Spice adult your morning coffee with chicory’s nutty, worldly flavors

IT IS SAID that coffee is a concept crony of a cold, a creative, a restrained and a conscripted, of cops and late-night carousers alike. But infrequently coffee can turn a dear thing, embargoed and costly and imported, and those who need it can hardly scratch together a handful of beans. For those people, in those moments, there is chicory.

Chicory (also, chickory), a lettuce-like plant associated to a dandelion and to curly endive (also, confusingly, infrequently called “chicory”), produces a humble, blue, forgettable flower and a base that tastes adequate like coffee that it can be dried; roasted; and combined to, or replaced for, coffee, when a need arises. First cultivated in ancient Egypt as an herb and a vegetable, chicory has been walking in close step with coffee given a 18th century in Europe, humbly stuffing in like an student when coffee, that precious-yet-ubiquitous princess of commodities, is wanting or too expensive.

Enthusiasts, or people who like their decoction second-wave, roasted black and clever as oil, explain chicory has a nutty, worldly flavor. Others competence advise that it only tastes like someone put their cigarette out in an differently excellent crater of coffee. But maybe it’s wartime, and genuine coffee has been embargoed for months, though you’ve been adult and adult to your ankles in sand for days and you’re happy to see it, so you’ll fill your tin canteen crater with prohibited liquid, black and sour and prohibited as a conflict around you. Or maybe you’re a prisoner, and the man swaps out coffee for chicory in a pierce equal tools inexpensive and punitive. Still, a comforting miasma of steam rising from your crater creates we feel a bit like a giveaway chairman for a few mins that it lasts, and we have nowhere to go, so we don’t caring that what you’re celebration has no caffeine.

But there are places where chicory is not an also-ran, though rather an essential component to a genuine crater of joe. Enlightenment-era French nobleness drank it on purpose, and in New Orleans, a Civil War besiege done a chicory-coffee mix a tradition to be savored, even lauded. A beignet in New Orleans is best enjoyed during Cafe du Monde, and during Cafe du Monde, your beignets will arrive prohibited and dusted with sugar, and your coffee will be served au lait and peaked with chicory, either we ask it or not. It’s a slight sour spice after a happy debauchery, a punch of existence after a dreamy, jazz-filled, booze-soaked revels of a night before. The coffee is roasted dark, so you’re removing a two-for-one understanding on a sourness front, that is because we need a milk.

You can knowledge this for yourself by purchasing a tin of strange Cafe Du Monde (preground and vacuum-sealed, and we bought cave during World Market for $9.99) and brewing it during home. For a beignets, we can stop by Toulouse Petit in Queen Anne, or follow down a Where Ya At Matt food truck. You also can squeeze all-chicory “herbal coffee” during health food stores (some even explain it is a digestive aid) and maybe sip it in a preserve of a temporary plywood installation in your yard on a stormy day for a small Civil War re-enacting on a fly.

New Research Suggests Drinking Coffee Can Help Make Bones Stronger

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — There are new advantages related to celebration coffee. A crater of coffee, even dual or three, can assistance make your skeleton stronger, according to new research.

Doctors contend calcium, vitamin D and practice are a primary things that keep skeleton strong. There had been some concerns that coffee competence break them though good news for a millions of coffee lovers — this investigate says go forward and enjoy.

Coffee is a morning slight for many to help arise adult and get a boost of energy. It might also assistance strengthen your bones.

A new investigate that lonesome 564 people and found those who drink a lot of coffee had aloft bone mass firmness than non-coffee drinkers.

“Three metabolites, in particular, were compared with an boost in bone firmness in a population, and also, a diminution in a risk of fracture,” Dr. Chad Deal said.

Previous investigate on coffee and bone health has been conflicting.

One investigate showed caffeine reduced calcium fullness and indifferent bone formation.

The caffeine in coffee has also been related to increasing blood pressure, stomach difficulty and insomnia.

But investigate has also shown several benefits, including a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes.

The new investigate was tiny though for a initial time identified an component in coffee that done skeleton stronger.

“For all those folks who splash lots of coffee and are endangered about a health effects of coffee, this is good news,” Dr. Deal said.

