Oxford’s Southern Girl Coffee brews adult hometown feel

Ask Leah Sparks about coffee, and be prepared to listen.

She can speak about beans, a chemical reactions during roasting, a opposite ways a sugars in a beans conflict to feverishness and how it all formula in a flavor. She can teach on a disproportion in cold decoction coffee and opposite season profiles. For her, it’s not only a crater of joe.

And like any barista, she serves adult copiousness of review at Southern Girl Coffee on Choccolocco Street in Oxford. But she owns a business, and given of that, coffee means conversation. As informed business come up, she tends to ask about family as she fills bags with beans or stirs adult their orders.

“I like a whole village feel of it,” she said. “Good conversations, an event to lay down and suffer life. Not to be consumed by what’s on Facebook or Instagram. Just to unplug. Sit and fellowship. That’s what it’s all about.”

Sparks, 26, began Southern Girl behind in 2014, a year after she started roasting coffee as a hobby. Her stepfather and grandfather helped her build her initial spit out of an aged gas grill, and she schooled how to fry examination YouTube videos and researching.

Now, she sells coffee from a customized retro camper subsequent to a storefront opposite from a Oxford Center for a Performing Arts. She roasts a beans from a specially-made Guatemalan indication during a behind of a adjacent building. She takes Southern Girl Coffee on a highway to festivals, though she unequivocally enjoys offered coffee right there in her hometown.

“Ever given college, we had to an thought to run a coffee shop,” she said. “Entrepreneurship is in my family, so we got started and never looked back.”

That’s also partial of her nature, she said. Sparks comes from an jaunty background, and pronounced she is really idea oriented. Just like a investigate she put in to meaningful a business, she also spends a lot of time perplexing to get her coffee in internal restaurants and integrated into locally-made products.

And she finds time to speak to students during Oxford High about using her possess business. She’s also removing married after this year.

It’s substantially a good thing she’s so heavily into caffeine.

Oxford, a city of some-more than 21,000, already has during slightest dual sequence coffee businesses, though Sparks pronounced she felt there was still an untapped marketplace for specialty coffee. It’s also a special time for Oxford, as a city continues to grow commercially from a Interstate 20 corridor, and a normal categorical travel area is undergoing an endless revitalization.

Summer tends to be a good time, too, as crowds come for shows during a humanities core and feet trade seeks out a shade for a good iced coffee.

In addition, Sparks pronounced she sells coffee by her website, that accounts for about 15 percent of her business. A lot of that business comes referred from internal business who send coffee to friends and relatives, who afterwards find out some-more online.

Still, a final of a business keep her moving.

“Small business is hard. Even when you’re not here, you’re here,” she said, gesturing to a camper. “People consider given you’re your possess boss, we can set your possess hours. But that’s only not a case.

“Still, it’s good when people stop by and lay down, only for a small bit.”

Drinking coffee might assistance forestall liver cancer, investigate suggests

Increasing coffee expenditure competence assistance to wand off liver cancer, a new investigate has suggested.

Researchers have found that people who splash some-more coffee are reduction expected to rise hepatocellular cancer (HCC), a many common form of primary liver cancer – and a outcome was even found in decaffeinated coffee.

Experts from a University of Southampton and a University of Edinburgh examined information from 26 studies involving some-more than 2.25 million participants.

Compared with people who drank no coffee, those who drank one crater a day had a 20% reduce risk of building HCC, according to a study, published in a biography BMJ Open.

Those who consumed dual cups a day had a 35% reduced risk and for those who drank 5 cups, a risk was halved. They found a protecting outcome for decaf was “smaller and reduction certain than for caffeinated coffee”.

The authors wrote: “It competence be critical for building coffee as a lifestyle involvement in ongoing liver disease, as decaffeinated coffee competence be some-more excusable to those who do not splash coffee or who extent their coffee expenditure since of caffeine-related symptoms.”

Lead author Dr Oliver Kennedy, of a University of Southampton, said: “Coffee is widely believed to possess a operation of health benefits, and these latest commentary advise it could have a poignant outcome on liver cancer risk.

