycles.

From here, Botanica usually expects some-more expansion ahead. In further to a constantly changing anniversary menu, they wish to have even some-more equipment mixed and prepared for their market, and wish to continue experimenting with some-more house-made mixture in a commissary. Whether you’re in a area for a healthy dish or a crater of coffee and morning read, Botanica is some-more than happy to horde you, in what feels so most like home.

Katrina Yentch is a Sprudge writer formed in Los Angeles. Read some-more Katrina Yentch on Sprudge.

Photos by Katrina Yentch. Photo of Fiffer and Sperling pleasantness of Adam Gastelum Photography.

Monday Morning Cup of Coffee: Fannie Mae ubiquitous warn allocated to Treasury

Monday Morning Cup of Coffee takes a demeanour during news entrance opposite HousingWire’s weekend desk, with some-more coverage to come on incomparable issues.

The Treasury Department got some many indispensable good news over a weekend, with Axios reporting that President Donald Trump will designate Fannie Mae General Counsel Brian Brooks as deputy secretary.

Brooks worked with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin at OneWest before fasten Fannie Mae in 2014 as executive clamp president, ubiquitous warn and corporate secretary. His story with OneWest is certain to come adult in his acknowledgment hearings, as it did for Mnuchin. From Axios:

Deputy Secretary is a pivotal purpose in a Treasury Department, and Wall Street has been gripping a tie eye on a vacancy. Brooks will be approaching to play a pushing purpose in taxation remodel and a other vital bulletin items. Two sources contend that Mnuchin wanted a loyalist in this pivotal position. 

Mnuchin has had a tough time staffing Treasury, with his first collect for emissary secretary, Jim Donovan of Goldman Sachs, pulling himself out of caring in May. An essay in Bloomberg explained that Treasury is already late delivering a investigate on how to remove some regulations put in place after a financial crisis. From a article:

“Department officials have spent months on a review, holding dozens of meetings with financial companies and ­investors, nonetheless it’s already behind schedule. Rather than arising one omnibus document, Treasury says its commentary will be put out waste in a array of reports.

The reports are partial of a Treasury’s bid to broach on President Donald Trump’s executive sequence to revoke regulation. If Brooks survives a assignment hearing, he could yield much-needed support.

On Thursday a House of Representatives passed a Financial CHOICE Act, a Republican deputy for a Dodd-Frank Act. Although a check faces an uphill battle in a Senate, a opinion highlights one of a biggest targets of this administration: a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Which led to another turn of articulate points from both Republicans and Democrats on a merits (or not) of a bureau. One engaging fact that was steady by several news outlets was a CFPB’s purpose in a Wells Fargo feign comment scandal. This is what Sheelah Kolhatkar of The New Yorker pronounced on NPR’s Marketplace broadcast Friday night:

I suspicion it was unequivocally engaging that while everybody was unequivocally fixated on a James Comey testimony , a House of Representatives voted to radically tummy — or lay in a grave — a Dodd-Frank financial remodel regulation. And it’s doubtful it’s unequivocally  going to ensue in a parliament in this form, though Republicans have been articulate about doing this for a prolonged time, and many people who caring about law and consumer financial insurance are unequivocally endangered about what they are perplexing to pull through.

They basically voted to discharge a Volcker rule, that has done banks safer from suppositional trading, they wish to revoke a energy of a CFPB, that is a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, that we can remind everybody unprotected a Wells Fargo rascal that influenced many, many bank customers. 

Well as prolonged as we’re reminding everyone, a CFPB’s purpose in “exposing” a Wells Fargo liaison was pretty limited. In fact, if that’s a motive behind gripping a CFPB, those who caring about consumer protection should sinecure a journalists from The LA Times who started questioning a bank and eventually pennyless a story.

The editors and writers during that newspaper were means to learn something that an whole sovereign group dedicated to bank slip couldn’t uncover: that a second largest bank in a U.S. dismissed some-more than 5,000 people over a duration of several years for opening during slightest 2 million feign accounts.

In April, a CFPB’s director, Richard Cordray, defended his agency’s actions in a Wells Fargo case, observant that a business did not learn of a liaison from a newspaper, though already had an review into a bank in 2013.

If that’s true, that means that a business did zero to stop a bank from scamming thousands of a business for another three years — all while receiving complaints on a consumer censure database on this unequivocally topic. Not a unequivocally impressive evidence for a agency’s aptitude or necessity.

The Federal Reserve is widely expected to lift a sovereign supports rate during a Jun assembly on Wednesday, notwithstanding a unsatisfactory May jobs report. But what does that debility meant for a serve rate travel designed for September?  According to an article in a Detroit Free Press, that rate travel is in jeopardy. From a article:

“The Fed is on march for a Jun rate hike,” said Diane Swonk, CEO of DS Economics in Chicago. “The Fed is still stealing a feet from a accelerator as against to attack a brakes.” 

The incomparable opposite is when there competence be an additional rate travel this year. Swonk expected a Fed will check an expected rate travel during the Fed’s two-day meeting Sept. 19 and Sept. 20 given a economy is confronting weaker than hoped salary gains and below-target acceleration rates.