He says a intensity advantage from this investigate comes from a marker of specific metabolites in coffee that are good for bone health, that could lead to formulating new drugs to assistance strengthen bone health in a future.

Over a years there’s been a lot of opposing investigate on coffee harms and benefits, experts say.

Multiple studies have now privileged coffee as a means of critical disease, including cancer and heart illness and it won’t harm your bones.

New coffee roastery opens in Roscoe – WREX

ROSCOE (WREX) — Specialty coffee has grown in recognition opposite a stateline, and a new mom and cocktail coffee association in Roscoe is brewing adult something unique.

Snowdrift Coffee is a tiny batch, qualification coffee association specializing in online sales, private tag roasting and indiscriminate placement to internal cafes and grocery stores.

“We changed from California to Roscoe to start a possess coffee roasting business and it has been such an extraordinary knowledge for us so far,” pronounced Ant Walach, co-founder of Snowdrift Coffee.

Ant Walach and Rita Kaminsky are co-owners and founders of Snowdrift and combined, a dual have some-more than 30 years of knowledge in a coffee industry.

“I fell in adore with coffee in my unequivocally early twenties,” pronounced Kaminsky. “All of a nuances and complexity in how to decoction coffee usually intrigued me so most that we pacifist in conduct initial with coffee.”

“My story is concerned in coffee competitions both nationally and internationally for judging,” pronounced Walach, “that helped me rise my palette.”

Kaminsky is creatively from Milwaukee and Walach from northern Illinois, so Roscoe was a ideal competition in a center for a dual to start their business.

The code doesn’t have a normal section and trebuchet storefront, instead an online sell store and their roasts are accessible in chairman during Main Street Meat Co. in Roscoe and Bushel and Pecks in Beloit.

“They’re a internal association and that arrange of meets with a goal of ancillary not usually internal companies, though companies that share a same values we do like sourcing satisfactory trade and doing business directly with family farms,” pronounced Jackie Gennett, owner and partner of Bushel and Pecks.

Walach curates a recipes and roasts a coffee, while Kaminsky is in assign of operations. The integrate says they intend to keep a association usually to dual of them, focusing on peculiarity and flourishing a coffee village in a stateline.

Customer response has been overwhelmingly positive, according to a Kaminsky and Walach.

“There have been people that have unequivocally enjoyed a coffees,” pronounced Kaminsky.

“They know that they are tiny collection and creatively roasted each singular week and that we put a lot of caring and adore into that coffee.”

How Coffee Fueled Revolutions—And Revolutionary Ideas

Sultan Murad IV intended genocide to coffee drinkers in a Ottoman Empire. King Charles II dispatched spies to penetrate London’s coffeehouses, that he saw as a strange source of “false news.” During a Enlightenment, Voltaire, Rousseau and Isaac Newton could all be found articulate truth over coffee. The cafés of Paris easeful revolutionaries plotting a attack of a Bastille and later, served as a place authors like Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre plotted their latest books.

Ford is branch coffee rubbish into automobile parts

If America runs on Dunkin’, afterwards a cars will run on McDonald’s. 

Or, during slightest a automobile lights will be done of a quick food chain’s coffee. Starting this year, Ford skeleton to incorporate coffee deride — coffee bean skin that comes off during a roasting routine — into headlamp housing for some cars. Ford is joining with McDonald’s suppliers, given a grill sequence doesn’t fry a possess coffee. The automobile association made a announcement final December.

This is a latest instance of companies embracing sustainability initiatives as consumers turn some-more endangered about cosmetic wickedness and CO emissions. The recycling devise — that will cut down on cosmetic and appetite use — comes during a time of vigour for a automobile attention to revoke emissions and rise electric cars. 

The routine works by heating a coffee deride to high temperatures underneath low oxygen afterwards blending it with cosmetic and other additives. The element can afterwards be shaped into several shapes and is some-more durable than normal automobile parts, Ford said. 