“We’re not suggesting that everybody should start celebration 5 cups of coffee a day though. There needs to be some-more review into a intensity harms of high coffee-caffeine intake, and there is justification it should be avoided in certain groups such as profound women.

“Nevertheless, a commentary are an critical growth given a augmenting justification of HCC globally and a bad prognosis.”

Professor Peter Hayes, of a University of Edinburgh, added: “We have shown that coffee reduces cirrhosis and also liver cancer in a dose-dependent manner.

“Coffee has also been reported to reduce a risk of genocide from many other causes. Our investigate adds to a justification that, in moderation, coffee can be a smashing healthy medicine.”

Figures from a Office for National Statistics uncover that in 2015, 4,673 new cases of liver cancer were diagnosed in England.

The association behind a butter and coffee disturb skeleton to open a café in NYC — Here’s what it’s like

Bulletproof sipBiz Carson/Business Insider

Coffee with butter isn’t a standard morning beverage. But it’s become a disturb among biohackers and those looking to supplement additional appetite to their day.

Championed by Dave Asprey, author of “The Bulletproof Diet,” a aptly named “Bulletproof coffee” (BPC) is a brew of specifically treated coffee, butter from grass-fed cows, and “brain octane” oil, that is identical to coconut oil.

You’ve never seen these mixture on a Starbucks menu. But they’re staples during a Bulletproof café in Santa Monica, California — and some-more cafés could be springing adult around a nation soon.

On Wednesday, Asprey announced that his company, Bulletproof, had lifted an additional $19 million from lead investors CAVU Venture Partners.

With a new money, a association pronounced it skeleton to fuel the sell expansion, including opening adult a store in New York City. Last year, we stopped by Bulletproof’s café in Santa Monica to see if a coffee and butter mixture could keep me fueled for my expostulate behind to San Francisco. Here’s what it was like:

Grouchy John’s Coffee Expanding to a Westside

If we haven’t visited their coffee emporium in a southeast, there’s a good possibility you’ve still managed to mark their grouchy faced idol around town, searching on a outward of a Grouchy John’s Coffee truck. The group distinguished 5 years of business during their Maryland Parkway store in Mar and are now expanding to a second plcae 15 miles to a northwest, inside a former home of a Wake Up Coffee Cafe.

Grouchy John’s will fill a 1,690-square-foot dilemma site during a Charleston Festival sell center, in a same building as a Moko Ramen Bar and Tropical Smoothie Cafe. The coffee emporium will also be regulating a built in drive-thru, sketch business to a intersection of Charleston and Torrey Pines and confronting a College of Southern Nevada campus.

To deliver themselves to a neighborhood, a coffee lorry has been frequently parked outward a front door, portion smoothies, espresso and frappes while they transform a interior.

In further to prohibited and cold specialties, like a “Shirley Temple of Doom” matcha immature tea smoothie, a strange plcae also serves muffins, pastries, donuts, bagels, oatmeal and wraps with mixture like “chipotle chicken.”

The stream devise is to entrance before a finish of June.

All Coverage of Coming Attractions [ELV]

The Coffee Sprudgecast Ep. 42: US Brewers Cup Champion Dylan Siemens

Welcome to a bite-sized part of The Coffee Sprudgecast, taped in a misty days after a 2017 US Barista Championship and SCA Global Coffee Expo. Special Correspondent Liz Chai (@chaiamericano) sat down with Onyx Coffee Lab Barista Trainer and 2017 US Brewers Cup Champion Dylan Siemens in a friendly cafeteria in Portland, Oregon. Think of this week’s uncover as a follow-up to Liz Chai’s stating from a US Coffee Champs showfloor in Episode 41, in that Chai interviewed a foe decider (Mallory Lecht), proffer (Sara Frinak), aspirant (Talya Strader of Equator Coffees) and manager (Matthew Jung-Quillen).

Check out The Coffee Sprudgecast on iTunes or download a episode hereThe Coffee Sprudgecast is sponsored KitchenAid craft coffee apparatus and Urnex Brands.

