To perspective this video greatfully capacitate JavaScript, and cruise upgrading to a web browser that
supports HTML5 video
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blunder : function(){
console.log(“Error loading video”);
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WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex = function(mediaId, returnArrayIndex){
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lapse null;
for(var x =0; x 20){
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console.log(“hiding spinner”);
var duration_time = Math.floor(this.duration());
//this is a penetrate since a finish video eventuality is not firing…
var current_time = Math.floor(this.currentTime());
if ( current_time 0 ( fullCurrent = (fullDuration – 10) )){
var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID;
var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId);
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console.log(“skipped timeupdate end”);
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WVM.sendbeacon(‘start’, true, playerState.VIDEO_ID, playerState.VIDEO_TITLE);
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player.on(‘ended’, function(){
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console.log(“Playlist finish (no some-more videos)”);
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console.log(“ads error”);
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playerState.AD_IS_PLAYING = false;
playerState.IS_PLAYING = false;
// errMessage == ‘The VAST response request is empty.’
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// src: masterSrc,
// type: ‘video/mp4’
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console.log(“now doing src”);
player.src(player.options().sources[0]); // retry
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var theVolume = player.volume();
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WVM.rawCompleteEvent = function(e){
var playerState = WVM[‘player_state115297’];
WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent = function(e){
var playerState = WVM[‘player_state115297’];
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var current_time = Math.floor(rawVideoElem.currentTime);
console.log(“raw timeupdate: ” + fullCurrent + ” out of ” + fullDuration);
if ( current_time 0 ( fullCurrent = (fullDuration – 50) )){
var currId = playerState.VIDEO_ID;
var newMediaId = WVM.getNextPlaylistIndex(currId);
console.log(“loading new video from rawtimeupdate”);
WVM.load_video(newMediaId, true, playerState.ORIGINAL_ID);
WVM.reinitRawEvents = function(playerId){
var playerState = WVM[‘player_state’ + playerId];
var rawVideoElem = document.getElementById(‘html5-video-‘ + WVM[‘player_state’ + playerId][‘ORIGINAL_ID’] + ‘_html5_api’);
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rawVideoElem.removeEventListener(‘ended’, WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false);
rawVideoElem.addEventListener(‘ended’, WVM.rawTimeupdateEvent, false);
WVM[‘player_state’ + playerId].COMPLETE_EVENT = true;
WVM[‘player_state’ + playerId].TIMEUPDATE_EVENT = true;
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SOUTH BEND, Ind.—Twelve years ago, Michiana local Chris May started roasting coffee in a popcorn popper.
May had spent 20 years operative on a public line in trailer factories and for him, coffee lighted a bravery he indispensable to try something new.
“Coffee was my approach out,” May said.
May pronounced he was only perplexing to find a approach to support his adore of good coffee as a newlywed with debt. So he motionless to learn a qualification himself.
“I started researching what we could and we never looked back. we never knew that we would be formulation café’s and apportionment coffees, we was only roasting as a home fan for a adore of what we was doing,” May said.
In 2016, May non-stop his boutique coffee café, Embassy Coffee Co., during 209 W. Lincoln Ave. in Goshen, apportionment adult singular coffee blends, artisans toasts, organic juices, smoothies and discerning bites like cookies and oatmeal.
“We’ve wanted to join a South Bend village only in a approach of qualification for about 5 years now, and Ethan De Nolf reached out to us and gave us what his thought was and invited us to come in and be a partial of it,” May said.
May and his group have helped De Nolf renovate a apportionment of a barbershop, located during 435 S. Michigan St. in South Bend into a café, that will shortly offer as Embassy’s second location.
Embassy Coffee Co. will work during a daytime while De Nolf’s Barbershop opens adult in a evening.
May has been roasting coffee for years, a hobby that started as a approach for him to save money.
The new cafeteria inside of De Nolf’s Barbershop can chair between 20 and 25 people during a time.
De Nolf’s Barbershop is located during 435 S. Michigan St. in South Bend.
May pronounced a new café will underline Embassy’s coffee products as good as baked products from The Ragamuffin.
“We’ll decoction a possess coffee here. Retail-wise, we’ll have kettles, bags, brewing apparatus for we to decoction during home, and preparation if we need it so we can save income and decoction during home, closely in your possess space,” May said.
As for a singular partnership, May forked out that a cafeteria and barbershop twin is partial of a incomparable trend, with identical models already in operation in places like Indianapolis and New York City.
Embassy Coffee Co. is set to open inside of De Nolf’s by a finish of February, May said, adding that a emporium is now going by final inspections.
The café will be open Monday by Saturday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and sealed on Sundays.
“We wish a good coffee sourroundings and conversation. We only wish to get to know you,” May said. “South Bend, we’re prepared for you!”
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