“If we came to a lab, it looks somewhere between a landfill and a farm,” Debbie Miewelski, comparison technical personality of materials sustainability for Ford, told CNN

The final product will be 20 percent lighter, some-more fuel-efficient and save a association 25 percent some-more appetite during their manufacturing, Ford said. And, in a process, a beginning will revoke food waste, use reduction petroleum and cosmetic and reduce CO dioxide emissions. 

Ford traditionally uses cosmetic and talc to make a headlamp housing. But a coffee cars don’t use talc, that is not a renewable mineral, CNN reports. Coffee chaff, however, is widely accessible and mostly goes to waste, Miewelski told CNN. 

“This has been a priority for Ford for over 20 years,” Miewelski pronounced in a statement. “And this is an instance of burst starting a closed-loop economy, where opposite industries work together and sell materials that differently would be side or rubbish products.”

Colorado Wakes Up to Canned Hard Coffee and Caffeinated Cocktails

Coffee and wine are carrying a new adore event — in a form of tough coffee, from singular boozy and caffeinated drinks popping adult during your favorite bar to pre-packaged mixtures attack wine store shelves all over a city. Leading a internal stage is a new DBL BLK, a bottled decoction of Pablo’s Coffee cold brew and Ironton Distillery vodka.

“We continued to protest about a same dual problems: one, we adore to ski and travel yet don’t suffer beers in a morning, and two, a brunch splash stage indispensable some disruption,” says DBL BLK co-founder Matt Wickise. “So mostly during a brunch we sequence coffee and a Bloody or mimosa, so we connected the dots and motionless that mixing quality, qualification coffee along with domestic spirits would solve both of these hurdles and emanate a ideal morning drink.” 

The 3 founders of DBL BLK.

DBL BLK was founded in Colorado by Wickise and his friends, Connor Anderson and Matt Casatelli, final November. With backgrounds in solar appetite and pointing agriculture, finance, and corporate sales, they left their table jobs (or wish to, once a product takes off) to pursue a dream pursuit in splash and coffee in loyal Colorado entrepreneurial fashion.

“It embodies a suggestion of a Saturday morning on a route or during brunch with a organisation of friends,” says Wickise about a beverage. “We never illusory this as a pregame or celebration drink, nonetheless it positively works there, too. We combined it for those with an active lifestyle and clarity of adventure, and that’s what Colorado’s all about.”

The MillerCoors and La Colombe collaboration, Hard Cold Brew Coffee.

But DBL BLK isn’t a usually new caffeinated splash in a can. Late final year, La Colombe Hard Cold Brew Coffee picked Denver, Vail and Breckenridge to be a exam marketplace for a 4.2 percent ABV beverage, done in Michigan by MillerCoors in partnership with La Colombe Coffee Roasters.

“We wanted to find cities that represented opposite aspects of a consumer target, so we looked for mid-sized and vital cities with vast millennial populations with copiousness of operative professionals who lead active and bustling lifestyles,” says Nick Jessee, vocalization on interest of MillerCoors.

Booze in coffee isn’t something new; it’s been around for decades, with Irish coffee as a many famous example. Traditionally this is a prohibited crater of coffee with sugar, cream and a shot of Irish whiskey in it, that we can get with a splash of nutmeg during a Arvada Tavern (5707 Olde Wadsworth Boulevard, Arvada). The Irish coffee is mostly credited to Joe Sheridan, a cook in Ireland who popularize a cocktail in a 1940s, yet versions of this splash have been around for a lot longer in several iterations (not to discuss that fifth of whiskey your trainer keeps in their table to hide into their morning joe). Since a 19th century, a reduction of coffee and splash in France has been called a Gloria, and Vienna cafés have served an array of prohibited coffee for scarcely as prolonged as a coffee bean has been sole in Europe.

The Turkish Martini use during Ash'Kara.

There’s also a moist espresso martini, combined by London barkeeper Dick Bradsel in a late 1980s, that permeated nightclubs for many of a following decade. Plenty of bars still offer a booze today, yet versions vary. American Elm (4132 West 38th Avenue) pours a classical espresso martini with Family Jones House Vodka during brunch. But for something totally different, conduct to Ash’kara (2005 West 33rd Avenue) in LoHi, where we can indulge in a Turkish Coffee Martini. This cocktail blends vodka, espresso liqueur, Sabra (an Israeli chocolate-orange liqueur) and Generous Coffee Cold Brew, that is owned by one of a restaurant’s partners, Ben Higgins. The formidable decoction comes in a Turkish coffee pot with normal musical coffee glasses.