We wish we enjoyed this week’s show, and interjection for listening! While we have you, there’s some other unequivocally essential coffee podcast work function right now, and we wish to scream out some of a stream favorites. This week’s Sprudgecast is fun sized, so it’s a ideal time to download and start following some other glorious coffee podcast content.

Boss Barista — “Jasper Wilde and Ashley Rodriguez speak about gender, race, sex, and other critical issues in coffee.” Hosted by Japser Wilde and Ashley Rodriguez. Subscribe around iTunes.

I Brew My Own Coffee — “A podcast for people who caring about coffee.” Winner of a 2016 Sprudgie Award for Best Coffee Podcast. Hosted by Bryan Schiele and Brian Beyke. Subscribe around iTunes.

Vibrant — “Vibrant is a storytelling podcast about coffee and hospitality. It’s an ongoing array of brief audio stories available with coffee professionals and attention admirers about well-developed coffee liberality moments.” Hosted by Mallory Lecht. Subscribe around iTunes. 

Photos by Elizabeth Chai.

How Does It Make You Feel? The Coffee Emotions Flavor Wheel

Coffee can be fruity, spicy, or even herbaceous, flowery, and tangy. There are 110 probable outline records to impute to a crater of coffee. That’s according to a Specialty Coffee Association’s Flavor Wheel, that was rebooted in 2016.

The new circle updates and codifies a dictionary of coffee flavors and aromas to assistance spin a biased impressions of coffee descriptors into design prose. But what if we could use a possess emotions to report a crater of coffee?

Brazilian researcher Emilia Ricardi has attempted to emanate a new emotion-based dictionary of tellurian responses to coffee desirous by a SCA Flavor Wheel. Using these words, she hopes to improved report a habits and feelings surrounding coffee consumption.

According to Ricardi, who is operative towards a Master’s grade in a Faculty of Food Engineering (FEA) during Unicamp University of Campinas, Brazil, a studies that report emotions to a knowledge of expenditure are trending in feeling science, as the dimensions of feelings surrounding food and splash expenditure inspires marketing and growth of new products.

“The investigate thought came from a fact that coffee expenditure is [undergoing] a poignant change, and a use of emotions is a [new] approach to weigh a consumer experience,” Ricardi says.

In Ricardi’s study, 7 samples of heading coffee brands/producers in a nation were tested, including  traditional, superior, and epicurean forms of coffees. An initial turn of contrast combined a quantitative detailed research (that used detailed panels to magnitude a product’s feeling characteristics) to get to a impressionable form of these comparison coffees. They sundry from earthy, mellow, and eccentric to reduction formidable and sour.

The romantic descriptors were initial cataloged with 60 volunteers regulating a free-association technique—they had to report that feelings came to mind when tasting a opposite coffees. Later, a terms were grouped into a list of 26 difference (e.g. awake, happy, pleased, satisfied, sociable, and relaxed). Ten some-more terms were afterwards enclosed from references from US studies already conducted in a area (among them: guilty, disgusted, bored, worried, and wild).

The final list of 36 tension terms was presented to 124 consumers trimming from 20 to 49 years aged by a check-all-that-apply (CATA, or checklist) method, for any of a 7 coffees. The formula were afterwards assessed from a family between a emotions and a coffee samples for any of 3 identified consumer clusters.

Ricardi sorted a groups into 3 opposite clusters of coffee consumer behavior: a initial one elite strong-tasting cups, a second one looked for coffee beans with light to middle roasts, and a third cluster encompassed people who enjoy many opposite forms of coffee.

The Brazilian consumers who participated in a investigate generally used terms compared to appetite and wellness to report their feelings per celebration coffee, such as warmed up, awake, stimulated, satisfied, fine, and full of beans. The cluster which preferred superior/gourmet coffee was comprised of people not comparison than 29 (80% of a group), that was telling.