But The Wall Street Journal reaches a opposite end in an article published Sunday, observant that a Fed’s efforts so distant have not cooled off a batch market, and a dissimilarity between the central bank and Wall Street means a Fed needs to continue to lift rates. From a article:

“If we confirm that we need to tie financial conditions and we lift short-term seductiveness rates and that doesn’t accomplish a objective, afterwards we’re going to have to tie short-term seductiveness rates by more,” New York Fed President William Dudley told The Wall Street Journal final year.

It is still too early to contend either officials will lift rates some-more aggressively than planned. Still, Harvard University economist Jeremy Stein, a former Fed governor, pronounced given financial conditions are so lax after 3 rate increases, a Fed is reduction expected to behind divided from a devise to keep lifting rates, even in a face of low inflation.

Seattle firms infer that affordable housing is achievable. Two firms in Seattle, one of a tightest housing markets in a nation, announced that they will build “workforce apartments” in a pricey neighborhoods of First Hill and Pioneer Square. The $500 million investment from Spectrum Development and Laird Norton Partners will yield housing for those with middle-class incomes like firefighters and teachers. From a Seattle Times article:

The need is huge: About 92% of a 31,000 new market-rate apartments that have non-stop in Seattle this decade have been oppulance units, with an normal rent just underneath $2,000 a month, according to a let organisation RealPage.

Even for developers who wish to support to some-more center category renters, a charge is daunting. The article sum how a dual Seattle builders devise to make it work:

To offer cheaper rents than other new apartments, Spectrum skeleton on putting adult buildings with all a basis though few frills: no subterraneous parking garages, concierge services or high-end amenities that expostulate adult construction costs — and rents — during many new buildings. The buildings will also generally be smaller, that saves income compared to high-rises.

And they wish to arrange deals with skill owners to save on upfront costs, given shopping properties for growth can cost tens of millions of dollars.

Lucy Liu’s Coffee Habits Spark Investigation Into Possible Luke Cage Season 2 Involvement


Loose lips, a observant goes, penetrate ships. But rather than falling ships, when those lax lips go to Elementary star Lucy Liu, and when they’re used not for spilling secrets though for sipping coffee, they can boyant rumors of Liu’s impasse in a second deteriorate of Marvel’s Luke Cage instead, environment media sleuths on a route of unravelling a poser that will need all of their deductive skills!

Making a rounds in a party media on this delayed news Sunday, Liu has been speckled on a Instagram page of a Harlem Coffee Co. twice in a final dual weeks, sparking conjecture as to what a star competence be doing so tighten to where Marvel is filming Luke Cage. The initial print seemed on Jun 1, display Liu on a premises:

It’s not bland that @lucyliu walks into your coffee emporium though really good when she does… #harlem #happy #coffeeshop #coffeetime #muralart #mural #smile #sun #nyc #newyork

A post common by Harlem Coffee Co. (@harlemcoffeeco) on Jun 1, 2017 during 9:05am PDT

Innocent enough! Perhaps Liu simply enjoys a shop’s caffeinated beverages. However, a tract thickened when a coffee emporium posted a following print yesterday:

That’s all folks…#newyork #coffee #harlem #marvel #lukecage #coffeeshop #coffeetime

A post common by Harlem Coffee Co. (@harlemcoffeeco) on Jun 9, 2017 during 2:21pm PDT

Now that Liu has been speckled twice in a neighborhood, and a second time with Luke Cage’s Mike Colter, it has to be deliberate some-more than coincidence. Likewise, pointed clues in a Instagram summary suggests that Liu competence have had business in a area, and that business is now concluded. So what is she adult to? Joining a Marvel Cinematic Universe as a new character, to entrance on a second deteriorate of a strike Netflix show? Or maybe she’s there to approach an episode? Or is her CBS uncover Elementary set to crossover with a Marvel universe, with Liu and co-star Jonny Lee Miller set to join Season 2 of a Defenders as new group members?

The possibilities are limitless, that means it’s elementary, dear Watson, to ascertain that a possibilities to emanate clickbait articles about it before a law is finally laid unclothed are vast as well! Stay tuned…

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“Coffee With A Cop”: Local authorities build attribute with community

COLORADO SPRINGS,  Colo. — The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office hosted “Coffee With A Cop” on Saturday.

The Colorado Springs and Fountain Police Departments were also on-hand to answer questions.

Since Jan 2016, these open discussions have been function all around town.

“When people know that they can proceed a military officer and ask, ‘why are we doing these things’ and we’re means to explain it, that unequivocally show’s transparency,” pronounced Sgt. Mitch Mihalko with a El Paso County Sheriff’s Office.

Coming adult there will be other “Coffee With A Cop” events function around town.

The subsequent events will be Jul 1 during a McDonald’s on Voyager Parkway and on Jul 8 during Wesley Owens Coffee in Monument.

Both events are function from 10 a.m. until noon.

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