“I chose to put this on a menu as a approach of being witty on a nontraditional Turkish coffee service,” says Ash’Kara’s Nicole Lebedevitch. “I wanted this to be a common knowledge for a guests, either they were looking for a pick-me-up or only a approach to turn out their knowledge after dinner.”

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Many other qualification coffee cocktails have turn renouned in Denver’s bar scene. At Hudson Hill (619 East 13th Avenue) a menu enclosed countless drinks laced with cold brew, such as a City Witch and a rum-filled Rumble Fish. Death Co (1280 25th Street) in RiNo adds coffee to a Long Division and Bat Country, that can be systematic cold or hot. And Hearth Dram (1801 Wewatta Street) serves a Wayne Manor, a tequila and cold decoction creation.

Coffee porter is a java-filled anniversary specialty.EXPAND

For those on a go, inhabitant brands such as PBR canned tough coffee and Jägermeister Cold Brew Coffee, both that strike a wine shelves final summer, are also options. Coffee-infused beers are zero new, yet brewers are apropos some-more creative, with a likes of Blue Moon Iced Coffee Blonde Ale, Great Divide Brewing Co. Coffee Porter, and Avery Brewing Co. Tweak, a anniversary vigourous with coffee combined to a whiskey-barrel-aging process.

No matter how we fry it, coffee and wine have turn a thing, and we consider a adore event will get stronger over time. Wake adult to this trend now and let us know how we take your boozy coffee.

  • Booze

Hawaii Lawmakers Are Showing A Little Love For Kona Coffee

It’s been a long-lived doubt for Hawaii lawmakers: how to strengthen coffee products grown in Hawaii from inexpensive imitators stoical mostly of coffee grown elsewhere though still sole with labels like “Kona blend.”

Now, dual bills — House Bill 1886 and House Bill 1897 — are relocating by a Legislature that would tie tag mandate for coffee products temperament Hawaii place names like Kona. To be labelled with a place name like “Kona,” “Ka’u” or another region, a product would have to enclose during slightest 51% coffee from a region.

The law now lets coffee sellers get by with a meagre 10%.

One check relates to roasted coffee, a other to ready-to-drink beverages like refrigerated iced-coffee drinks.

State Rep. Richard Creagan, a authority of a House Agriculture Committee who sponsored both bills, pronounced past efforts have been stalled by a customary things that kill legislation: deep-pocketed opposition, energy struggles and celebrity dispute among lawmakers, to name a few.

Kona coffee has a certain cache, says a Big Island county legislature member. To strengthen that, lawmakers are deliberation a check that would need coffee sole underneath a Hawaii place name to enclose during slightest 50% locally grown beans.

Stewart Yerton

But this event competence be different, he said.

“There’s a lot of clarity that this is a year it’s going to pass, that it’s going to move,” pronounced Creagan, whose district includes a series of Kona coffee farms.

There’s positively copiousness of support. Dozens of coffee producers and people have testified in preference of a measures.

Contact Key Lawmakers

Rep.Richard Creagan

Among a some-more outspoken proponents is Hawaii County Council member Rebecca Villegas, whose district includes a Kona coffee flourishing region. The Kona coffee code carries poignant cache with consumers, she said. And it simply creates no clarity to concede a informal nomination to be used for a product containing usually one-tenth Kona coffee.

“I don’t know of anyone who says, ‘No, we should keep a commission during 10%,’” she said.

Past efforts have been blocked not so many by a tiny Kona coffee farmers, though by coffee sellers who boat in coffee from elsewhere, mix it with tiny amounts of Hawaii-grown coffee, and package a product as Hawaii brands.

Hawaii Coffee Co., for instance, describes itself as a world’s largest Kona coffee roaster. But it also imports immature beans from elsewhere, roasts and packages them and sells them as Hawaii brands, like Lion Coffee, or blended with 10% coffee from Kona or other Hawaii sources.