“We can contend that…new coffee shops [are] conversion a ambience and habits of this generation, creation immature people cite higher or epicurean coffees,” Ricardi says. On a other hand, a elder era seems to cite some-more “traditional” coffee, something that reminds them of a days of yore—when their mothers and grandmothers used to always have a coffee pot warming adult in a wooden stove. Some of a terms compared to their knowledge enclosed nostalgia and saudade—a common Portuguese word tighten in definition to yearning.

Ricardi adds that millennial-aged consumers (even in Brazil) are pushing a change in coffee expenditure divided from normal brands and seeking higher-quality beans: their lust for coffee is assisting to pull tellurian direct to new heights.

She points out that notwithstanding a significance of emotions for a food industry, generally for a younger generations (much some-more greatly connected with what they buy/eat/drink), small is famous about how a food itself is emotionally compared with consumers.

“With a study, we were means to uncover that tension difference assistance validate consumers’ knowledge per food and drinks, generally coffee—something that a marketplace should be some-more wakeful of,” she concludes.

Rafael Tonon is a freelance publisher formed in Brazil. Read some-more Rafael Tonon on Sprudge.

This coffee butter-chugging startup only pulled in $19 million some-more in …

Dave Asprey, a male famous for enlivening Silicon Valley execs to put butter in his special mix of coffee, has lifted another $19 million to keep on doing only that.

His association and lifestyle code Bulletproof 360 claims to make coffee giveaway of something called mycotoxins, that is, basically, mold and can make we unequivocally ill if ingested. Asprey says about 75 percent of other brands are full of these mycotoxins and they are inspiring a smarts and bodies of America’s leaders. But for $18.95 we can get a bag of Asprey’s “Upgraded” mix of 0 mycotoxins coffee.

But that explain doesn’t seem to reason up. Mycotoxins are in a lot of things, including meats, grains, coffee and a garland of other foodstuffs and are many positively damaging in vast quantities. However, many each coffee association in a universe is wakeful of this cancer-causing mold and many use soppy estimate to purify a beans for that reason. Bulletproof says that’s not adequate and that it has some additional special technique, though notwithstanding whatever that is, some have claimed to have found next threshold levels of mycotoxins in Asprey’s coffee anyway.

Also, according to a National Institutes of Health investigate Americans who drank some-more than 4 cups of coffee a day were found to have good next what’s deliberate protected levels of mycotoxins. Levels were so low after a normal coffee bean roasting routine a NIH dropped a investigate so it doesn’t seem like this should be a large regard for coffee drinkers anyway.

As for dissecting a other claims, like a special fat that creates we skinny and reduces your cholesterol or that grass-fed butter has health advantages for your mind would make for a most longer post. However, there is some rough evidence that medium-chain triglycerides do assistance with weight loss.

There’s also something to be pronounced for building a constant following and a plain sales pipeline in a health and wellness margin — something not everybody can do in such a swarming space. And Asprey’s possess backstory lends to his credit here. The male mislaid about a 100 pounds after spending $1 million of his possess income in hearing and blunder “hacking” his possess body. But really, anyone who can sell something called FATwater (literally H2O with fat in it) deserves a award in a sales gymnasium of fame.

While we don’t know a year-over-year sales figures, Bulletproof seems to have done well adequate during slightest to remonstrate VC’s to hand over some-more money. CAVU Venture Partners led a round, along with prior financier Trinity Ventures (which also, incidentally, invested in Starbucks). Bulletproof formerly took in $9 million in Series A, bringing adult a sum appropriation to date to $28 million.

Asprey, who only expelled his latest book, patrician HEAD STRONG, also skeleton to enhance to some-more sell stores this year, starting in New York City. His dual existent Bulletproof Cafés are in Southern California.

This coffee butter-chugging startup only pulled in $19 million some-more in funding

Dave Asprey, a male famous for enlivening Silicon Valley execs to put butter in his special mix of coffee, has lifted another $19 million to keep on doing only that.