Villegas pronounced such companies have had a income and change to quarrel worse labeling laws even as they benefited from Kona coffee’s prestige. The due laws would strengthen a Kona code and assistance internal farmers, she said.

“The usually people who explain it would be a hardship are those that have grown accustomed to not being entirely pure and mislabeling what their product unequivocally is,” she said.

In truth, this session, nobody has argued many opposite a changes. The usually testimony in opposition, from a Hawaii Coffee Association, called for tightening a clarification to make transparent that “prepackaged coffee” means “prepared” coffee.

Other States Have Much Stricter Labeling

One evidence for worse labeling laws is that other states do a improved pursuit of safeguarding food and rural products. And compared to other state laws, Hawaii’s due 50% customary is modest.

Under Vermont law, for instance, “Vermont maple syrup” has to be constructed 100% in Vermont. “Idaho potatoes” have to be grown in Idaho, and it’s not OK even to indicate differently on a tag if it’s not true. “Vidalia onions” must be grown in Vidalia, Georgia. “Wisconsin cheese” has to be made in Wisconsin.

And not usually does “Tennessee whiskey” have to be done in Tennessee; it also has to be done a certain approach — filtered by maple colourless and aged in new, charred ash barrels.

Wine is so important, meanwhile, that a U.S. Congress has stepped in. Federal law mandates that names of wine-growing regions can be used on labels usually if during slightest 75% of a booze in a bottle comes from those places. But lawmakers in California have supplemented a sovereign law with worse standards to strengthen products like Napa wines.

While a labeling bills might be relocating ahead, an even worse law pushed by a coffee farmers might be stalling. That magnitude would anathema a importation of unroasted, immature coffee beans into Hawaii. Farmers contend such a law is needed to tighten a loophole in sovereign law and strengthen Hawaii crops from invasive class like coffee root rust.

The House Agriculture Committee effectively killed a House chronicle of a bill, while a Senate has nonetheless to report a conference on a companion bill, Senate Bill 2596.

Villegas pronounced blenders could still import coffee into Hawaii; they simply would have to fry it initial to assistance forestall introducing pests with a intensity to fleece one of a state’s many profitable money crops.

“It seems inconceivable to me that that would be killed,” she said.

Two Pittsburgh coffee shops to tighten during a finish of February

click to increase The Coffee Buddha in Pittsburgh's North Hills - PHOTO: COURTESY OF THE COFFEE BUDDHA

Two Pittsburgh coffee shops, Coffee Buddha and Artisan Cafe, will both tighten during a finish of this month.

Artisan Cafe, located on a bottom building of Artisan Tattoo on Penn Avenue, has been a Garfield go-to for 4 years. The cafeteria describes itself as a “forum for honest countenance of a self.” Since a beginning, Artisan has dedicated a emporium to creation space for internal artists and crafters.

“Thank we all so most for a years of support and love,” Artisan Cafe owners Tyler Bryan wrote in a amicable post. “It has been an implausible event to be partial of this smashing flourishing village and we wish to watch it continue to flourish.”

Michael Witherel, owners of Coffee Buddha, also announced a imminent closure of his North Hills emporium around amicable media. “This is a post we never wanted to make,” he began. “But here it goes.”

Witherel non-stop Coffee Buddha in 2011 with a goal of bringing a gentle and welcoming mark for all ages to a village with singular options. It was designed to be a area hub, a place to “discover movies, art, events, and, of course, all coffee-oriented.”

“Coffee Buddha was for a community, and regardless of a closure, it was a success,” Witherel writes in a post. “ A lot of memories were done here. I’ve done life-long connectors and best friends. Coffee Buddha is a reason we met and married a adore of my life. And we know what a biggest partial is? Other people can contend a same thing.

“The emporium has unequivocally been a special thing to be a partial of and grow with,” he continues. “The strange thought behind Coffee Buddha, was that it was ostensible to feel like an prolongation of your best friend’s vital room, in my mind, we achieved that.”

Witherel says that shutting a emporium is “probably a hardest decision” he has made, though hopes that Pittsburgh will hang with him until a end.

The final day for both coffee shops is scheduled to be Sat., Feb. 29.

Coffee, uninformed pastries are a sequence of a day during Yogi’s Café

Food specialties: Locally done baked products — never prepackaged — and chocolate from a Proper Chocolate Company in Ireland are Yogi’s specialties. All of a pastries are sourced from internal bakers (in Geneva, Chicago, Lemont Bolingbrook and Naperville) and change daily and seasonally. Popular choices are a scones and breads like comfort bread, done with zucchini, carrots and bananas and surfaced with walnuts.

Goshen-based coffee spit opening new café inside of South Bend barbershop



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$(‘#video-slider-nexttitle’ + fullVideoId).css(‘display’, ‘inline’);
$(‘#video-slider-nexttitle’ + fullVideoId).html(myTitle);

WVM.sendbeacon = function(action, nonInteraction, value, eventLabel) {
var eventCategory = ‘Video’;
if (window.ga) {
//console.log(“sending action: ” + movement + ” val: ” + value + ” tab ” + eventLabel);
ga(‘send’, ‘event’, {
‘eventCategory’: eventCategory,
‘eventAction’: action,
‘eventLabel’: eventLabel,
‘eventValue’: value,
‘nonInteraction’: nonInteraction

WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex = function(mediaId, returnArrayIndex){
var currId = null;
if(mediaId == null){
lapse null;
for(var x =0; x 20){
if(fullDuration 1 ((fullDuration – fullCurrent) 1) !$(‘.vjs-loading-spinner’).hasClass(‘badspinner’)){
console.log(“hiding spinner”);
var duration_time = Math.floor(this.duration());

//this is a penetrate since a finish video eventuality is not firing…
var current_time = Math.floor(this.currentTime());
if ( current_time 0 ( fullCurrent = (fullDuration – 10) )){
var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID;
var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId);
//if(playerSettings.autoplay_next newMediaId){
if(‘desktop’ == “iphone” playerState.AD_ERROR){
console.log(“skipped timeupdate end”);
WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID);

WVM.sendbeacon(‘start’, true, playerState.VIDEO_ID, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE);
playerState.START_SENT = true;

var currentTime, duration, percent, percentPlayed, _i;
currentTime = Math.round(this.currentTime());
generation = Math.round(this.duration());
percentPlayed = Math.round(currentTime / generation * 100);
for (percent = _i = 0; _i = percent __indexOf.call(playerState[‘PERCENTS_TRACKED’], percent) 0) {

player.on(‘ended’, function(){
playerState.IS_PLAYING = false;
WVM.sendbeacon(“complete”, true, playerState.VIDEO_ID, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE);
var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID;
var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId);
//if(playerSettings.autoplay_next newMediaId){
WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID);
console.log(“Playlist finish (no some-more videos)”);


player.on(‘adserror’, function(e){
WVM.lastAdRequest = new Date().getTime() / 1000;
console.log(“ads error”);

var errMessage = e[‘data’][‘AdError’][‘l’];

playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = false;
playerState.IS_PLAYING = false;

// errMessage == ‘The VAST response request is empty.’
var dTime = new Date().getTime();
WVM.firstPrerollTagUrl = WVM.getFirstPrerollUrl();
console.log(“calling backup ad tab url: ” + WVM.firstPrerollTagUrl);
WVM.activePlayer.ima.changeAdTag(WVM.firstPrerollTagUrl + “?” + dTime);

// src: masterSrc,
// type: ‘video/mp4’
//WVM.firstPrerollTagUrl = “”;
playerState.AD_ERROR = true;

player.on(‘error’, function(event) {
if (player.error().code === 4) {
player.error(null); // transparent out a aged error
player.options().sources.shift(); // dump a top dominance source
console.log(“now doing src”);
player.src(player.options().sources[0]); // retry