His association and lifestyle code Bulletproof 360 claims to make coffee giveaway of something called mycotoxins, that is, basically, mold and can make we unequivocally ill if ingested. Asprey says about 75 percent of other brands are full of these mycotoxins and they are inspiring a smarts and bodies of America’s leaders. But for $18.95 we can get a bag of Asprey’s “Upgraded” mix of 0 mycotoxins coffee.

But that explain doesn’t seem to reason up. Mycotoxins are in a lot of things, including meats, grains, coffee and a garland of other foodstuffs and are many positively damaging in vast quantities. However, many each coffee association in a universe is wakeful of this cancer-causing mold and many use soppy estimate to purify a beans for that reason. Bulletproof says that’s not adequate and that it has some additional special technique, though notwithstanding whatever that is, some have claimed to have found next threshold levels of mycotoxins in Asprey’s coffee anyway.

Also, according to a National Institutes of Health investigate Americans who drank some-more than 4 cups of coffee a day were found to have good next what’s deliberate protected levels of mycotoxins. Levels were so low after a normal coffee bean roasting routine a NIH dropped a investigate so it doesn’t seem like this should be a large regard for coffee drinkers anyway.

As for dissecting a other claims, like a special fat that creates we skinny and reduces your cholesterol or that grass-fed butter has health advantages for your mind would make for a most longer post. However, there is some rough evidence that medium-chain triglycerides do assistance with weight loss.

There’s also something to be pronounced for building a constant following and a plain sales pipeline in a health and wellness margin — something not everybody can do in such a swarming space. And Asprey’s possess backstory lends to his credit here. The male mislaid about a 100 pounds after spending $1 million of his possess income in hearing and blunder “hacking” his possess body. But really, anyone who can sell something called FATwater (literally H2O with fat in it) deserves a award in a sales gymnasium of fame.

While we don’t know a year-over-year sales figures, Bulletproof seems to have done well adequate during slightest to remonstrate VC’s to hand over some-more money. CAVU Venture Partners led a round, along with prior financier Trinity Ventures (which also, incidentally, invested in Starbucks). Bulletproof formerly took in $9 million in Series A, bringing adult a sum appropriation to date to $28 million.

Asprey, who only expelled his latest book, patrician HEAD STRONG, also skeleton to enhance to some-more sell stores this year, starting in New York City. His dual existent Bulletproof Cafés are in Southern California.

Futuristic — and workman — Roasting Plant coffee emporium opens the doors during DIA

Roasting Plant is a coffee emporium that bills itself as a tech company. And if we wish a cup, all we have to do is conduct to a airport.

The workman coffee shop, that differentiates itself by roasting a beans in front of customers, distinguished a grand opening during a Denver International Airport Tuesday, stability a pull for high-quality dining practice during a airport.

“The just-roasted coffee knowledge is simply most improved in terms of taste,” Roasting Plant co-founder Thomas Hartocollis said. “Even though divert or sugar, people will find a coffee they love.”

Walk into Roasting Plant, that sits subsequent to a movement core nearby a University of Colorado A-Line platform, and your eyes are drawn to a opening tubes covering a roof and side wall of a shop. A microroaster stands between tender immature and roasted coffee beans that are hold in see-through tubes. Beans spasmodic fire by a pipes as business sequence cups or beans are roasted.

A patron can select any one of 9 varieties of beans or mix adult to four. A barista pushes some buttons on a register and a beans are sent by a tubes beyond into a high-pressure French press subsequent to a barista. Within a minute, a crater is brewed with a crema on tip — a skinny covering of froth that indicates a mutation of a coffee.

The Denver airfield plcae is a company’s fifth though it’s looking to have 12 locations open by a finish of a year, Hartocollis said.

Everything is precisely engineered — wise as Hartocollis’ co-founder Mike Caswell is an engineer. (He also was a code and potency consultant during Starbucks Corp.) The series of beans sent by any tube, how prohibited a spit gets to maximize particular season profiles, a twirling trail a beans transport by a tubes to forestall enormous — all automatic to a final detail.