player.on(‘volumechange’, function(event) {

var theHeight = $(‘#media-container-‘ + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ‘ .vjs-volume-level’).css(‘height’);
var cssVolume = 0;
cssVolume = parseInt(theHeight.replace(‘%’, ”));
var theVolume = player.volume();
if(theVolume 0.0 || cssVolume 0){
$(‘#media-container-‘ + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ‘ .mute-overlay’).css(‘display’, ‘none’);
$(‘#media-container-‘ + playerState.ORIGINAL_ID + ‘ .mute-overlay’).css(‘display’, ‘block’);
}, 2000);
WVM.rawCompleteEvent = function(e){
var playerState = WVM[‘player_state115297’];
WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent = function(e){
var playerState = WVM[‘player_state115297’];
var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById(‘html5-video-‘ + playerState[‘ORIGINAL_ID’] + ‘_html5_api’);
var fullCurrent = rawVideoElem.currentTime * 1000;
var fullDuration = rawVideoElem.duration * 1000;
var current_time = Math.floor(rawVideoElem.currentTime);
console.log(“raw timeupdate: ” + fullCurrent + ” out of ” + fullDuration);

if ( current_time 0 ( fullCurrent = (fullDuration – 50) )){
var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID;
var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId);
console.log(“loading new video from rawtimeupdate”);
WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID);

WVM.reinitRawEvents = function(playerId){
var playerState = WVM[‘player_state’ + playerId];
var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById(‘html5-video-‘ + WVM[‘player_state’ + playerId][‘ORIGINAL_ID’] + ‘_html5_api’);

if( WVM[‘player_state’ + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT){
rawVideoElem.removeEventListener(‘ended’, WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false);
rawVideoElem.addEventListener(‘ended’, WVM.rawCompleteEvent, false);

if( WVM[‘player_state’ + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT){
rawVideoElem.removeEventListener(‘ended’, WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false);
rawVideoElem.addEventListener(‘ended’, WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false);

WVM[‘player_state’ + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT = true;
WVM[‘player_state’ + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT = true;


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SOUTH BEND, Ind.—Twelve years ago, Michiana local Chris May started roasting coffee in a popcorn popper.

May had spent 20 years operative on a public line in trailer factories and for him, coffee lighted a bravery he indispensable to try something new.

“Coffee was my approach out,” May said.

May pronounced he was only perplexing to find a approach to support his adore of good coffee as a newlywed with debt. So he motionless to learn a qualification himself.

“I started researching what we could and we never looked back. we never knew that we would be formulation café’s and apportionment coffees, we was only roasting as a home fan for a adore of what we was doing,” May said.

In 2016, May non-stop his boutique coffee café, Embassy Coffee Co., during 209 W. Lincoln Ave. in Goshen, apportionment adult singular coffee blends, artisans toasts, organic juices, smoothies and discerning bites like cookies and oatmeal.

“We’ve wanted to join a South Bend village only in a approach of qualification for about 5 years now, and Ethan De Nolf reached out to us and gave us what his thought was and invited us to come in and be a partial of it,” May said.

May and his group have helped De Nolf renovate a apportionment of a barbershop, located during 435 S. Michigan St. in South Bend into a café, that will shortly offer as Embassy’s second location.

Embassy Coffee Co. will work during a daytime while De Nolf’s Barbershop opens adult in a evening.

May has been roasting coffee for years, a hobby that started as a approach for him to save money. 

The new cafeteria inside of De Nolf’s Barbershop can chair between 20 and 25 people during a time.

De Nolf’s Barbershop is located during 435 S. Michigan St. in South Bend.

May pronounced a new café will underline Embassy’s coffee products as good as baked products from The Ragamuffin.

“We’ll decoction a possess coffee here. Retail-wise, we’ll have kettles, bags, brewing apparatus for we to decoction during home, and preparation if we need it so we can save income and decoction during home, closely in your possess space,” May said.

As for a singular partnership, May forked out that a cafeteria and barbershop twin is partial of a incomparable trend, with identical models already in operation in places like Indianapolis and New York City.

Embassy Coffee Co. is set to open inside of De Nolf’s by a finish of February, May said, adding that a emporium is now going by final inspections.

The café will be open Monday by Saturday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and sealed on Sundays.

“We wish a good coffee sourroundings and conversation. We only wish to get to know you,” May said. “South Bend, we’re prepared for you!”

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