Hartocollis put a Javabot — a company’s name for a record — to work before a shop’s grand opening: loading uninformed beans, promulgation beans into a spit and grouping a crater from a register. It’s an whole supply chain, though in one store, he said.

“You usually watched something that no one routinely sees,” Hartocollis pronounced after a beans finished their 12-minute micro-roast. “It typically happens in a factory.”

Roasted beans are usually uninformed for about 10 days, Hartocollis said. Many coffee places fry their beans in a bureau and afterwards boat them to their storefronts, that means a coffee might be on a verge of seared by a time business take their initial sip, he said. By roasting a beans in a shop, Hartocollis pronounced a Roasting Plant can offer a fresher, aloft peculiarity coffee that puts it in a difficulty of artisan, or a “third call of coffee.”

But distinct other workman coffee shops, Roasting Plant is humble, he said. People can sip their coffee with divert and sugarine though shame.

“You don’t see a lot of third call companies in airports since no one’s going to wait for a 10-minute flow over,” Hartocollis said. “Can we suppose a line?”

Airport arch Kim Day pronounced Roasting Plant is both high peculiarity and unique, checking a lot of a boxes for passengers during a airport. She complimented a coffee emporium on creating an knowledge instead of usually offered coffee.

The emporium is another step in a airport’s flourishing bid to move better dining and sell to a airport. A pull that began around 2014, she said. It’s also gotten attention. The airport was ranked No.1 in a republic for airfield dining by RewardExpert in March.

It’s also not a usually dining news to come out Tuesday. Denver Central Market might be formulating an airfield food hall to impersonate a downtown concept. Day pronounced to also demeanour out for dual new Smash Burgers, one of that will be dual stories with a bar, and a Tom’s Urban that will be teaming with Tivoli Brewery Co. to offer a drink that will usually be served during a airport.

“More and some-more we’re charity we upscale, foodie-type opportunities here during a airport,” she said.

Heights coffee emporium fights opposite tellurian trafficking – Click2Houston

HOUSTON – It takes about 3 mins to make a mochanut coffee during A 2nd Cup, though progressing currently it usually took seconds for large lives to be changed.

“A 2nd Cup, we are a $100,000 leader from Reliant Gives,” boss of NRG Retail and Reliant Elizabeth Killinger announced.

“I feel like my mind only kind of went blank, like ‘waaa.’ we can’t trust this is happening,” Erica Raggett said.

The tour to this impulse began 6 1/2 years ago for Raggett. She was a clergyman in Houston when she listened a display on tellurian trafficking during her church.

“My mind was blown and we was frightened and angry and … we listened stats, like a normal age of entrance into sex trafficking is 12 to 14 years old. we was, ‘Those are a kids that I’m teaching,’” pronounced Raggett. “I wish to do something. we wish to be partial of a solution.”

So she founded “A 2nd Cup.”

What began as a pop-up coffee emporium on a travel found a home in a Heights in late 2015. It’s helped attract others with a same passion such as Alyse Bordelon.

“A lot of people come in here not meaningful that it’s a nonprofit, not meaningful that all of their resources go towards fighting tellurian trafficking. They consider it’s only a coffee shop,” Bordelon said.

In fact, that was Bordelon’s story in January. Now, she volunteers during a emporium during slightest twice a week and was a Reliant worker who nominated A 2nd Cup to accept a $100,000 grant. It’s income that will assistance launch their nonprofit coffee emporium and culinary training module for survivors.

“I’m unequivocally vehement to support those survivors in removing jobs that they get to keep that are going to lift them into independence,” Bordelon said.

“The thought that we can assistance them supplement a module that helps sight people who are former victims of tellurian trafficking so that they can arise skills and transition to a life that anyone would wish to have, it’s only unequivocally amazing,” Killinger said.

“Our trademark is a phoenix since we unequivocally consider that they can arise and do something beautiful,” Raggett said.

If we don’t like coffee though still wish to support A 2nd Cup, afterwards you’re in luck.

Local Fare for Local Freedom: A Foodie-Friendly Fundraiser is holding place during A 2nd Cup on Jun 4 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

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